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Being the community builder and considering ive been away for a while ive noticed a lot of new names. so its jus right i introduce myself so big hello to you all and happy postings. And you will be seeing a lot of me!!!
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I know a few peeps on here (they ordered me 2 join after our Sunday nite of madness), so how are all you lovely people and what did u all get up to over the long w/end??
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Tara you silly moo - how many more messages about "check your PMs" are we gonna get off you?!!!! hehehe - only joking babes! Actually I'm installing a new hack soon which will show if you've got new PMs on the front page summary... James
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whos the foxy chick? hope the link works....
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No its superwhore AKA housewhore, disco slag, twisted terser, house hazard, dico dancer, dirty demon, captain clitoris, funkey junkey, wise wizard, music munger !!! Yes its me im back from Africa the houseworhe is in full effect. Ive been itchin and dying to talk [censored] like a bitch with flees on crack so what have i missed my club the world crusaders ???
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Oh get well soon, never chatted to u but really would like 2 **mwah**
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Ugly mug now on profile ! Cheers for that James .
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mos was brill, but when i was on the podium towards the end of the nite i got chatted up by another girl. She asked me 2 go home with her an her b/friend and proceeded to tell me she fancied me!!!!! funny or what?
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Just wanted to ask if anyone knows of cures for the midweek blues?! Man is it hard, i never usually get this bad but a few tips would be very welcome! I'm usually such a happy chappy! .. .. .. ..
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1) - excellent web site containing bullshit free information on drugs 2) These sites were recommended to me by Jim Barnard who I met on the train back from Liverpool one weekend. Jim is one of the associate editors for the SMMGP 'Network' newsletter (Substance Misuse Management In General Practice). I spent about 3 hours talking to Jim and he provided me with some invaluable information which is greatly appreciated. If you would like to contact Jim directly & in confidence you can email him on or via his website: James
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Hi all Just a message to let you all know that Ministry last night was awesome. Dave and Ferry both played absolute blinders and the whole club was packed with sound people, sweating profusly and gurning their faces off. I crawled into bed at 8.30 this morning and am still pretty [censored] now. am certainly not looking forward to work tomorrow. How was Garlands?? Gonna have to get up there soon. nice 1 geezas bruvva
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If u had to choose, what would it be ..... ? I don't have to answer this as i created the topic I love em both, but i guess id lean slightly towards trance Post Now :
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on message board today its been decided to go to sundiessential north if u go to gmtdi site flyer is there need names so we can organise coach or maybe coaches yey bring on the hard house yey love to all garlandsboi xxx
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Hey all, get in the chat room now coz I'm bored of talking to myself! LOL
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Some git has voted me low today ?!! Reckon it's Creamy - he's obviously deserted the board?!! hehehe James [ 08 May 2002, 17:44: Message edited by: James ]
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Meet me in the chat room now if you still here! Im in the blue chat room
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Hi Roz, welcome to the brood, I reckon I'll be part of the Amsterdam trip when it happens so as Beaker says, get all your mates out, let's make it a big one
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I prefer a good old chicken tikka massala down the local indian or the full works at the chinky ! KFC - Nice but too Expensive (Sex after a rave though ! And OPEN TILL ALL HOURS ! McDonalds - Boring and food getting crappy all the time . Burger King - Best Burger Bar by far, but too expensive ??
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Neil - Beckie told me to ask you when you're finally gonna get up there to see her! Perhaps you could come up with us next time ? James
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Is anyone still up for it? I don't have a ticket yet, but will get one if people are going. Sounds like a wicked night so I hope some of you are.
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Im back! Oh yes, my comp may be working now, so you can look forward to more inane, insane, and.....damn, oh well, I'm back is all sigster
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Yo peeps, myself and my dancing dude would just like to say to a big fat HAPPY BANK HOLIDAY WEEKEND! I know everyone is doing different things over the weekend so here goes: The Liverpool Weekenders Crew: Give it large peeps even though I'm sure I dont even have to say that, Beaker, behave yourself with the ladies dude, you know what I mean James and Paul are also up for this mad 4 day event! I would name the others but theres far too many and I've only got an hour left!! The MinistryOfSound Peeps: Have a blinder, this is gonna be a top night, good luck to Du MondeRaver with your tickets mate, Active, hopefully you'll meet up with the fellow members fr…
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New MSN address which I finally been able to set up!!!!! It is as follows: I thank you!
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Hay guys, Im from NZ and im on my way to London in 2 weeks Im a DJ here in New Zealand and cant wait to PARTY HARD! in the UK, glad i found this site you all sound like hard core clubbers WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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A flim producer approaches you and asks you they want to do a film on your life and you get to choose who you want to play you in the film, so... What famous film star superstar would you like to play you???
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Yeah i would be willing, but I cant do anything about it for another two weeks cos I've got lots of work to do. Thats probably no use, but if there's a next time, then I'll give it a bash. What kind of CD anyway? whose music ? (did i spell 'whose' wrong...? hmmm) Sure you'll find someone on alt.trance willing to do it. (though some peeps there make some nice music, but then have an unbelievably shite logo or website. sig
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