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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by Signum,

    Hey peeps, OK thats it. While the rest of my mates are off to the local pop palace this friday, I, am off to the Arches, Glasgows superclub, to hear Judge Jules. I am tired of [censored] music. Its gonna be great. I am looking in to the 18th currently James & Creamy, the arches has a monthly house night on, which may not be your cup of, um tea, but there are a couple of other big clubs with cool trance nights. Wish me fun! This is the end of [censored] nights out, and the start of something great. See ya!

    • 4 replies
  2. Started by Sophie,

    creamy, where did you get those awfull peeing monkeys from????

    • 9 replies
  3. Started by CreamyC,

    I'm thinking of changing my name and I need you, the Super Clubbers help in helping me decide what name I should go for, here are the contenders.... Playboy Creamy Rastafarian Creamy King Creamy Loser Creamy Clubber Creamy Pornstar Creamy NightFly Creamy Please suggest your own but be nice peeps, and please, no smart arse commnets like Wanker Creamy coz I already know that anyway so you're just not funny okay!

    • 16 replies
  4. Started by TidyTraxGrant,

    Any of u smoke ?? I have been now for just over 2 yrs, ive tried givin up 3x and almost completely did until my car got robbed and i started again! Addictive Bastards Bensons and most expensive wish id never of started and more importantly there a pain in the arse when ya ravin without burnin someone !!!

    • 7 replies
  5. Started by lms21live,

    just added bugged out to the calendar...on the wrong date....anyone want to rectify it for me...ill just grab my dunce hat........

    • 2 replies
  6. Started by lms21live,

    hello there peeps.....thought id be landing on a board of strangers over here.... to those of you i know ....and to those who i dont ... ahoy!!!

    • 21 replies
  7. Started by TidyTraxGrant,

    I used to be TidyTraxGrant ! Nuff said ! I still want 'Tidy Trax' on the back of the old ctw shirt though !

    • 1 reply
  8. Started by Signum,

    wow this place really dies on a saturday. ah well, i've still got mr wavey for company cya!

    • 2 replies
  9. Started by CreamyC,

    Hey Clubber Bubbers! Please welcome my new Walking Dude family, introductions one by one....... And last but by no means least, meet my Pissing Monkey Friends..... Bill & Ben, The Monkey Men And thats the family folks!!!! [ 26 April 2002, 16:46: Message edited by: CreamyC ]

    • 1 reply
  10. Started by TidyTraxGrant,

    I think we should all give James & Creamy a big pat on the back for coming so far in such a short space of time. Im not on the site as much as i'd like to be , but have certainly noticed a huge change from when i first joined (Before the days of the Liverpool Massive even ! ) Its good you've acheived exactly what you wanted too lads and itsd definitely worth mentionin, so CONGRATS ! Well Done . Grant .

    • 4 replies
  11. Started by CreamyC,


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  12. Started by ajfrench,

    Having tried Garlands website, it was re-directed to www.hotchilli.com which must be their host...is everyone else getting this...? AJ

  13. Started by Housewhore,

    To all the CTW members i was wondering what you prefer to do. When your out in a club would you prefer doing the Hard House hustle Or do you prefer Dirty disco dancing??? Personally im a funky junky and will always be disco slagging!!!

    • 12 replies
  14. Started by Housewhore,

    Friday-had few beers jus a bit of a warm up Saturday- oh my gosh blinding nite at garlands with the CTW crew hope you enjoyed yourselves Sunday- time to relax

  15. Well basically mine was cause my friends said id shag anything that was asociated to house music, so they names me housewhore!!! How about you???

  16. Started by Housewhore,

    My names William Worthington, But my mates call me Billy bosh bosh bang bang whoosh whoosh hover and horns wortho!!!

  17. omg, i hope its ok.

    • 5 replies
  18. Started by James,

    The committed clubbers who a) Wanna club everyweek Want to try as many new clubs as humanly possible c) Will travel anywhere d) Get goose-bumps everytime you hear 'those tunes' e) Have to listen to music for at least 2 hours per day are so far... London James CreamyC Coppa Liverpool Beaker HouseWhore Debiy Beckie (in la la land) Dave Katie(UK80) Claire Daddy Fish Danni Brighton Rob (DJ Freano) GlitterBabe Newcastle Ric Unknown Location eBoi Benji Please reply to this topic so we can build …

  19. Started by CreamyC,

    I think I'll start off the proceedings with a brand new game! And what better way to start by appropriately using the word I think best applies to the particular people in FAILING to bring down the forum!!! "Losers" [ 18 April 2002, 13:53: Message edited by: CreamyC ]

    • 103 replies
  20. Started by James,

    Met this guy called Jim Barnard on the train the other day had a very interesting conversation. Anyway he pointed me to several sites of interest which I'm sure some clubbers out there will find of interest; http://www.checkyourlife.com http://www.urban75.net http://www.smmgp.co.uk - this is Jim Barnards site James [ 24 April 2002, 17:55: Message edited by: James ]

    • 3 replies
  21. Started by eBoi,

    Hiya.. Im NEW.. !! www.eboi.freeservers.com if ya like wot ya see.. then come a calling . if ya hate wot ya see.. then lend me a fiver to get some friends!

    • 3 replies
  22. Started by Tara,

    I have just phoned up Heaven about getting tickets and they have SOLD OUT!!!! I am going to check the listings for somewhere else to go friday, possibly Peach? Anyone have any other ideas?????

    • 9 replies
  23. Started by RHCC,

    alright girls and boys, i just signed up recently. i no soph anyway pretty well. she did very well in getting me to get on your site. (maybe make her london rep?!) she really didnt pay me to say that. anyway just sayin hi

    • 5 replies
  24. Started by Tara,

    Hey, do any of you guys have ICQ? I tried to get msn messenger but it was rejected by my PC yet again, so I got this instead! All I need now is some contacts!

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  25. Started by Lia,

    Hiya peeps What did you all do this weekend? i had a quiet one as my money was drained for Gatecrasher! I stayed at my mates house on saturday night as she had a house party! still got wrecked! and then sunday was a right off! What did you all do? Lia x

    • 6 replies
  26. Started by CreamyC,

    Everyone should be honest on this forum, after all this is what a forum is all about, everyones personal views about certain things, why should people be scared of saying what the [censored] they think just because someone else dont like it! Anyway, I'm gonna start the ball rolling with the most talked about subject I reckon so far when talking to people in general! Unfortunately in London as James has discovered as well we have whats known as BOUNCERS / DOORMEN / SECRUTIY / WANKERS etc! Firstly, why the [censored] do these pricks have to walk around with stupid poxy earsets on! Does it make you think you're hard? Do you see anyone anywhere else around the count…

    • 6 replies
  27. Started by CreamyC,

    Okay people this is serious [censored], I've seen a few posts on here and there are smilies that I haven't got! WHY NOT???? I've seen a fish that Fish has used and James is using one where a saw goes cruelly through Mr Smiley Mans head, its a bit violent but I like it BUT WHERE IS IT??? Dammit I cant find it anywhere!

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  28. Started by James,

    Did you remove the topic from 'producer' ?! I thought it was ok ! James

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  29. Started by TidyTraxGrant,

    I'm tempted to change my username as a tribute to these two Gods ! DuMonde = Two German Trance DJ's and fcuk me, there brand of trance is untouched, i have never heard such militanty tunes in all my days ! Please Download : DuMonde : Never Look Back (Tiesto Mix) Although the original is very similar .

  30. Started by Housewhore,

    Ive got some very bad news for some of you from the board, im gonna be gone for a couple of weeks or even a month as there has been a family tragedy. Even worse wont be able to make it to my own nite Cookie Dough so for all of you after friday its gonna be bye bye for now. And remember support the cookie dough revolution!!!

    • 8 replies
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