General Discussion
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whos had it done who hasnt and whats your views iv been doing reserch and alot of lads i know have never had it done to them and do you think i should start a nipple licking/sucking booth for thr poor people of hull
- 14 replies
whos who? who is the site tosser? who is the site hottie? who is the site hardnut?
- 54 replies
it's the weekend time to party so put your hands up come on everybody!!
- 29 replies
...or tomorrow for that matter? unfortunately i am still in a period of detox
- 8 replies
Is your avatar gonna ejaculate soon? He's been at it for weeks now.
- 1 reply
GONE IN 60 SECS Aug 10 2004 Pubs' timer locks to stop women lingering in loos TOILET cubicle doors which spring open after 60 seconds are being brought in by a pub chain fed up with slowcoach women. The mechanism - dubbed Bog Off - is designed to stop gossiping girls hogging the loo while a queue builds up. Pub chain Brannigans found that the queue for the ladies was the top complaint for women enjoying a night out. The second biggest moan was from women who lose their shoes after taking off uncomfortable high heels while dancing. Now Brannigans expect to have the new loos in operation by Christmas. A spokesman said: 'Despite scor…
- 28 replies
Why is this back? Some topics may be of interest/informative, but the majority appeal to the young and immature who want to scream about how good at they are at this and how much they can do that. Not being funny, but I am sure most of the maturer ladies on here would agree, bragging about what you can do or have done just makes you out to look like a slag. An example being having an avatar of your tits! I mean it really is just asking for trouble. I feel you can be open minded but there are limits. If anything, I am concerned about the kids that do this, thinking it's fun and feeling like they are all grown up. WRONG, 16 is not grown up and you will realise thi…
- 106 replies
Facing bit of a problem to be honest guys, all of my motivation for work seems to have dissapeared !! From the moment I enter the office I am on countdown, have got loads of oppertunities to ' better ' myself but have as of yet not taken them up. How do I get it back ?? Do any of you feel like this ?? I know that it sounds silly, but do you think that it could have something to do with the weather ?? It has rained solid here for over a week now !!!!
- 16 replies
Stevie Wonder is in Tokyo and has just finished playing his Seventies classic Sir Duke. The crowd is still going wild when a young man at the front says, "You, Stevie Wonder, you play a jazz chord! Play a jazz chord!" So Stevie plays an F# minor on his keyboard and goes off on a jazz riff. The Japanese man says, "No Stevie Wonder, you play a jazz chord!" So Stevie tries an A and off he goes with the band on this amazing improvised moment. When he's finished, the lad says, "No Stevie, a jazz chord, a jazz chord!" By now old Stevie is a little confused. "What do you mean, play a jazz chord? I've just done 2 for you..?" he says to the…
- 2 replies
what really makes you squirm? For me, anything to do with eyeballs, or being in a big car crash
- 12 replies
both are great bands, who have super duper debeut albums! but....which one is better? its too hard to call for me
- 6 replies
what is the definition of this? I figured it must be straight forward but then there are so many what-ifs.. for example lesbians.. they have sex right but there's not actually anything to penetrate with - nothing they have naturally anyway! and what about anal sex.. what if a girl has had anal sex but not regular sex? and gay men - what if they've taken it but never given it? Am I right in saying there is no speficic definition of this?
- 15 replies