General Discussion
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Yet again there seems to be alot of attitude flying around the board. People getting their backs up and taking offence at comments not directed at them. I just dont understand it sometimes.
- 23 replies
hello guys! My address has been pm'ed your way!
- 2 replies
Will be sending out in 2 weeks!!!! PM ME!!!!!!!!!
- 5 replies
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Traces of the anti-depressant Prozac have been found in the drinking water supply, setting off alarm bells with environmentalists concerned about potentially toxic effects. The Observer said that a report by the government's environment watchdog found Prozac was building up in river systems and groundwater used for drinking supplies. The exact quantity of Prozac in the drinking water was unknown, but the Environment Agency's report concluded Prozac could be potentially toxic in the water table. Experts say that Prozac finds its way into rivers and water systems from treated sewage water, and some believe the drugs could affect reproductive ability. A s…
- 14 replies
I had 2 go to hospital 2 day because as i was drilling in work and the drill bit snapped and went straight into my thumb when it was still turning, cut so deep the drill bit bounced off my bone and had 2 have 4 stitches (fuck its hard 2 type), it well hurts, dont wish it on any 1
- 8 replies
Yuk no iv never regrade myself.. or Its all fun for a quicky or Best place ever
- 18 replies
Is anyone else on this??? Hot or not I forgot I was but kether just dared me to go on babe or minger and it made me think of it? who else was sad enough to post on it and how well are u all doing?
- 67 replies
no posts for over an hour. its a sad day.
- 16 replies
My wardrobe pole has collapsed - what do I do guys ??? I know this sounds silly but I really haven't got a clue, do I need a new pole or a new wardrobe, where do I get it from ? Is there a sevice that will come and repair it for me ?? Am I gonna have to do it myself ? Any advice will be greatly apprecited, but I am NOT getting rid of any clothes xx
- 8 replies
'ello 'elllo 'elllo... ummm... not exactly a newbie... but ummm, ain't been around for well, a hell of a long time.... erm... t'was a regullarish member on't board before the server knackered itself a while back..and ain't really been on new style board much since... umm, until now some random's that i've noticed still on here might remember me...umm, yeah, so to ya' fuckwit's that do do...and to those that don't have a jmmy chew who the fuck i am anyways.... alwight' !
- 41 replies
For Bookings, mix cds or even to drop me a message then please check out my new website, it needs a couple of bits finishing but will be done by the end of next week, could you please give me feedback on it to. Cheers.
- 14 replies
When a guy cums inside you.. Do you .. A: Run to the loo and clean yourself B: Quick wipe & ready to go again C: Let it dripple out D: Play with it E: Make him clean his mess up ???????????????
just a shame i have to cut my enjoyment early and go to bed. (the 6am start is gonna kill me) been in a good mood all day today. must be that time of the month
- 9 replies
I use Bit Torrent quite frequently to d/l films and muzik but I usually leave my PC on all night until the d/l finishes, however my PC has now been moved into my room and I cant leave it on all night now. So what I wanna know is if Im half-way through d/l on BT and I turn my PC off will the d/l resume when I turn it back on or will it start all over again??? Cheers
- 9 replies
What was it and did you get away with it? Mine was before I was even a year old and it was a public order offense. I defecated in public, luckily nobody reported me to the police. *phew*
- 26 replies
Favourite position.....? Favourite place.....? Favourite Hole.....?