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Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. .. threesome ?

  2. Started by x-treme,

    this week on www.x-tremebeatz.com live from 6pm on thursday 12 th august thursday : 6pm-8pm --- Dj Dubya - oldskool hardcore 90-93 and breakbeat 8pm-10pm --- Dj Frakton - d n b and hiphop friday : 6pm-8pm --- Dj Hooky 8pm-10pm --- Dj Ganjaman 10pm-12am --- Dj Dubya saturday : 4am-6am --- rob brisk 6am-8am --- skittles 12pm-2pm ---madisons 2pm-4pm ---epik/elite 4pm-6pm --- jon bond 6pm-8pm --- Dj Skitzophrenic 8pm-10pm --- Dj Mr Meana 10pm-12am --- Dj Arius sunday : 12pm-2pm --- Dj Torpedo …

    • 0 replies
  3. Guest Kether
    Started by Guest Kether,

    I'd say it's a toss up between Thin Lizzy - Whiskey in the Jar or The Smiths - This Charming Man. Whiskey in the Jar is simply elegant but oh so effective and catchy whereas this Charming Man is nothing other than pure genius.

    • 14 replies
  4. Started by edinburgh_angel,

    hey just thought id say hi an that im new haha guess u figured that already. cat xxx

  5. Started by 2funkedup,


  6. Started by LTM,

    Fuck started my head last night. Never again.

    • 6 replies
  7. Guest Kether
    Started by Guest Kether,

    On the flipside I'm now the father to my half-brother.

    • 3 replies
  8. Started by squeakage,

    before you're entitled to apear on Oprea for being promiscuous? (taking into consideration age gender etc)

    • 5 replies
  9. Started by LTM,

    Are there any girls on here that can squirt for England?

    • 3 replies
  10. Started by russelldust,

    just listening to Tiesto's 'Just Be' (which is massively growing on me, apart from Adaggio for Strings) and one of the tracks is clearly Thom Yorke. I love Radiohead, but I think I love his voice even more. It is haunting and seems like an extra instrument. Does anyone really object to his singing voice? If so, why?

    • 3 replies
  11. Started by The Girl Called Hayley,

    So whos tried there own cum?? Truthfully? Its prob wise to guess most us female have but what about you males? Have you tried your own cum? If so what did you think of it?

  12. Started by LTM,

    Who are you on the avatar? Cos the girl on the left looks like Paris Hilton? Or maybe I'm just tripping.

  13. Started by Dizzy,

    having a smut forum is a bad idea, because it just builds people up to be filthy dirty fuckers, then when you actually get round to fucking them (which - let's face it - is a pretty commonplace occurrance with people on here), they turn out to be either a ) romantic, b ) crap, or c ) too off their face to remember all the promises they made to you of smacking you around the face with their (rarely) big (if you're lucky) hard cock, and coming up your nostrils, or some such thing. Just haven't been on CTW in ages, and am seeing a pattern emerging on this particular forum of people doing the "i pretend to be all cutesy and innocent when really i love having a cock in my…

    • 23 replies
  14. Started by 2funkedup,

    i love giving, it helps me feel like im helping the world but whats your opinion

    • 0 replies
  15. Started by Shaney R,

    So who out of you ladies are shaven in the downstairs department, and if not would u do it?

    • 26 replies
  16. Started by Aaron,


    • 0 replies
  17. An oil tanker, carrying 1.48 million barrels of Aroma therapy oil, has caught ablaze 6 miles off the coast of Australia. Leading to wide scale peace and a sense of well being for those living down wind from the incident.

    • 0 replies
  18. Started by squeakage,

    I love the idea of this nice easy watching film to end the weekend she's all that this week Romeo and Juliet next week quality!

    • 8 replies
  19. Started by Lisa,

    Find out!!

  20. Started by LTM,


    • 2 replies
  21. Started by LTM,

    Why you complaining you're hating us? When I bust all you see is dust. I wouldn't stress but I'm serious. Suicide and dangerous. Aiiiiiiii

    • 3 replies
  22. Started by Lisa,

    Your thoughts??? HERE!! LONDON (Reuters) - They say blondes have more fun, but redheads will have the edge on Sunday when they get into London Zoo for free to view a rare new-born ginger-coloured monkey. The endangered south east Asian Francois Langur monkey, called Laa Laa, has typical baby orange fur which in six months will turn a glossy black. London Zoo said 9,500 red-heads had already downloaded free vouchers from its Web Site www.GingerSunday.co.uk. "It has been very popular. We will accept all shades of red, auburn, titian, ginger, you name it," a Zoo spokesman said. Ginger Sunday will also allow red-heads, often the butt of jokes…

    • 6 replies
  23. Started by Bushy,

    I'm off for my first round of golf of the year, wish me luck!

    • 13 replies
  24. Started by Tina_g,

    hi hunny it was good to finally meet up wiv you though it was only briefly how are you??

    • 5 replies
  25. Started by James,

    I DARE someone to reply to this post with an experience ... ... actually please DONT :s

  26. Started by commonclubber,

    who is here then?

    • 13 replies
  27. Started by Aaron,

    Watersports!? I'm beginning to think Steph might have done this one lol

  28. Started by Shaney R,

    Do you like men pulling out near climax and Cumming on your face????

  29. Started by Steph,

    Do you let them do it? I think its funny but i don't really like it... Unless im feeling very dirty

  30. Started by Steph,

    Ever had one? I have.... all i can say is... oh my god

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