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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by Tara,

    Where is everybody? I'm guessing the majority are at Dance Valley (or stranded at the airport - Bunnykins ElsXbells and co.) whats everyone up to on this fine sunny day? I'm spending most of the day on my roof garden listening to PVD taking it easy to prepare for tonight.

    • 11 replies
  2. Guest Jay
    Started by Guest Jay,


    • 10 replies
  3. Guest Kether
    Started by Guest Kether,

    It's a beautiful tool, much like my cock but it's probably a lit but more enjoyable to sit on a dictionary.

    • 5 replies
  4. Started by Aaron,

    Bet on Jason to Win bigbrother but have lost 85 quids worth of potential winnings. Only a fiver stake tho

    • 13 replies
  5. Started by Louise,

    just thought id say see-ya to you all been having some problems with a few people (3 to be exact) which has been getting worse in the past few months, think i finally realised it was never gonna get better when someone had access to my account & passed around private stuff that was in my PMs although i have had suspisions for a months that someone was reading them but was never able to prove it.......but someone proved it for me this week its been annoying me & phil so much that much its been causeing problems between us & the only way its gonna get solved is if one of us leaves & as phil has got so much from CTW its only fair that i leave so …

    • 30 replies
  6. Started by Tidy Tart,

    who else is awake on this friday morning?

  7. Guest Jay
    Started by Guest Jay,


    • 5 replies
  8. Started by Lisa,

    How would you see it happening?? IE: How many rooms, what genres, what dj line-ups, what special extras etc etc??

    • 65 replies
  9. Started by Lisa,

    Games to blame?? I personally dont think so, I think it's the people who are violent, but what are your thoughts??

    • 37 replies
  10. Started by Shaney R,

    Another terrible incident @ Global Gathering, wats it all coming to?? the worse night of my life!!!!!!!! Well, what can i say After turning up at the event at about 5 o clock i was greeted with a very frisky search so quick that i wasn't even searched!!!!!! The reason Im writing this was coz i had to be taken out the event for my own security! why? coz 5 black blokes chased me with a knife!!!!!!!!! Yes, a knife then as i was cornered one black bloke showed me a gun and started waving at me from about 20 meters away!!! It all started as I was really enjoying my night during the tiesto set and i was walking through the crowd and i slightly skimm…

    • 24 replies
  11. Guest Kether
    Started by Guest Kether,

    CAPRICORN You are conservative and afraid of taking risks. You are basically chickenshit There has never been a Capricorn of any importance. You should kill yourself. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AQUARIUS You have an inventive mind and are inclined to be progressive. You lie a great deal. On the other hand you are inclined to be careless and impractical Everyone thinks you are a fucking jerk . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PISCES You have a vivid imagination and often think you axe being followed by the FBI or CIA. You…

    • 10 replies
  12. Started by Louise,

    is there any way i can bookmark or log posts for future reference?

  13. Started by russelldust,

    Dance Valley tickets

    • 6 replies
  14. Started by James,

    Happy Birthday and I'll see you this w/e !

    • 0 replies
  15. Guest Jay
    Started by Guest Jay,

    QUOTE "When going out with non clubbing m8's, inevitably we have large debates and changes of plan about where to go. One of the cool things about CTW is that i know that if I want to go out on a particular night, i know i won't have to make any decisions, take part in debates, ring people up and persuade them, if I don't want too. Simply check out the board and turn up." Big_ee69, 4/10/2002 Big EE not liking debates. Hmmmmm

    • 11 replies
  16. Started by Aaron,

    James, I speak on behalf of all the dirty gits on here. We believe there is far too much filth spread across all the forums, and think it would be much better to have it all in one place... The Smutt Forum. That way if anyone would like to think, speak disgusting stuff, they can go in there and knock one/themselves out (delete as appropriate), without poluting the rest of CTW with their sordid little ways. Please can you sort one out for us? Aaron For and on behalf of the Club the world Smutt Comunity

    • 10 replies
  17. Started by Lisa,

    Happy burpday gorgeous, have an excellent day xxxx

    • 8 replies
  18. Guest Kether
    Started by Guest Kether,

    • 7 replies
  19. Started by Dawn,

    Happy Birthday Was great spending time with you an Sam again Don't think he comes on here now but was worth the post ... Top Man he is

    • 15 replies
  20. Guest Jay
    Started by Guest Jay,


  21. Started by sweet26,

    Something I don't understand is why it seems like I'm expected to always be there for some ppl and when I need someone to talk with or vent with, they are always busy or got something of a bigger problem and it gets turned around. I don't really like talkin to just anyone about my problems, I try to always handle them myself. Just sometimes I have to talk to someone sometime....ya know?? I like being able to help my friends and such when they have problems and are feeling down but just feel so stupid when I think about how it seems not one of them is there if and when I really need them....I dunno if I said what I wanted to say exactually but I'm sure you understand... Th…

    • 12 replies
  22. Started by BenRW,

    a tony montana style bath tub pure luxury

    • 5 replies
  23. Started by Lisa,

    well, what ya got planned??

    • 47 replies
  24. Started by Steph,

    Can you even feel them when recieving oral? Cos ive had mine done for ages and was just wondering if you can actually feel them?

    • 23 replies
  25. Started by Steph,

    If so, who by?

    • 8 replies
  26. Started by Shaney R,

    looks like its just me and u son

    • 10 replies
  27. Started by Lisa,

    take the test!

    • 33 replies
  28. Started by Clubbing Si,

    v much liking the urban dreamage stuff!!!!! wen can i hear the xxxxx ver (shane wats that process called again) norman lol??

    • 7 replies
  29. Started by 1littledeeva,

    can all you ladies act like snakes and get to the base!!!

    • 20 replies
  30. Started by SarahPVC,

    Ive got the interview back from Matt Hardwick is there an interview section that this gets posted into?

    • 15 replies
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