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He is by far the most famous footballer in england at this point in time, but everytime i look at him i think he should be driving a Ford Escort XR3i with a broken back window and a shell suit cap on his big skin head. But I am a fish and i fuckin love him
Two tickets available, medium accommodation, if you're interested please PM me or Scream. cheers m'dears
- 18 replies
I will be bored shitless - what is on, and who is up for doing something ?
- 14 replies
or are u footballers quite happy to watch it in mute? how bout this football with no sound on a 28inch widescreen or football with sound on a 24 inch standard 4x6?
- 13 replies
Well done boys but yes... "we are coming home....england's comin" thats ref is a utter tosser!! so nows englands out who ya fave 2 win?
- 4 replies
just as we go out of the football? Answer: it is never pointless coming up (though my boss might disagree when he sees the tripe I'm going to do for work in the morning).
- 3 replies
> Pecans In The Cemetery > ====================== > > On the outskirts of a small town, there was a big, old pecan > tree just inside the cemetery fence. One day, two boys filled > up a bucketful of nuts and sat down by the tree, out of sight, > and began dividing the nuts. > > "One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me," said one > boy. Several dropped and rolled down toward the fence. > > Another boy came riding along the road on his bicycle. As he > passed, he thought he heard voices from inside the cemetery. > He slowed down to investigate. Sure enough, he heard, > "One for yo…
- 2 replies
How cool is that!! Have it all sorted, for jan with my best mate. How is everyone?
- 23 replies
Just thought I'ld tell u how great it is! Had to tear away from Nokia and now I'm not looking back suggest you all do the same!
- 12 replies
drove over to a mates house tonight to do a quick mix at his, and to get there i have to go past cardiff castle which is right by the city centre But oh no, cos of the chilli peppers concert the city centre including the road i wanted to use was blocked off, meaning that i had to go and get lost going round the other side of the city centre in order to get to the right part of cardiff, and then had to try to find the right road coming from a completely different direction and then when i head home, its still all there as it had just kicked out meaning the traffic at 10.30 was worse than rush hour and there were hordes of people thinking that if they step in front of…
- 6 replies
Nothing seems 2 go right for you no matter how hard you try?? I must of have one the worst off days iv had in a looooooooong time Had to get up mega early to go shopping with my mum n her credit card for new summer clother ... there was fukk all i wanted! wasnt impressed! Had 2 be at work at 11:30 got home from the shops n my uni-form wasnt try so had 2 wear ma old one 2 look like a twat! At work i fukked up 3 order n broke 6 glasses... clever me!! Came home from work n had a really pointless agrument with my mum, whickh put me in an even better mood! Back 2 work this afternoon we was stupidly busy so time went fast by i managed to brea…
- 19 replies
I LOVE IT. for some reason the last few weeks my head hass just been thinkin the most random things, and ive been talkin random bollox wit my mate on msn for the last 2 hours.
- 17 replies
Subject : FW: Golf > > > A man staggers into an emergency room with a concussion, multiple bruises, > two black eyes and a five iron wrapped tightly around his throat. > > Naturally, the doctor asks him what happened? > > "Well, it was like this," said the man. > "I was having a quiet round of golf with my wife, when at a difficult hole; > we both sliced our balls into a pasture of cows. We went to look for them, > and while I was rooting around, I noticed one of the cows had something > white at its rear end. > I walked over and lifted up the tail, and sure enough, there was a golf > ball with my w…
- 0 replies
you will always be my bestest auntie ........ see you to 2 weeks mwah xxxx p.s you have got to come 2 dilate on the 3rd july
- 4 replies
well click here then stephanie long = Erectile Dysfunction Smurf tidy tart = Full Monty Smurf
- 13 replies