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Snigger Snigger Cock Pond (map) 2.1 miles Mincing Lane (map) 5.7 miles Pratt's Bottom (map) 11.8 miles Titsey Park (map) 12.5 miles Tyttenhanger (map) 22.0 miles Thong (map) 23.0 miles Knob Hill (map) 25.5 miles Minges (map) 28.7 miles Herbert's Hole (map) 29.6 miles Claggy Cott (map) 30.1 miles
who invented mothers, and fathers day and why there isnt a son and daughter day???? sorry, this came into my head this mornin for some reason and has been on my mind all day!
I got your CDs here for you. In FACT, I have had them here, done and ready, sinse last week ! You would have had them if you were here at, erm ... hmmm 13.30 !! I even boiled the kettle and got out a packet of bisuits. I need your address too, for you to be my reference.
ian cashman! what a mix lol! hardhouse vs trance 1hr HH and 20mins Trance what a night it was when that was recorded
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well! well! well! well! wat can i say.......................... im lost for fucking words, wat a weekend to fuck!! u northwalians r the cream of the mother fucking crop. HARDCORE TO FOCK! gotta b one of the best weekends so far, will b remembering for sum time to cum.. cant believe we cained it so much, thought we were gonna take it easy the first night "wat do we want 40 for bushy? lol cant believe i went to the city jibbing to fuck ,donna says........ "maria, ive got something here for u" cant believe i drove in that mess, shaney says..... "donna watch the fucking car" seriously now boys u really know…
I said come on man give that book a rest
- 1 reply
because stock has been going missing. they think someone is on the rob. they even searched my car didn't find anything dodgy (nothing to find) they did find a dozen baggies i'd taken tho on the plus side, when they searched my car, they found 4 CD's i thought i'd lost
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Last time im on here for 2 weeks! Off to gatwick tomorrow afternoon, then flying 9am thursday morning! (pray for me, i hate flying!!) (95 degrees in Egypt on thursday and friday!!woohoo!! Just thought id rub it in) Laurence - have a wickid time at glastonbury!! Hope it stays dry for u! Bye for now xxxxxxxxxxx
- 24 replies
Hello! Havn't spoken to you for a few days so hey! whats new with you?
What time you working tomorrow mush ? Can you PM me you address please as I need to get PSP sent to you and also a rather large coffin with a dead body init. Init ! Tell ma I said hi !
He's having his wisdom teeth out today. :ouchface:
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wearing sticky tape on your ears why not just take your fucking earrings out you stupid as fuck spit roasting coke heads...
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I think you should wash your daughters mouth out with soap and water, its bloody terrible mun.