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I know its probably already been said, but what Tube Station do i need to get to for the pre meet? I aint looked at the pre-meet thread, as i am too lazy!
- 17 replies
All the best for Poland matey! You show them how its done! I think they are pretty up for it out there, my ex bird was polish. From near Krakow, place called Limanova. If you bring back any Vodka, may i recommend: Krolewska. Its the best vodka going. I'll buy a bottle from you if you like to bring me one back. If someone says 'Dobra' they mean 'Good' If i remember correctly, 'Nazdrovia' is 'cheers' cant remember any more. All the best matey!
- 3 replies
01 Luke, at that speed do you think you'll be able to pull out in time? 02 You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought. 03 "Backdoor, huh? Good idea." 04 Get in there you big furry oaf, I don't care what you smell! 05 Hey, Luke, thanks for coming after me -- now I owe you one. 06 She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid 07 Size matters not. Judge me by my size, do you? 08 Negative! It didn't go in. It just impacted on the surface 09 "This may smell bad, kid, but it'll keep you warm." 10 Let's blow this thing so we can go home! 11 Pull out Wedge, you can't do any more good back there! 12 I look forward to c…
- 2 replies
Only now just getting round to listen to your CD of Funk mate - I liek the tracks from 7 onwards. Propa bassy(sp). Happy. Funky. Just wicked - I am not leaving your set at wildchid All the best for the weekend - hop eyou do REALLY well here's a :flipper: for good luck
- 0 replies
Porn star or My little pony? See how much of your childhood you remember. I got 6 / 12 first time.
- 8 replies
I might of posted it before but its just come to me again. Why have people wasted so much time and money trying to come up with new shape tea bags (pyramid, round, cube, square) to try and get more flavour out of the tea????? They say that the leaves have more room to move in those shapes....BUT.....when hot water is poured onto a tea bag REGARDLESS OF THE SHAPE the tea bag EXPANDS with hot air giving plenty of room for the leaves to move, circulate and give off their oh so lovely flavour..... SO THEN....IN SHORT....DONT pay for more expensive tea bags just coz the adverts say they will be better due to the shape of the bag....just buy the bloody tea you …
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he makes it into the top ten. Cach back Back of the net Jurassic Park Kiss my Face ... off to the gym to celebrate then to shake my sexy arse to Andy and whatever DJs are supporting him.
- 1 reply
If it's ok I'll probs join you on the 5th? Titchy's goin away that week & I've told Amy she can come to mine that weekend but don't know if she will (or if she'll remember!) but will ask if she fancies this to take her mind off things!
- 26 replies
why do us girls get called slappers and the blokes get a pat on the back FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am soooooooooo proud! My little brother joe and his girlfriend had an 8 lb baby boy at 3am this morning! His name is Arthur and that is the best news i have heard this year! WELL DONE JOE BOY, GTFRI!
- 12 replies
A car advert wasnt aired because this couldnt be explained. look in front of the car as it passes the screen there is a light mist. whats your opinion? is it a ghost!!
- 41 replies
im confused i just seen it on C4 but i didnt think it started till friday
- 9 replies
i dont really have one that offends me wots r your ones?
- 26 replies