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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by Maria,

    Good choice joining us at Wildchild ma frend !

    • 8 replies
  2. Started by russelldust,

    I think Kether and Superstar should have to give unlimited blow jobs to Laurence for a period of time chosen by the ctw membership (Ben gets double votes). I start the bidding at six months...

    • 6 replies
  3. Started by Mr Happy,

    i pitty the fool btw - last check, i was going to wildchild so might see you this wkd after all (minus the woman in arm tho )

    • 0 replies
  4. Started by Louise,

    im going back over 10 years now i used to love subjects like P.E. or drama, the more physical stuff but i never really learnt anything from them, my favorite subject was History, wish i was still doing something like that now, i still read loads of history books & watch documenterys. my worse was maths & still is. was & always will be crap (apologies to those who have read this on niteclubbers.net, i dont usually duplicate my posts, in fact its a pet hate of mine, but i couldnt think of anything else to do

    • 60 replies
  5. Started by squeakage,

    just to make sure i know i have questlist now but still need a ticket for my mate enza i orignally had 2 ordered now need 1

    • 5 replies
  6. Started by Ian Cashman,

    • 24 replies
  7. Started by Mr Happy,

    monday i fall ill with what i can only describe as an overnight case of bronkitous (sp?) tuesday i get dumped by my gf because shes feeling 'pressured' in this relationship as i'm the nicest guy shes met i thought we we're getting on great but as usual i fail to keep a girl for more than a few weeks wednesday i go back to work feeling shit enuf as it is knowing i have 5 days work to do in 2 days (as well as having to leave early to tidy the house so i can show 3 lots of prospective tennants round). then my boss tells me that i cant have friday off making my plans to see andy play techno impossible i might as well kill myself now and save the stress of…

    • 17 replies
  8. Started by Ginge,

    • 2 replies
  9. If you didnt get my text then I'd love it if you could accomodate me on sunday. Please let me know by saturday as you suggested. Cheers hun, hope everything goes alright on friday.

    • 2 replies
  10. Started by Ginge,

    PONG Enjoy. I found it pretty funny.

    • 2 replies
  11. Started by power_slough,

    It's almost the w/e, I'm only working until 12.30 today & then up to London for Have I got News for you.

    • 2 replies
  12. Started by ChrisT,

    Funny in a sick way...... again

    • 18 replies
  13. Started by ChrisT,


    • 7 replies
  14. Started by Ginge,

    Bloke goes into a pub, and the barmaid asks what he wants. 'I want to bury my face in your cleavage and lick the sweat from between your titz' he says. 'You dirty bastard' shouts the barmaid 'get out before I get my husband.' The bloke apologises and promises not to repeat his gaffe. The Barmaid accepts this and asks him again what he wants. 'I want to pull your pants down, spread yoghurt between the cheeks of your arse and lick it all off' he says. 'You dirty filthy pervert. You're banned. Get out!!' she storms. Again, the bloke apologises and swears never ever to do it again. 'One more chance' says the barmaid. 'Now - what do you want?' …

    • 0 replies
  15. Started by Ginge,

    • 0 replies
  16. Started by Phil rr,

    Some RED SAUCE, found in the top of a SIZZLER POT, was rumoured to have instigated DIVORCE proceedings against a HORSE today. However, a spokesperson for Pot Noodle denied this. "Red Sauce is a type of food and as such unable to marry under UK law." said the irate pot noodler, "Neither can horses. Stop calling me about this stuff."

  17. Started by Lisa,

    how was the hair & the baby??

    • 3 replies
  18. Started by Lisa,

    hows your tummy now??

    • 7 replies
  19. Started by Ian Cashman,

    Where have i seen that Pussy before?

    • 1 reply
  20. Started by Bushy,

    How was the holiday chick?

    • 5 replies
  21. Started by BenRW,

    dunno why but ur avatar reminds me of mauro picotto for some reason think it looks like some photos i've seen of him somewhere, but then i'm sure i'm due back at the opticians now for another eye checkup

    • 12 replies
  22. Started by BenRW,

    They run 10 mph, jump three feet, are a nocturnal spider, so only come out at night unless they are in shade. When they bite you, you are injected with Novocain so you go numb instantly. You don't even know you are bitten when you are sleeping, so you wake up with part of your leg or arm missing because it has been gnawing on it all night long. If you are walking around and you bump something that is casting a shadow over it, and the sun makes contact with it, you better run. It will instantly run for your shadow, and scream the whole time it is chasing you. PS. The one on the bottom is eating the one on the top. These are Spiders found daily in IRAQ by tro…

    • 5 replies
  23. **STOP THE PRESS** Hard House Academy has SOLD OUT of ALL advance tickets! In order to help you avoid the hassles and stress of queuing up on the door on the night we are going to sell 300 of the Door tickets in advance. These will be sold on a first come, first served basis from 08700 600 100. You can pay for them over the phone or online at www.ticketweb.co.uk by credit or debit card. These will then be held for you on the door on the night where you can collect them at any time before 3am. If you don’t have time to buy them in advance or you have friends who decide at the last minute that they want to come to HHA then don’t worry because we are keep…

  24. Started by Phil rr,

    are fucking yummy. get some.

    • 29 replies
  25. Started by Louise,

    its all chocolate & no wafer

    • 8 replies
  26. Started by Louise,

    its had to be put sleep it was a baby blue tit.....gutted FUCKING CAT its gonna feel my foot up its arse when i get it

    • 1 reply
  27. Started by Bushy,

    So who do you think will win? I think Monaco will win! 2-1

    • 3 replies
  28. Started by Bushy,

    What is your favourite non dance band/performer? It could be New Kids On The Block, Take That or the Spice Girls. Mine has to be Robbie Williams or Guns n Roses.

    • 42 replies
  29. Started by power_slough,

    Peter Kay one-liners I saw a woman wearing a sweatshirt with ' Guess' on it. I said, "..........Thyroid problem?" When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bike. Then I realised that The Lord doesn't work that way, so I stole one and asked him to forgive me. My mom was a ventriloquist and she always was throwing her voice.For ten years I thought the dog was telling me to kill my father. I' ve often wanted to drown my troubles, but I can't get my wife to go swimming. I was doing some decorating, so I got out my step-ladder. I don't get on with my real ladder. I went to a restaurant that serves ' breakfast at any time' So…

    • 8 replies
  30. Started by Lisa,

    What are your fav movies in the following catagories?? Romance Horror Action Thriller Comedy

    • 71 replies
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