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does anyone have this clip on divx or something?
- 13 replies
just wondering where i can get some? prefurable without having to pimp myself before hand to afford them PS. pleeeeeeeeease help, my ringtone is sooooo anoying.
- 18 replies
every time he walks through the hall way just outside my room, he lets off shite vibrations. it's cool, dude. no really.
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This is my FAV photo because evry time I look at it ... .. I just cannot refrain myself from laughing HARD ! lol
- 3 replies
his puter has died!!!!!! contact him via his phone/moby or send a PM/email via me to pass on any message
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Matey, I heard you were in a right state last night ! Going to sleep as soon as you walk through the door ?! I am going to call you a MONG from now on
here have absolutely no interest in the football??? Its soooooooooooooooooooooooo boring!!
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both showing the same channel. if something cool comes on, does anyone else look at one, then look at the other one to see u can see it better?
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Ps You can think tw*t means twit if you want!!!
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dance like mad well i have loads i love classic bouncy house like faith, 4 motion etc but everytime heaven cry or faith comes on im just straight up danicng what tune gets dancing like mad
Top Gun gear/clothes, is soooo the new Try Hard. Would be a laugh if peeps turned up to a event with the big hair, retro shades, and fluffy leather jacket
you look in the mirror & realise you have put your skirt on inside out & top on back to front........... i have a whole days work to do yet
- 7 replies
Jay has been banned from the board due to the comment posted by Phil_rr on this post - Here is Phil's post: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Listen, kether was one of the most interesting and amusing people on the board. that pm he sent to ben was highly amusing and made me laugh. just because he was an asshole to certain people, doesn't mean he should be banned. cos he was funny. if the price we have to pay for a msg board which has interesting posts, is that a few other people are genuinely offended, then that is a price i a prepared to pay. …
- 66 replies
& if so how do you get rid, what do you use?? any tips??
fri - hardcell in swindon then onto slinky in bournemouth other than that bugger all planned tho may go to my dads on saturday due to fa cup in cardiff and not wanting to get caught up in whatever may or may not happen if we go out that night
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