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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by BenRW,

    fri - hardcell in swindon then onto slinky in bournemouth other than that bugger all planned tho may go to my dads on saturday due to fa cup in cardiff and not wanting to get caught up in whatever may or may not happen if we go out that night

    • 20 replies
  2. Started by tidy_bitch,

    Suggestions on a post card please!?

    • 12 replies
  3. Started by Fish,

    Happy Birthday Joe !!! Only met you once in Garlands and gurned that much that I think that I scared you to death Have a happy flappy day in every way xxxxx

    • 7 replies
  4. Started by disco angel,

    know i'm a newbie... but i had a shit day... hug anyone?? evryone at work found out today i'm in line to be their boss soon...they were mean to me!!

    • 28 replies
  5. Started by nuthead53,

    I've been thinking up loads of random gargbling over the past few days, so as the boredom increas's im gonna post stuff here. Neway, what are you lot up to this evening if your not going out?

    • 40 replies
  6. Started by Maria,


    • 4 replies
  7. Started by raverbird (jinx),

    not gd, roll on 2 morrow, who is going out 2 morrow then

  8. Started by Maria,

    your ace as fucuuuuck you are ! hahaha

    • 8 replies
  9. Guest nursenancy
    Started by Guest nursenancy,


    • 7 replies
  10. Started by richyh,

    When did you book that mate? Where there any spaces left after that as my booking has fucked up bigtime!?

    • 7 replies
  11. Started by Hardhousehunnij,

    I need enteraitned no one on msn

  12. Started by nuthead53,

    You know who you are. Spot On, Banana Ramama, Solid, Lausinge We HAVE!!! to get a scotish person to say these for us. from Putty Face (PF)

    • 0 replies
  13. Started by Phil rr,

    Girls: why are you so bad to me. It could be so good. Guys: I'm sorry, baby, please come back to me? Girls: FFS SAKE, LEAVE HIM YOU DOZY COW. HE DOESNT WANT IT Guys: STOP BEING SUCH A COMPLETE lovely person. SORT IT OUT. that is all. edit: hehe @ 'that'

  14. Started by EmmaBlu,

    I cant stand this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no matter what music channel i put on its always there!!! i dont mind Eamons version, but frankees just does my fucking nut!!! someone shoot the wigga biatch!!!!!!!!!

    • 18 replies
  15. Guest Kev
    Started by Guest Kev,

    Dear Whoever, This 'quote' was in fact made up by Phil raa and NOT by Jay at all. Phil, you little rat, stop your shiteness and get back to your sewer. QUOTE <Jay> Listen, kether was one of the most interesting and amusing people on the board. that pm he sent to ben was highly amusing and made me laugh. just because he was an asshole to certain people, doesn't mean he should be banned. cos he was funny. if the price we have to pay for a msg board which has interesting posts, is that a few other people are genuinely offended, then that is a price i a prepared to pay. viva msg board. av it. </Jay>

    • 9 replies
  16. Started by Phil rr,

    permissable load for a chargrilled bbq dorito, with salsa dip. i think it's pretty close to this:

    • 13 replies
  17. Started by Louise,

    do you vote? do you have the right to complain about the state of the goverment if you dont? could your vote make the difference?

    • 23 replies
  18. Take a look at this:

    • 13 replies
  19. Just finished watching his programme on E4 and he ended it by "nailing" a 4 inch nail into his nose.You may think this is impressive but I didnt. I've had sinus problems for years and have put cotton buds up my nose to clean it out so I thought I'd give it a go with a 4 inch nail and I did it. It was bloody easy.

    • 15 replies
  20. Just managed to get tickets to go and see THE REAL WWF AMERICAN WRESTLING in Manchester next week ! I feckin love it I do

  21. Started by EliteChick,

    Hi Hows u flower?

    • 8 replies
  22. Started by Dawn,

    to you ... Not seen you since I got your Cd

    • 6 replies
  23. Started by Hardhousehunnij,

    Just thought id say hi as i aint really been on ere for ages and how is everyone

  24. Started by aliasDJ,

    not long to go now folks aliasdj( aka BONNIE AND CLYDE)ere...lookin 4wrd to meetin a lot of you guys!!! catch me in room two!!!!!!! tony p...da new tune will defo be done by then!!!!!

    • 4 replies
  25. Started by nuthead53,

    Do your swift moves, impress the opposite sex? On a scale of 1 to 10 how smooth are your moves? im a healthly 1 i rekon, the repative pointing, and wiggling my bum doesent help things.

  26. Started by rumpelstiltskin,

    For those that have had some religious background will find the following inspirational. Laura Schlesinger is a US radio personality who dispenses advice to people who call in to her radio show. Recently, she said that homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and cannot be condoned in any circumstance. The following is an open letter to Dr.Laura penned by a US resident and also posted on the Internet:- Dear Dr. Laura: Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and I try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someon…

    • 9 replies
  27. Started by EmmaBlu,

    morning people hope everyone is ok are we all gunna be able to cope without kether and st*r????? have we had an explanation as to why they were banned yet????

    • 29 replies
  28. Started by Bushy,

    I remember on the old board there was a thread rating option, and on the forum main page the threads rating was shown in stars. I liked that. Can we have it back please?

    • 8 replies
  29. im just having a look at the tidy message board. It says if you want to enter a volley ball team then email johnny.dangerous@tidy.com So who seriously wants to play in a volley ball team? and also how many peeps is a volley ball team?

  30. Started by lynzileprechaun,

    Just introducing myself guys! hope all is well!

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