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Just thought id post this as it was the pic of all pics if ya know what i mean!!!! Hope ya had a good day matey! Cya Anne Savage the 2nd!!!!!!!
UFO's? Aliens? could there be or is it just garbage & overactive imaginations? (yes i am bored now all the posts have been deleted )
- 25 replies
i've just heard that superst*r has been using her femanine charms (tits and arse) to trick ctw members (kether included) into believing bullshit shes been spreading about other members. this is all part of osama bin laden's latest ploy to bring downt he west
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Its clarifys whether the "forward" emails we all receive are true or not the picture gallery is quite interesting too
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Is anyone going out in Northampton tonight? Im supposed to be going to see one of my friends play at a hardhouse night, but ive not got a clue where it is or where we are going? Anyone know if anything is going on tonight?
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Thankyou for everything!!! I am really grateful. Tony i love your bank account! Lisa you are a gem for sorting it! I'm sure the weekend is going to be a special one now!
- 4 replies
It's ALL about THE FUNK ! Im FULLY going off on one today boys !!! NICE ! Catch ya laters - IM OFF'ers !!
just cos a pm i sent was a contributing factor to 2 people being banned does not make me guilty in any way considering the way i had been treated U have both been blocked and deleted and u really need to grow up
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highly amusing... Hard house fight club
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does anyone think this is turning into a smut forum??????? i do
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i cant get to the user controls to change the fucker back to default!!!!
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iv just had to sit next to the family from hell on the bus, they were dirty & really really smelly, i moved once but could still smell them, i got off the bus 4 stops early because i was heaving that much (as did other people) everyone had there hands over there mouths & noses & one girl even sprayed her hairspray in a hope that it would be better the smell was horrendous, wee/beer/fags/babysick all rolled into one, and i have a strong stomach. there is just no excuse for it, it doesnt cost much for a bar of soap & water......dread to think how there house is sorry.....feel better for doing that
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seeming as most members like to wind each other up from time to time, i suggest we have a bitching forum to vent our frustrations in. that way we can be as down right c*ntish as we like and still not flood the entire board with crewl witty comebacks and nasty innuendos. (plus people like kether and st*r wont get banned for entertaining us)
- 10 replies
Woohoo! Had my last exam today, so the summer starts here! Although Im probably gonna have to re-sit in August because I think Ive fucked it up! heh!
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Oi oi girly! where you been hiding? When you next out? You coming down south for some serious 'riot'-ing anytime soon? You've been missed!
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Just realised that I've put a few posts up but never got around to saying hello, so "hello"! As you'll gather from the sig, I'm a promoter as well as loving to go out dancing and to mix. I just wish there was more time to invest in getting to know people online as well as in person... but I seem to be just as bad at keeping track of conversations during the week as I am at the weekend... ...what was your name again?
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wow!! i miss inserting the luv eggs and hopping on the back of the bus so so so gutted i passed my driving test really not the full affect in the car like
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