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Anyone know of any [ hard ] dance remix tracks of the more ''classic'' Christmas songs? And more importantly, where to get hold of them from [ to be downloaded, preferably ]? Ta
- 23 replies
Wow what a NYE/NYD!! MoondanceNYE and Genesis were rocking. Thanks so much to everyone that came along. Make sure you come and re-live the fun at Frantic vs Moondance THIS Saturday 7th Jan. For those of you who missed out on NYE/NYD...come and check it out for yourselves! FOR FREE ENTRY: 1) Hand in your Genesis or MoondanceNYE ticket stubs on the door before 1am. 2) Hand in the flyer or a print out of the eflyer on the door before 1am. 3) If you have not got any of the above email to be added to the FREE guest list and arrive before 1am. @ Hidden, 100 Tinworth Street, London, SE11 5EQ
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Chemical Brothers DJ Set, Jon Carter and more. I'm there. Anyone else?
- 6 replies
Am not new to the site.. but am new to most of you others...haven't been here in a loooong time.. so heyas
- 13 replies
On the 24th February 2006, Just the One? Twisted kick starts our 2006 journey into House Music with a special 2 for 1 discounted entry. This is the warm up session for the return of London's newest multi roomed House event, Just the One? House! dedicated to House and only House Music. Room 1: (Twisted House) Lisa Loud, Kriss Darang vs Jnr J, DJ Lewi & Funky Disciples Room 2: (Soulful & Funky House) Nick T, Jeremy B, Steve Spectrum & Dominique Danielle / 0870 060 0700 / 0870 246 2050 £5 Two for One entry all night long…. @ Deep Blue, 10pm - 6am seOne London, Weston Street, SE1 i…
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That is all, have a wicked time everyone, and take extra care now!
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Teh w00t ! 2 days untill Christmas. I am so damn excited, I havn't been this excited in bloody years ! I am most looking forward to getting Merry on Christmas Day and sharing all the Childrens joys and playing with new toys Winding them up and playing games, giving them their presents at Tea time on Christmas evening when they think they've got no more presents to have (that's the best part, the look on their faces ), eating lots of food, sharing lots of laughter, and just ENJOYING what is going to be a very merry Christmas. I can't believe it's here already, at least it's goign to be MUCH better than last year, which is why I think I'm so full of the Festivity b…
- 12 replies
Merry Christmas babeh ! Hope you have a really nice day tomorrow, looking forward to seeing you realleh soon, innit !
- 1 reply
i know majority are going too ss on new years day, but i decided on polys, cos i thought the line up was better. plus i can imagine how rammed the works is gonna be, which means no room for dancing, hope u all have a good nite, and will see who ever goes too polys
Ours is tomorrow. Although we've been doing stuff all week (my team), although today is competition day, who's team is the best decorated. Seems like only us in teh whole office have bothered. Our 'pod' is like a Christmas Tree in itself ! We've got a Reindeer Sleigh type thing hanging down from the Beams over our desks that we put together, Chrimbo Crackers on our Desk along with lost of Tinsel, lights etc - it's well good. And today it's theme day, and whoever wins the Fancy Dress and the best looking Team, wins a Team Meal at a really nice Restuarunt ( I think ) paid for by the company, and it seems only OUR team has bothered ! I'm dressed up as Mrs Clause to…
Merry Christmas / Happy Thanks-Giving, mate ! Hope you have a lovely day, and a fantastic New Year !
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Seduction vs The Welsh Connection (pics) 18.12.05 @ The Canal Club Click on the link on the left There will be more going up on the Welsh Connection site soon
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He is up in thw Cardiff Office this week helping out on the Server Team - he is usualy with us, so while he has been away this past week, we wrapped every bit of hardware, on his desk, in wrapping paper, even his CHAIR.
'Twas the night before Christmas--Old Santa was pissed. He cussed out the elves and threw down his list. Miserable little brats, ungrateful little jerks. I have a good mind to scrap the whole works! I've busted my ass for damn near a year, Instead of "Thanks Santa"--what do I hear? The old lady bitches cause I work late at night. The elves want more money--The reindeer all fight. Rudolph got drunk and goosed all the maids. Donner is pregnant and Vixen has AIDS. And just when I thought that things would get better Those assholes from the IRS sent me a letter, They say I owe taxes--if that ain't damn funny Who the hell ever sent Santa Claus a…
Anyone seen this yet ? This looks absolutely fantastic. Poosibly the next best Doc. up from Deep Blue. REALLY looking forward to seeing it, Morgan Freeman Narating it (he's ace) and my favourite place in the world, Antarctic, where the best documentaries are made . Can't wait ! March Of The Penguins.
I deffintly am ! I've already had my first Christmas Pressent of my best MALE mate. It's all wrapped up, in a box, rather heavy, and he said it's for my car, I will love it, and will use it every day. Any guesses on helping me out what it is ? Or is that dangerous ? Maybe I shoudl wait ? Well, I'm not going to open it anyway untill christmas, but he told me he spent and hour and a half choosing it.
Anyone seen this ? I watched it on Saturday night, and have to say it was f*ckig brilliant ! MUCH better than the 1st one, had my toes curling under the covers and my hands over my eyes ! Suffice to say, I felt very sick once it was over, and was too wuss to go to sleep incase I was captured in my sleep, drugged, and then waking up in a strange place, lol (joke !). Although it was a very clever and twisted ending - Can't wait for Saw 3 ! !