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Cheers for a wicked weekend, am home safe and sound now - feeling my full 15908909870000% energy again after a Chicken Korma I just cooked up ! Was a good weekend, Friday through till Sunday afternoon - had such a laugh ! Baz you is wicked man ! Have a crusha or we'll crush yuh .. hahah top enterainment you are matey ! I have about 150 photos that will go up tomorrow, same time as the Review for Out Of Order. God, so many funny moments, I wish I could quote them all, but I will only be here all night ! I LOVE YOU GUYS !!
... or is Fred The Baddie in this pic ??
- 8 replies
Do you all remember this pic being taken? What a blinding weekend, and Baby Joe, next time ill get it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who wants to join me in a batlle of the chats to see who is the lyrical master? Or are you all scared?
QUOTE Quote from DDTony: Next we will all be voting on how big do you think my cock is!! if you insist
- 6 replies
- I honestly don't understand what possesses people to do this. More pics
you and me are 'ardcore because we are the only ones posting before 9am
Name a situation where this phrase rings true.
- 15 replies
why is it that tutors insit on Lecturing u shit for weeks b4 even thinking of giving u an assignment titile..... then u get 7 titles together with 6 weeks to complete WANKERS!
All, If you were on the old CTW site (or even the old old CTW site!), what features & sections do you miss mostly ? Now than I have my own server I'm looking at building the content back up in the right order, so looking to prioritise what I do. Thanks in advance !
- 85 replies
taken me half hour this morning, but i finally soved this damn rubics cube. some time i wonder the point of me being in work
was watching only fools and horses on sunday and forgot how much them to act alike
Anyone know how much you can do this for ? I know you can like book a day down on the Silverstone course thingy, or seomthing. Anyone done it and how much ? Cheers.
- 27 replies
Has anyone else heard of this sayin? I said it to Sue when i was over and she nearly wet herself. Said I made it up, I thought Phil and Louise would shed some light on the subject for her and agree with me. But it appears they are thick as feck aswell.
- 45 replies
lmao!!! could you save the earth from alien invasion? "no" .... "go hooome"
What letters do dyslexic people pose as when they do the Y.M.C.A.?
- 28 replies
I saw these pair on Saturday night! What a complete pile of wank!! They ruined a brilliant night!! Rob Tissera was fooking awesome though and even Anne Savage played a good set!!
- 17 replies