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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by James,

    What the deal with this stuff ? I just saw a promo that when you buy one packet of 'chicken' quorn you get 2 free bbq spare ribs :S

    • 36 replies
  2. Started by Maria,

    Aright ?

    • 4 replies
  3. Started by colin66,

    Ok stop it now. stop the jokes, take down avatars etc etc It's not FUNNY anymore! Thank you

    • 38 replies
  4. Started by tommy,

    Sorry to keep on about the probs I've had with my no-so-legit copy of XP. I Have to get it ready this w/e ! Now I've found my legit copy of ME, how the hell do I get rid of XP and install ME from scratch ? It won't let me do it when the disabled version of XP is running, and it won't even let me go into 95 when I take that option at boot up. Bet there's a really easy answer aswell.

    • 10 replies
  5. Started by Trouble,

    ello babe not long now ull have to txt me and let me know about fit-for-passion will get ur ticket 2morow for ya mwah babe

  6. Started by Mark,

    i had a dream this morning, and all the people in it where all from ctw. there was a group of us - me, liam, mod1, tony and gordy and we knocked on james door cause we wanted an after party, james was well up for an after party and let us all in, we walked up some stairs into a living room which was decorated deep red and white. Liam was blowing a horn and pissin everyone off then he crashed and laid on the couch not letting anyone else sit down. We all had the munchies so james went into the kitchen to make some food, and he come out with fish and chips, tho he had no knives and forks so we was all picking up and eating the sloppy fish pieces with our hands - t…

    • 24 replies
  7. Started by Ginge,

    I've just recieved a nice little cheque for £213.04 from Hilton PLC for my shares dividends. Looks like I'm gonna enjoy GKGG & DV more now.

    • 0 replies
  8. Started by Mr Moo,

    WHAT THE F*CK are you doing with your hand u closet bitch.

    • 10 replies
  9. Started by Phil rr,

    hiya. how r u ?

    • 2 replies
  10. Started by Phil rr,

    one of mine is.... There was an earwig, who was called 'O'. He was with some mates one day at a football match, but got seperated from them. his mates couldn't find him anywhere in the crowd, so they put a call out for him on the loudspeaker - "where are you, earwig O, earwig O, earwig O" ?

    • 16 replies
  11. Started by Phil rr,

    i just had a big urge to get some munchies, when i went into the kitchen instead, i said to myself "resiste le snaq attaq" in a strong french accent, and it worked

    • 6 replies
  12. Started by LiamStyles,

    Just got back from Dublin. Was there for 4 days and I didnt even have a pint of guinness. What has happened to me?

    • 8 replies
  13. Started by power_slough,

    Little Fluffy Clouds is on Radio 1 now. I can't stand Sara Cox but she does play some classics in the afternoons.

    • 3 replies
  14. Started by ChrisT,

    or am i seeing things?

    • 17 replies
  15. Started by paula,


    • 20 replies
  16. Guest saffysue
    Started by Guest saffysue,

    Can't read your pm on my work comp, will have to wait til I'm in a cafe, poss tomorrow but not sure...

    • 28 replies
  17. Started by Maria,

    Noice date for the Album launch eh ! Can't bloody wait for this one - this night is the one that is deffo full of potential for you guys / CTW and NC I rekk ! Gong to bring you little bits of toilet paper to give you when know one is looking ! haha ! Congrats - and see you in a few hours !

    • 16 replies
  18. Started by James,

    All, Please remember you can add events to the public Calendar yourselves if you find we havent already added them - it would save us a bit of work as well, and also ensure that we all have as much info when deciding where to go/when. Please note you can all also add your own private entries in the Calendar which will only be viewable by you / only when you are logged in.

    • 0 replies
  19. Started by Maria,

    • 7 replies
  20. Started by Phil rr,

    • 10 replies
  21. ... and people are wearing less clothes So... Which tune gives you that summery feeling the most? There is one but i cant think of the name right now, but a close second is Dario G - Voices

    • 1 reply
  22. Started by Aaron,

    and was it any good?

    • 40 replies
  23. Started by nuthead53,

    Ok just something i was thinking about, do you go faster if you fly around the world the opposite way to which the earth spins? Or is the earth spinning a static speed, so no matter which way you travel you would, for example being going + or - 300mh but wouldnt this also mean that you could leave somewhere tuesday and arrive on thursday. Odd was jus something i was ponderin over last night

    • 7 replies
  24. Now then everyone! Got to say a big thanks to all those who came to the 4th birthday party! Once again it was full! There will be cds avalible soon! Here i have another date set with another top line up! Which is why there has been a small increase on the price to £4 O.T.D. and if anyone wants to go outside can they please get a plastic pint pot as you will not be aloud to go out with out one for health and safty reasons! Ive had alot of good feed back on the Howard from everyone i have seen and meet! So the Howard should go on for many more years to come! So if you hate your sundays theses days then get yourself down to the Howard for some quality Hardhouse Nu NRG…

  25. Started by Tony P,

    my score at tetris yet................ come on guys i've only played it 3 times

    • 11 replies
  26. Started by LiquidEyes,

    Earlier I bought a box of Tic Tacs (Lime & Orange flavour, far and away the best!) The first three Tic Tacs that came out of the box were orange. The next three were green. The next three were orange... and so on. My luck ran out after 15 Tic Tacs. I.e. the sequence was "OOO GGG OOO GGG OOO". What are the chances of that happening? Say, for the sake of argument, there were 16 of each colour in my new box of Tic Tacs. I've worked out what I think the probability is, I want to see if anyone else gets the same answer. Here's a clue, I reckon it's in the league of 1 in 30,000. I wish I'd bought a lottery ticket instead of a box of Tic Tacs. Joking asi…

    • 17 replies
  27. Started by Carl Nicholson,

    Hi Guys, Just to let u all know i have had an interview on Harderfaster, heres the link! Carl Nicholson's HF Interview!

    • 7 replies
  28. Started by Lisa,


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  29. Started by power_slough,

    Just a shame that it's nice & sunny outside & i'm stuck in this bloody office all day!!!

    • 27 replies
  30. Guest saffysue
    Started by Guest saffysue,

    Lou that's you btw...can you text me please cos your numbers were on my old phone!

    • 18 replies
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