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And now I'm pissed off and tired. It's about to close, so off to the other library I go.
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Although I hardly know anyone off here anymore, I want you all to think of a title for me. Thanx.
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im too horny its starting to get on my tits
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my mate darren keeps driving his scooby round the village, bastard is selling it soon i love the noise it makes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Platypus walks into a bar and asks the bartender: Platypus: '' 'you got bread?'' Bartender: ''No.'' Platypus: '' 'you got bread?'' Bartender: ''No.'' Platypus: '' 'you got bread?'' Bartender: ''No, we ain' got bread.'' Platypus: '' 'you got bread?'' Bartender: ''No, we ain' got no fuckin' bread.'' Platypus: '' 'you got bread?'' Bartender: ''No! Are you deaf? We ain' got no fuckin' bread you irritating shit, and if you ask me again, I'll nail your fuckin' beak to the bar.'' Platypus: '' 'you got a nail?'' Bartender: ''No.'' Platypus: '' 'you got bread?''
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Since I can't get around the XP activation code thingy, can I just put an ME disk in and install that over XP ? + will it keep all my shit on there, or will i have to wipe it all ?
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PLEASE read and tell me what you make of this becaus eI for one am so confused and a bit shit up as I have no idea why I dreamt / slept the way I did last night. It's a bit long winded but it is something that has baffled me sinse I got up this morning :s It's all f*cking strange to me. I went to bed at 1am thi smorning feeling well tired and was looking forward to a good nights sleep. The last 2 nights (not including last night), I have been waking up in the middle of the night for no apparant reason, to which I never do this. I ALWAYS sleep right through the night. I ALWAYS dream when I sleep and they are always plesant dreams. When I say p…
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I have just had my wisdom tooth out this morning.....i panicked and felt sick, all because my old dentist pulled a tooth out a while back, and bloody hurt.... but i had nothing to worry didnt hurt at all i am well surprised, especially as everyone has said that having a wisdom tooth out is a terrible pain, i suppose now i just have to wait for the aneasetic to wear off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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has anyone got an old handset (that works!!) that they'd be willing to sell?? Am really desperate, don't cope well with not havin a phone but really can't afford the stupid prices shops charge. If anyone knows of a handset goin cheap please let me know... Cheers!
Gonna book the weekender as soon as i know... your full names, dob emergency contact name & telephone no address & postcode mother's maiden name (how anal are they gettin?!?!) Cheers everyone. Can't text me the details cos not got a phone atm. Will pm you my home no in case. xxxxx P.S. Are you happy now Stu, you bossy git!!!
should be updated for modern times and passed as law? I'd be well up for a fricaseé.
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How was Twist? I had a wicked night and it was fun to spend time with you two. Tara I had a had a giggle in the time we were wondering around together and u crack me up. Stu I will be buying you a moustache for our next venture (just to help you get in to character) ...
- 1 reply
should it become rountine in hospitals/GUM clinics? could it cut down the spread of the disease if we all knew our HIV status and had routine checks? your thoughts please
here BTW if you have a blank white screen at the begining click the little black box on top right
Really is funny, you can get him to do all sorts !
- 11 replies
so fookin bored in college - its a nice warm day - it should be illegal to waste such a nice day stuck in a classroom doin fook all
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then WHAM! ur awake! some nice person wakes u up by baniging on front door,banging on window(toatlly pissed from student nite!!) "ive lost my keys..." They say in a drunken state thru the letter box. Begrudgingly u get up and let them in.then get up 4or so hours later to go to uni yourself.while they sleep... and prob wont b up til 2pm amd wont be dressed til 4pm. What im trying to say is would you be angry?or ignore it? ive had it for nearly 3years now...and i finish uni soon.fed up with it.fed up of tidying up and being a surrogate mum(im 2 years older than them and it shows!) I get so ratty and irretible(Ginge and Spike will tell u)w…
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The guy who lives opposite my house has suddenly decided to have a full day of listening to cheesy pop music at so many decibals when I have a headache. At the moment its the spice girls At least I think its a guy..... If it is I am worried. I hope he has kids like. Oh, actually, now its Kid Rock - something weird is going on over there I tell ya Still, I have a headache and I cant deal with this today - i need a dark silent room
- 48 replies