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i don't suppose you could change it so that i'm the owner of my album on the gallery so i could add some more pictures? cheers dude
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Have a good day honey. I'll probably see you later but if you get on Shelley's computer first then this ones for old bugger.
- 5 replies
Hi Peeps Just Dropped In To Let Yall Know We Have Launched Our New Site Today..... Come An Have A Look And Keep Checking Back As Were Adding New Bits Everyday....... Different Live Djs Everynight All Different Styles Of Dance Dj's Required Contact Us For Details All Are Welcome Come And Have A Look & a listen 24/7 Music online for when u are Cya There WWW.DANCEFM.BIZ
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- 17 replies
im usually falling asleep on my keyboard if iv been drinking all day/night but tonight iv got the taste for it anyone else want to talk crap to me or are you all off to bed now
- 59 replies
" Ian says: jus asy you can affrs dot stephie says: huh? stephie says: affrs dot? stephie says: ian! Ian says: u fiikedkik Ian says: jo stephie says: huh? Ian says: aus cn onowjer stephie says: shall we give the typing a rest for a bit ian?"
- 15 replies
Oi you! Give me another title, bitch! I am so NOT last year! (Well maybe for you, lol)
- 0 replies
i seen a pasta sauce advert today and you look just like the female puppet in in!
- 7 replies
Me!!!!! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
- 13 replies
What did cows ever do to you? think of all the buter, milk, cheese.. steak, beefburgers etc you've ever had.. didn't you stop to think about their feelings first???
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Ok, so there is this lass at work, and we are like crazy about each other. However she is, well, was living with a bloke and recently found out she was having his kid. So with us being so close, and so crazy about each other we have agreed to see what happens as we were due to have a meetup in the next few weeks and talk things through about being together and what happens happens. I dont want to go into a ready made family relationship with a single mother, and she doesnt know what she wants to do with the kid. Her bloke found out about me this last weekend though and kicked her out. Now its all mad. In retrospect I should have nipped it in the bud, but yo…
- 7 replies