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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by Louise,

    can you really put a time on how long it takes to trust someone? just been talking to my mate and she was crying cus her fella had a 1 night stand, she said she trusted him fully, which i found quite shocking as they had only been together 3 weeks today can you really know someone in that time? iv only just started to trust my fella and its been nearly 8 months, and to be honest i dont think i will ever trust anyone (not just partners) fully (but thats because i have a suspisious mind) am i alone in thinking this because she was shocked that i said in 3 weeks you cant know someone enough to trust. maybe i am wrong

    • 17 replies
  2. Started by Tidy Tart,

    who's goin to both????? me me me me me me cant wait to see you all again!! missed you all soooo much

    • 7 replies
  3. Started by Lisa,

    you've got a cute way of talking you got the better of me just snap your fingers and I'm walking like a dog hanging on your lead I'm in a spin you know shaking on string you know you make me feel like dancing I'm gonna dance the night away you make me feel like dancing I'm gonna dance the night away you make feel like dancing I feel like dancing dancing dance the night away I feel like dancing dancing ahhh quarter to four in the morning I ain't feeling tired no no no no no just hold me tight and leave on the light cause I don't want to go home you put a spell on me I'm right where you want me to be You make me feel like dancing I wa…

    • 5 replies
  4. Guest Kether
    Started by Guest Kether,

    You and me, skin on skin. uh huh huh.

    • 1 reply
  5. Started by Lisa,

    Inspired by a convo I had earlier with Dawn, on first joining CTW who did you first look forward to meeting & were they like you expected them to be, or were they completely different from their board personna???

    • 2 replies
  6. Started by Tidy Tart,

    i would like some rollerskates for summer camp can peeps please help me find a nice pair of pink roller boots (the 1s with 4 wheels)

    • 13 replies
  7. Started by Rascal,

    Have a wicked one peeps whatever your up to and see the majority of you at Lashed on Sunday. Au revoir!

    • 6 replies
  8. Started by Lisa,

    Look at this plankster!! hahaha!!

    • 0 replies
  9. Started by Lisa,

    Ive just heard that they are hosting a reality show in America & the contestants are battling it out to win, wait for it................................... a 16 years old baby!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How wrong is this or am I alone??

    • 16 replies
  10. Started by Louise,

    like an X or a 'so called' mate that kept shitting on you! how would you do it?

    • 34 replies
  11. Started by Maria,

    My brother booked today to go next year. Lucky bastard. I think I am going to set my goal to go in the next 2 years.

    • 23 replies
  12. Guest Kether
    Started by Guest Kether,

    • 20 replies
  13. Started by HardHouseHelen,

    I think we should beable to hold more than 50 pms at a time. I think in the last site there was no limit on pms. Would this be poss??

  14. Started by HardHouseHelen,

    Im not being pervy or anything, just really bored! My house is so cold ive got on 3 jumpers, joggers and a wooly hat! How sexy!

  15. Started by Lisa,

    Is that the same Arrybo from crappy old Andover??????????

    • 9 replies
  16. Guest Kether
    Started by Guest Kether,

    Mine was when Lizard lashed out with his tongue and ate the dude's head and rubbed his tummy saying: "mmmmmm". Jokes.

  17. Started by Rascal,

    Did anyone go or listen to this at the weekend. I was at a BBQ in Morden listening to it. Bloody good, listening in again now on Radio One website. Bring on the festivals people!

  18. Started by squeakage,

    Today I had a flashback of playing with that hula at Sherindan's House... and it made me laugh coz everyone was so crap at it. hahaha

    • 2 replies
  19. Started by Lisa,


    • 13 replies
  20. Started by Rascal,

    Anyone going to be listening in tonight or heading down to Regents Street...I'm going after work...may start swinging from a few clothes rails!

    • 0 replies
  21. mines got to be my mums roast potatoes

    • 29 replies
  22. Started by Tony P,

    what are you doing on here? I thought you couldn't stand Clubtheworld.............. mate

    • 2 replies
  23. Started by Lisa,

    • 14 replies
  24. Started by Rascal,

    I'm so excited...oh no...and I just can't hide it...oh no no no no...I know I know I know...I'm gonna loose control...oh yeah!

    • 29 replies
  25. Started by Maria,

    I am so pleasd you are coming to Lashed !!

    • 2 replies
  26. Started by Rascal,

    Anyone been on this? What do you think, did you loose weight? I started it yesterday as I am off on holiday in 8 days, want to loose weight fast in a short space of time.

    • 22 replies
  27. Started by Mr Happy,

    Goose walks into a bar and asks the bartender: Goose: '' 'you got bread?'' Bartender: ''No.'' Goose: '' 'you got bread?'' Bartender: ''No.'' Goose: '' 'you got bread?'' Bartender: ''No, we ain' got bread.'' Goose: '' 'you got bread?'' Bartender: ''No, we ain' got no fuckin' bread.'' Goose: '' 'you got bread?'' Bartender: ''No! Are you deaf? We ain' got no fuckin' bread you irritating shit, and if you ask me again, I'll nail your fuckin' beak to the bar.'' Goose: '' 'you got a nail?'' Bartender: ''No.'' Goose: '' 'you got bread?''

    • 0 replies
  28. Started by Phil rr,

    scratch that.

    • 12 replies
  29. Guest Jay
    Started by Guest Jay,

    Funny as fuck "look at me Kimmy.... Look at meeee" He heee

    • 6 replies
Clubbing the world together ...