General Discussion
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I'm off in 25mins for an extended Bank Holiday w/e. Not back to work until Wednesady. So will see everybody who is meeting pre-lashed at All Bar None there! I am so looking forward to Sunday night, and meeting up with everyone!! See ya then.
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... in a convent A nude ghost apperas, waves his c*ck at them and says "Hocus Pocus" Nun says "Never mind the Hocus, just f*kin Pocus !"
- 6 replies
I got this via E:mail yesterday... If somebody called adds you to your msn, dont accept it. Its a virus. Tell everyone on ur msn because if somebody on ur list adds them u get the virus too. Copy and paste this to everyone AND FAST
1st look and see the shark under the water. Keep your cursor out of the picture until you see the shark. Then move your mouse cursor onto the picture, but stand back, you might get wet (it's like it's 3D). Worlds Most Dangerous Creature...
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How rude! I feel like Goldilocks *someone* just called me a fat bitch
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Oops, charcoal. For some reason, there was no smoke. I do have a hangover though.
- 22 replies
I got involved with an internet investment thing a couple of weeks ago. Me and my mate have put in £50 each. Sit back and watch people join and make yourself some cash, no meetings etc. We have already moved down on our sheet, Kingsly 197 (£100 chart). Anyone fancy joining in? Go to Wealth Creation for more info. Also what are your views on this?
Good morning! Isn't your famous essay due in today? Have you done it? Good luck with it anyway
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Click on the link for an instant boost!! Just type your name Boost
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It was on Saturday/Sunday in west hampstead, was anyone from this board there? Just wondering if I met any of you without realising it
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My host is asleep nursing is hangover and has told me to "help yourself". He may regret this.
why am i, what am i doing and why the hell cant i get back to sleep am i alone whooopie
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Yesterday, I bought a standard class ticket for London - Glasgow and because standard was crowded and I didn't have a seat the train manager said I could sit in first class. I then proceeded to get free food/drink for the rest of the journey and at the end cos I had been sweet talking the ladies looking after 1st class I got free beers too. Winner.
hi mate, i was wondering - do you know any R n' b or Pop producers over in Ireland? recently been contacted by a girl over there looking to work with a producer who does dabble in those genres - im not in ireland so cant really help her just wondering if you might
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Just got my new phone delivered!! It's so nice looking & picture quality is good so will be able to get some wicked pics at Lashed!!!!
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A man was sitting on a London train eating a bag of fresh shrimp, ripping off the heads and shells and then throwing them out of the window. After he had gobbled a few of them down a woman opposite him said, "Would you mind not doing that? It's disgusting to watch." "Listen, love," He replied, "It's got nothing to do with you, I've paid my fare for this journey and I'll do what I damn well want on this train." He carried on ripping off the shells, throwing them out of the window and eating the shrimp. Finally he finished the bag and settled back for a little sleep. The woman then started some knitting and all the man could hear while he was tryi…
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Who is the girl with you in your avatar hon?? is it Steph??
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no matter how much sleep i have i always seem to be sleepy! even if i have a early night or a weekend in im still always sleepy! i dont eat a balanced diet but try my best! ive started drinkin as much water as i can as i dont drink enough to see if that helps but nothin is! any1 know of any ways i can get more awake and active? dont wanna go to the docs and waste thier time! xxxx
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that your as thick as shit? (obviously this thread dont apply to kether )
- 17 replies
what is the big deal with being anonymous??? seriously, i tries it and it was too weird
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