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Who spoke just like you, in every shape & form. I found it quite amusing.
Click on link, vote to get us a bank holiday, takes 2 seconds. Link is below to make St Georges day a public holiday, they need 30,000 votes to start considering it. Not sure how sincere this is but can't hurt to try..
- 42 replies
can we all say happy birthday to liam one last time... coz its only his birthday or 5 more mins
- 13 replies
source Link Penis explodes during sex Doctors in Romania are treating a 28-year-old whose penis exploded while he was making love to his girlfriend. Ilarie Coroiu was taken to hospital in the Transylvanian town of Cluj after his girlfriend, Magdalena, 18, "felt something strange" and noticed that the bed was covered in blood. Dr Angela Domocos, head of the accident and emergency department at Cluj General Hospital, said: "It is very rare for this to happen. We call it an exploded penis because it happens when the blood cavities in the penis burst. "I don't know what this couple were playing at, but there must have been tremendous pressure i…
- 23 replies
my phone has just smashed to smitherines (i dropped it) shit shit shit will someone buy me a new one
- 24 replies
The scouser have just had a vote on the Euro and decided to fuck it off and stick with the Giro.
- 2 replies
that was pretty special eh mate. we the sixty-six. i'll see you soon.
- 11 replies
(and ive just had confirmation that im allowed to tell everyone....) I've been booked to play Serious @ The Cross on October 16th. To say this is a dream come true is a bit of an understatement, cos its my favourite London club! Ill be on 10-12 in the main room for a 2hr warm up set with the promise of a later set early next year if i do well! First Wildchild then this! I couldn't be more made up!
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if you dont mind me asking - when you overdraft with your bank, how much interest do they change you per week? I recently had my over draft decreased from £100 to £60 - so i cannot draw out anymore than £60 when my balence is at zero. HSBC are currently charing me £18 a week interest on £60 - is that right? i think its fookin insane since the max amuont of money i can put into my account per week is 50 quid - so im always a tenner short of clearing my overdraft im just curious to know if anyone else it changed simular - or am i just being ripped off
- 26 replies
Hey everyone. I'm new here. Adam Hunter - House DJ and producer.
- 15 replies
Wheeeeeeey! Im gonna get in a state! No work 2moz!!!
- 8 replies
Driving to the office this morning on the freeway, I looked over to my right and there was a woman in a brand new BMW doing 90 kilometres per hour with her face up close to her rear view mirror putting on her eyeliner! I looked away for a couple of seconds and when I looked back she was halfway over in my lane still working on that makeup!! It scared me (well I am a man ) so much that I dropped my electric shaver, which knocked the bacon roll out of my other hand. In all the confusion of trying to straighten out the car using my knees against the steering wheel, it knocked my mobile from my ear, which fell into the coffee between my legs, causin…
- 3 replies
It's been glorious all weekend & now its gone!! Who stole it, come on own up
- 17 replies
a few of you lot are either going to hed kandi, or magna on saturday, just wondering if any of u wanted to come to insomniacz after the other events, because its on at 4 in the morning. Me and a few mates are gonna go no matter what, but it would be nice if you wernt to sprangled and could make it.
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my house mates got the digital cam so i'll have to post mine tonight
- 21 replies
Its the Jive Bunny Boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Andy Pickles lmfao!
- 5 replies