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Thank yooooooooou Moderator dudes, I PM'ed you James asking you to stop moderating me, don't actually think it's relevant now though. Thank you, thank you, thank you etc etc etc
yep after a good yr at the paradise we have decided to move to the warehouse, Leeds. this is a fantastic venue that has been newly refurbed. We would like to thank everyone for their support over the last yr! Oh and 1.50 pints!!!! Ding dang dong! any info question call us on 07974 434446 Thanku!
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yes i am bored iv had 4 dogs (2 dead, 1 police trained, 1 sitting at my feet chewing his tail ) 6 hamsters (all dead and all called Biffy,,,,strange ) 2 lizards (1 ate the other then died the following day.....serves him right ) 4 cats (3 still alive and the oldest has had 13 kittens.....all by the same dad, shes no tart ) shitloads of tropical fish.....(gone to the goldfish bowl in the sky (toilet)due to powercut ) 3 rabbits (1 eaten by a fox...the others just escaped) 2 guinea pigs (sold because they liked human meat 1 snake (swiftly followed the husband when i kicked him out....think its still alive)
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my penguin tourny fuked up and gave me a score of 0
not sure if i want to do timeless or not on the one hand i would love to go out clubbing with me mates, but then on the flip side it will be good to have a weekend at home with me bother and a couple of dvds. clubbing cost so much and 1 night out takes up your whole wkd. where as if i watched a video i'd still be in a fit state 2moro. not that i had ne thing planned for tomorow. might just flip a coin on it
if its impossible to teach an old dog new tricks, then why are there so many old hags dressed up like teenagers?
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dusky summer nights when you step into the garden and the smell of barbeques in the air.....mmmmmmmmmm
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Anyone got a full recent version of Cool edit Pro??
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Tommy brighten up the day. 1. Phone answering machine message - "...If you want to buy marijuana, press the hash key..." 2. A guy walks into the psychiatrist wearing only Clingfilm for shorts. The shrink says, "Well, I can clearly see you're nuts." 3. I went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day but I couldn't find any. 4. I went to the butchers the other day and I bet him 50 quid that he couldn't reach the meat off the top shelf. He said, "No, the steaks are too high." 5. My friend drowned in a bowl of muesli. A strong currant pulled him in.. 6. A man came …
Im away now to get sorted for my weekned away, so just wanted to say to all you guys, hope the weather stay's ace & that you all have a fab weekend, whatever it is your up too xx
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If anyone would like there names added to the £10 paying guestlist for LASHED on 2nd may, please pm your full names & I will get them added. For full details on the event look in events sect, it looks set to be wicked
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hello my fav babes!! are we all getting a challet for the weekender together?? hope so! xxxxxxxxxxxx
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