General Discussion
Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music
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why do you think you either are or arent Do you rate urself as good looking/attractive/minging/the nice perosnilty type or what Wht improvements if any would you make What do you have to offer a partner that makes you more appealing than someone else Whats your pulling technique? How do you get that certain person to want you? Do you like badgers?
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This is again absolute quality ...
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This is also quality ...
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Absolute quality ...
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amount of posts in 'Word Association' just shows we are often quite bored.... MISS MINX 526 fifedjdomo 330 NeoN 281 LiamStyles 177 Maria 170 EmmaBlu 163 Ginge 136 Tresh 104 DoObY 95 Shaney_R 51 Bushy 43 paula 41 dannyoldham 24 Chris Hutchinson 21 LTM 21 Dawn 18 mdb 13 Trouble 6 tronicz 3 benrostwood 3 dani_babyboo 3 James 3 Spunkmonkey 2 Phil rr 2 Scream 2 CrimeyC 2 Joey 1 Mr_Moo 1 Alex 1 euphoria64 1 Louise 1
Locked me keys, purse, phone everything in me car this morning - freezing me ass off in the street til some kind new neighbour asked if i was ok and bought me to work and then get too work and some fucking suppliers compained about me calling a member of their staff a retard!! he is a fucking retard!!
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Basically me and a few clubbing mates meet up 2/3 times a month on a thursday or friday night for drinks and I am extending that invitation to fellow clubtheworlders to come and meet new or old people pm me your mobile number and when the next one happens I will let you know. They normally are fairly impromtu (sorted during that afternoon) and are normally in victoria or picadilly area
There was a little girl and her mother walking through the park one day and they saw two teenagers having sex on a bench. The little girl says "Mommy what are they doing?" The mother hesitates then quickly replies "Ummm..... they are making cakes." The next day they are at a zoo and the little girl sees two monkeys having sex. Again she asks her mother "What are they doing?" And her mother replies with the same response, "They are making cakes." The next day the girl says to her mother "Mommy, you and Daddy were making cakes in the living room last night, eh?" Shocked, the Mother says, "How do you know?" (Wait for it.............) She says, "…
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guess where i am the noo?? in ma old high school! pure quality, im wit my old graph comm teacher mr. simpson, who's just a legend really, and im sittin in ma bro's class... he's not done any work yet haha and so far since ive been here, ive moved a printer into the other room and set up a brand new printer which looks quite nice, better than the one we got in college! good stuff, havin a nice day today
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Friday For all that havent tuned into Clubbed Up before, we'll forgive (haha), because Friday night we're kick starting the weekend in the only way we know how!!!Find a more off the hook clubbing radio show anywhere else filled with better hard house + techno (highly unlikely) and ill eat there record bag! On fridays show we'll be joined in the studio with the northern based club Housewives Choice. The promoter Steve and there resident dj and label manager Lox will be giving us the lowdown on what they got planned over the festive period and in the new year, and Lox will also be supplying the tunes for the final hour of t…
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hola! tommy renegade blast from the past aiii nice to see some familiars still here hehe
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GOD ! I LOVE Chris Moyles (and Scott Mills) ! This Station Rocks - they are the funniest guys ever. Plus this is THE best Station EVER ! Sting Ring is fucking quality - 7:20am
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Saw this on Newsnight last night, you wind it up to power it ... Link:
>A man gets on the bus with both of his front pockets full of golf balls, >and sat down next to a beautiful blonde. > >The puzzled blonde kept looking at him and his bulging pockets. > >Finally, after many such glances from her, he said, "It's golf balls". > >Nevertheless, the blonde continued to look at him thoughtfully and finally, >not being able to contain her curiosity any longer, asked. > >"Does it hurt as much as tennis elbow?"
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4 people are in the carriage of a train - an Englishman, a pretty young blonde girl, an ugly old woman and a Frenchman. It all goes dark when the train goes through a tunnel. In the dark there's the sound of an almighty slap, and when the train emerges from the tunnel the Frenchman is rubbing his face, and there's a huge red mark on his cheek. The old lady thinks, "I bet that Frenchman fondled the blonde in the dark and she slapped him" The pretty young blonde thinks " I bet the Frenchman tried to fondle me in the dark, got the old lady by mistake, and she hit him" The Frenchman thinks, "I bet that Englishman fondled the blonde in the dark, but the blonde th…
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Hi everyone my name is Ricky this is my first time on this forum. just to let everyone know im gona be posting a listing up for our weekly event shortley SUNDEFUNK@ The Aqua Lounge Derby With Dj's allready Guestd such as Scott Lorimer & Mark Williams (Blend U-MUVE) Neil Navarra (Miss Moneypenny's Resident) The Luke Twins (BABY SLINKY Funkology) Its all about retro electro dirty funky pumpin bassline house music, one hell of a party and The freshist tallant from europe and across the U.K Are you a DJ/Promoter making waves if so we want to hear from you. E-mail - Tell - 07854 119040 Ricky
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Feck feck feck how QUICK has this week gone ? What's everyone up to ? I've got a Driving Lesson tomorrow (getting bored of them now, although I booked my Theory Test yesterday ), nothing planned after that, might go for a meal tomorrow night though - Sunday I shall be going to the Travel Agents to put a deposit down for my Holiday next year to Thailand - I can't wait ! Sure it will be Monday before we know it again - which isn't so bad as it's almost Sundis time ! Bring it Oh, and I woke up this morning with a Bump to my head - headbutted the wall which infact was seconds before my alarm went off at 5 this moring , some cheeky bugger took …
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This seems to be getting round a bit now - 2 people in my Office have had their Accounts cleared by cloners. How bad is that ! Tell you what, the evnts on this planet seem to be getting worse and worse by the day. It sickens me to a high extent how people can be such utter, utter low lives to go about doing what seems to be disrupting peoples every day lives. I hope they rot in hell.
So, everyone have a good weekend ? I did - and I'm paying for it today with aching muscles ALL OVER Booked our holiday for next year over the weekend which I'm well chuffed about My Charlie had a fit last night and is off up the vet this morning . Not glad to be back in work today (shocking) as I've had a fab weekend, although one of the Bosses from London will be coming up to the Office today for a formal meeting with us which I am MOST lookign forward to ! Happy Monday, innit ! Feck me, is it cold or is it COLD ? EDIT - isn't it supposed to hit FREEZING Temperatures soon ? Dom, I feel so sorry for you up there, mate !
failed it's bloomin MOT the bastard..... the body work needs welding in various multiple places... and needs something new on the front brakes cos the guy said it had cracked but i forgot what he said cos i hadnt heard of that thing before... not happy this will dig deep into my pockets whether i repair it or buy me a new car!
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since me granny fell over lad at works just got slapped in the face with the door jake let it go and it caught him a beauty other ppls misfortunes are the best whats ur funniest spotted misfortne (ppl falling over etc etc)
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its a total re style and so not my usual thing but when i get wax on it it will all spike but looks kool like it is now aswell its tons lighter and so easy to sort out jus scrunch it and mess through it and its done yay
Which Dj would you be and why? Which venue would you most like to play at? Which band would you wanna be the lead singer of? Which celebrity chef would you wanna be? Which ex Big Brother contestant would you be? Which designer would you be? What brand wouldyou be and why?
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I reckon ill look abit like this.......................
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Errm, it only feels as though last weekend has just ended ? Damn time is flying ! It's quite frightening though.