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Just wanted to say thanks again...for all the support, texts & stuff. It means a lot to me. Just feel sorry for the poor c*nt that's doin it cos he's never going to know what it feels like to have people care about you & be proper friends. Thank you so much, means a lot. Anytime I can help...let me know! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Sharkey - "Liam, havent i told you not to take tranquilisers!" Liam - "Waaaaaassssssuuuuuupppppp maaaaaaaaaaaan?!?! BEWARE!!!! REFUGEE ON THE LOOSE, KEEP YA DAUGHTERS & ANIMALS LOCKED UP AT ALL TIMES!!!![/font So what dance do u call this liam - The Crab??????
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wants to join CTW every time i come on here she sits infont of my keyboard and tries to lay on it making it very hard to type lol make way for lilly the pussy of all clubs
- 18 replies
If you are using the standard/default stylesheet you should see a new 'weblinks' button at the top right menu next to Help... Web Links Please add any links for sites of interest, cheers !
- 7 replies
Here's a jolly little song that, if you're anything like me, you'll find yourself singing for the next few days it's all about 'Bukkake'...and if, by some small chance, you don't know what that means look it up on'll be positively sprayed with creamy results *arf*...anyway, here's the video...WARNING! May not be suitable for work! if you work with lots of easily offended pipsqueaks turn the volume down and chuckle to yourself
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your looking fekin good in your new avatar i have to say! bout bloody time you changed it really - looked too simular to marks
and they ar ethe funniest thing i've ever seen, plus it also sent me into a daze for a few hours as i can't remember taking half of them
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how good was that weekend?! im still rather fuzzy in the head from it all i hadn't seen some of you for a few weeks, and some of you i hadn't seen since the last time was great seeing you again - was good meeting some new ppl too, liam styles (im not always ... honest!) and shaney_r although i only metcha briefly im alittle bit too to think of much else to write at the moment, just like to say cheers for a wicked weekend, great music, even greater company - roll on tidy summer camp! wo0h0o!
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The tune you was after that you asked me on msn the other night, is it heavens cry *I dont need this*??? think it could be ya know
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i notice you've taken it and used it!!!!!! Good on you. Can't wait to see you dance!! Ever i only found it funny cus i was in a right mess, or it really was the best dance this side of christmas. hope you're well too!!!
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Whats ur avatar all about? If i wasnt so pissed, i might be abel to tell...
JP & Jukesy asked me to design another cover for them, this time for a bleeping magazine!!! pretty excited about it all, how mental will it be to pop into WHSmith's and say "see that? i did that...." need a lie down i think
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Now that I have a box with a shit load of bandwidth to be used up - would anyone be interested with running a shoutcast web radio ? I really dont know enough about it at the moment but I will look into it as we are no longer restricted by bandwidth. That said there could be licences issues again i fear ............... Any information would be greatly appreciated ! Thank you please.
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Did anyone see this last night. I was disgusted. Fucking police, they are supposed to be there to protect people and be responsible. What those 5 men done to that poor man was horrific. They should be locked up and pay for what they done that night.
Thanks to @LiamStyles we now have a new interview up on Tara reynolds. please have a look in the reviews and interviews forum. many thanks Liam Next up should be @Phil B's Caroline Banx interview
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Thanks for the advice. I've just got back from the hospital! Leg/Ankle is all strapped up! Not broken, thankgod I have two torn/snapped ligaments (it think thats what he said) and a sprained ankle! Gunna be out of action for a few weeks, will be making a comeback at Wildchild!! Can't wait for that Can't go out Mayday weekend as I have an appointment at the hospital on May 3rd, -bloody bank holiday The fuckers aint give me crutches and I can't walk at all. Luckily I have tomorrow off work but have to go in for a training course on Thursday Bring on Wildchild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take it easy people Richy
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Click here for BBC story This scares me, anyone else? However the point must be made, that by living in a democracy, we have to accept the "will of the people." If they are elected we have get on and deal with them as elected representatives, no matter our own feelings toward them.
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I'm going shopping in Manchester tomorro, with my credit card hehehehe
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