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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by richyh,

    I was chatting to Bungle on MSN last night and was telling him about my leg, I told him what I has done and then he replied: "So you wont be able to wank then?" I asked him "what makes you think that?" Then he realised what he had put (he genuinely didn't realise what he'd said), he meant to put "walk," but he obviously was thinking of something else whilst talking to me. It makes me sick!

    • 5 replies
  2. Started by Shaney R,

    Now come on my son, when i ask you for a nice sassy look for the girls, i dont expect you to look like fucking GOLLUM!!! Get a grip Tresh, just look at the bloody state of it.

    • 9 replies
  3. Started by richyh,

    I've just been playing football and I went over on my ankle and there was big crunch at which I shouted "fuck" very loudly. My ankle has now swollen up bigtime and I can't put any weight on it! I've had injuries before and been to casualty only to be x-rayed and sent away saying to rest it as its not a break! It really hurts! Should I bother going to Casualty or should I leave it a bit?

    • 12 replies
  4. Started by Bungle,

    Just had a bloke ring me telling me that I've had the same fone for over two years and he's desperate to give me a new one. Didn't realise it had been that long. Phones aren't something I think about really. I've still got a 3310e. Anyway, he's phoning back in an hour and I don't know which phone to get. Its got to be one I'll get for free, but any suggestions? Oh and it needs to be a nokia preferably I haven't got a clue

    • 38 replies
  5. Started by Lisa,

    From http://uk.news.yahoo.com/040407/80/eqk3b.html AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Body piercing and tattoos make way -- the latest fashion trend to hit the Netherlands is eyeball jewellery. Dutch eye surgeons have implanted tiny pieces of jewellery called "JewelEye" in the mucous membrane of the eyes of six women and one man in cosmetic surgery pioneered by an ophthalmic surgery research and development institute in Rotterdam. The procedure involves inserting a 3.5 mm (0.13 inch) wide piece of specially developed jewellery -- the range includes a glittering half-moon or heart -- into the eye's mucous membrane under local anaesthetic at a cost of 500 t…

    • 15 replies
  6. Started by Ian Cashman,

    When we gonna see you out to celebrate?

    • 10 replies
  7. Started by Maria,

    Does ew fucking knows it ?

    • 11 replies
  8. Started by tommy,

    A little bit dodgey, but borrowed my mates copy of XP and installed it, but it was already registered on his comp, so I can't register it. Which means I can't access anything other than the net now. If I install an older copy of Windows, will I loose everything ?

    • 42 replies
  9. Started by Bushy,


    • 9 replies
  10. Started by Rascal,

    Anyone who was thinking of going or is going (like myself) then you'll be sad to hear that it has been cancelled. I am in the hope that this is a repeat of the Love Parade in Leeds, they said it was cancelled to keep numbers down and it went ahead in the end. Either way there are loads of us off to Berlin and I'm sure there will be partying until we are on the plane back home.

    • 1 reply
  11. Started by Alex,

    I've always assumed that it would be sliced cake. Does anyone agree?

    • 14 replies
  12. Started by Phil rr,

    heinz microwave cup chicken & sweetcorn soup? the croutons only just fit through the hole in the top.

    • 4 replies
  13. Started by James,

    I know this is old and probably already been posted but I forgot to post it before. How nice does this look...

    • 9 replies
  14. Started by Tony P,

    will they load up for anyone, cause i've been waiting for 5 minutes for page to load on tetris and nothing happened

    • 5 replies
  15. Started by Ikon,

    Around December time last year I accidently knocked some guy over outside a nightclub in town and my sister has just informed me that a copper phoned up wanting to speak to me about it today!!!!! shit!

    • 5 replies
  16. Started by neet,

    After having the flat on the market since October, we can finally move into our new house next Friday. It's a fully renovated detached three bedder ......am very excited, and also a little worried about getting old (we have actually bought matching bedroom furniture!). Can't wait though, we will finally have a garden for little kitty l'amour!! Guess the party's round mine then!

    • 7 replies
  17. Started by Carl Nicholson,

    April 24th - Absolution, Norwich May 30th - Miss Moneypennys, Berkshire Wildchild V's Slinky

  18. Started by Louise,

    you pay of all your bills and feel really chuffed yourself (without any red letters) then realise you have £8.35 to last you till next tuesday

    • 6 replies
  19. Started by Tresh,

    Why are me and Maria as bad as each other?

    • 9 replies
  20. Started by Maria,

    ..is pure CLASS ! Funniest thing I have seen sinse Ginge's personal pic

    • 34 replies
  21. Started by nuthead53,

    where are you now? im in main campus at the mo, heres my mob if u fancy a beverage sometime, or fancy a smoke. 07941513673

    • 3 replies
  22. Started by Shaney R,

    Me, Brisk (check his gut!) & Sharkey yet again in another fine mess!

    • 34 replies
  23. Started by Louise,

    your sig is spelt wrong darling hardware has a D in it

    • 8 replies
  24. Guest saffysue
    Started by Guest saffysue,

    Have you done my cd, never mind Bungle's?! Got on line & you weren't here, so confusing!! Will you get some %&$%&" credit for your £$^*^$ phone!!

    • 9 replies
  25. Started by Mr Moo,

    Can some antibiotics bring you out in lots of tiny little red spots. Its mainly around the mouth, chin and bottom of my nose. The skin between my nostrils had chapped almost. Never seen this before. I feel ugly... for once.

    • 12 replies
  26. Started by Bushy,

    In the semi final of the Champions league. I think a draw is a good result, but they must score a goal!

    • 19 replies
  27. Started by Bungle,

    Was just showing my dad the nokia site and he mentioned that they list the weights in grams. He asked me what they worked out to in proper numbers (oz's) and I converted waaaaaaaay to quickly. How the hell do I explain that I know that 3.5gs is an 1/8oz so 28gs is an ounce?!?

    • 20 replies
  28. Started by Lisa,

    having to pose like super models?? Yeh ok a fair few are attractive etc, but why the posing!!??

    • 21 replies
  29. Started by Titchy,

    mine r choccie biscuits... cant get enuf of them me!

    • 20 replies
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