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sorry not been around much had a lot of personal probs but as part of my job as a recruiter heres a few comps for u all have 5 pairs of timeless tickets to give away 2 pairs of lashed in london tickets to give away and 1 pair of planet tidy magna mission to give away that link for competitions page well worth entering, what ya got to lose and dont forget to join us we dont bite much
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looking at a picture of homer and marge shagging
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Thanks everyone for comin, it was a quality weekend. Well, I say weekend but it actually went on for 5 days. you're all more than welcome to the next sueissential, probs after Timeless & Wildchild. And Shane, if you ever get me drunk & let me make a tw*t of myself in front of Glazby & Tara again I think I'll have to kill you. Has anyone worked out why there were 4 of us in the outside toilet yet? Keep findin random things in my house....grinders...poppers...d-rugs...fags...lipbalm...half a wardrobe worth of clothes that aren't mine...sick...fruit juice...more the hell much did we drink!?!?! My poor cat hasn't …
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Hello Everone, I have just registered again on the new site which looks wicked. I hope to start talkin with some of you wicked lot soon about everything that is clubbin !!! -->
is hanging in the air like an old mans nappy
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Here we have the final title for Star Wars Episode 3 it's not going to be 'The Shadow Rises', 'Fall of the Republic', 'Fall of the Jedi' or even 'The Creeping Fear' (please George don't make it that last one...please...really!) as has been suggested on many Star Wars sites in recent months...well at least they're being honest this time round
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Are you two definitely going to Wildchild in May? it will be really good to see you again! Also my first ever WC hope everything is going well with you
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the weather is sweet yeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh hows is every1 ive been away for a while but im back! hope you all ok! totally missin my nights out in london cant wait for the next 1!! fill me in on what ive missed then..........
QUOTE Chris H...done any CD's or online mixes recently? sure have 'Organized Chaos'.... its an 18track harddance to hardcore mix... PM me ya addy if you want a copy, or you can download it on mp3 from HERE Tracklisting is: Chris Hutchinson 'Organised Chaos' - mixed 27/3/04 1. Jon Doe 'State Of XTC' - Honeypot 2. Jeff Sealey + Tim C 'Twist' - CDR 3. D&G 'Get On The Floor' (San Francisco Acid Mix) - Banging Tunes 4. Flymo 'I Am Pain' (Phil Fee Remix) - CDR 5. Equinox 'Get Up' - Tonka Trax 6. Jeff & Russ Sealey 'Serious Shit' - Litup 7. Captain Tinrib 'Blue Oyster' (Tinrib Remix) - Tinrib 8. Etienne Picard 'Get Up' …
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- about adding an "ONLINE INDICATOR" thingy under or above peoples avatars? I know theres a list at the bottom of the home page but its not always up to date. The indicator would be good for people wanting a quick reply to PMs or other things. Just a thought I've had recently.
about GWBush just so you know: •I attacked and took over 2 countries. •I spent the U.S. surplus and bankrupted the US Treasury. •I shattered the record for the biggest annual deficit in history (not easy!). •I set an economic record for the most personal bankruptcies filed in any 12 month period. •I set all-time record for the biggest drop in the history of the stock market. •I am the first president in decades to execute a federal prisoner. •In my first year in office I set the all-time record for most days on vacation by any president in US history (tough to beat my dad's, but I did). •After taking the enti…
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chocolate for pudding? u can go for yoghurts and custard and fruit & anything else, but i don't think u can ever be disappointed if u have a decent chocolate mousse/sponge cake in the fridge. i just had a yoghurt and i want chocolate
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i love to have a good dig. hate it when people stair at me while i'm doing it though. bloody rude of them i say
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Sorry Jimmy.....couldnt resist sharing it
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You like my avatar, is it a bit better, bring back any memories lmao.
If you've done Friday, why not post it? Or at least let me have a sneak preview...
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wheres the point in a game that offers no skill what so ever? in 15 mins of playing there wasnt one 'O' thrown out the window. i had every other fukin letter you would have thought the dipshit that designed it would have put a simple calculation in to say only throw letters out that you dont allreay have fukin amature game designers
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since Middle of March... My backlog is getting Huge
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