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Who is someone off Gurn talking about from CTW?? "Lazy Gunn - hijole! says: u know if i had to relive out our sexual liason i wuld have raped her arse horrifically while smashing her head into the ground" Guess.
- 0 replies
Just thought i would share my joy! haha those skinny monkeys are a pain in the arse tho
- 25 replies
This is no joke! You may have heard that Bushy & Nuthead may have sat in something on my car's passenger seat. Well I was in my car earlier and it looks like something has dried and gone hard on my passenger seat where a certain bean flicker has sat recently. There is no way on this earth I am goint to smell it to see what it is, but how the fuck do I go about cleaning whatever it is off? Bushy & Nuthead - did you get some special bean juice removing powder? If so, can I have some!?? Some one help me please!!
- 10 replies
and all the girls are surrounding him. I'm so jealous!
PM us if you have. Cheers biffers. mwa.
every seems to be either out or playing those games
- 12 replies
I do most of the time. Although if I am too hot I wont wear them because I seem to tangle myself up during the night and wake up thinking I have pissed the bed. Tonight, I am going to wear my jamas. Just thought you should know that. Now take a minute and picture it, too.
- 18 replies
Thinking of getting this ... Then all members will be able to upload pics etc... Only issue is that it resides where the forum is (i.e. on Invision's own servers as I host them there). Only got 100mb space at moment due to cost so will probably up that a bit for user galleries but still have main CTW gallery (using ImageFolio) on my own server (hosted at IpowerWeb). Can anyone think of any better way ? Unfortunately I cant have the gallery hosted on my machine (well, not at least until I move the gallery to my box - but then I dont think it will run as fast and we will have security & backup issues as before lol)
- 4 replies
which would you enjoy more - starting the new job, or telling ppl at your old job where to go?
- 7 replies
Am trying to beat your score at connect 4 but i cant!! damm u!!!
nuthead53 is the new Connect 4 champion! Today nuthead53 is the new Roulette champion! Today nuthead53 is the new A-Blast champion! Today dont you have uni work to do or something?
- 5 replies
Do you like it ? I have been on it for a day and think it is fucking SHIT. The service is shit. Sending normal texts and MMS is shit. Everything is slow. The Customer Service is SHIT. The hand set I got is smart as fuck, but O2 overall - is SHIT. I can't believe it.
- 20 replies
If like me you are stoopid, but interested, when it comes to physics you may find this useful ... I know we asked this question on the old board but ... Who believes in the Big Bang theory ? Do you believe that there has always been a universe, or do you believe that there was once a beginning - and if so do you believe there will be an end ?
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Are you a snob in any shape or form? If you are snobbish, do you mind or do you try and control your urges? Do you think it's ok to be snobbish?
- 14 replies