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Was something i was thinking about, i would be happy to live to my late 60's so 70 and below. with the life style some of us choose to live, what would you be happy with? (hope this doesent offend anyone in anyway)
Your new avatar looks nothing like you Btw, I was watching Busted on TV last night ad you do look uncannily like them
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if i pop pills..... ive told her i have tryed it she didnt seem that bothered but wen i tolds her i have the odd joint she went mad!! why why why why why thats all she could say! ive givin her the talktofrank website! what else is there i can do??? she asked me this coz she had a dream that the police came round to her house to tell her i had died from doin pills!! i have a funny feeling she has been speakin to 1 of my old so called friends tho!
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Hey hon...long time no speak since ive been on here(sorry) loan comes thru on mon... was wondering seeing as u aint going wildchild now id i could have ur addy to send cheque for the money u lent us at last wildchild. pm me hun. hope ur alright. xx
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I've got a sneaking suspicion that arsenal may come a cropper here. Leeds were the last team to beat them in the league, so its all there for a upset! Leeds Utd i hate, but Arsenal going all season unbeaten has to give! it just has to!
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Just spent the morning installing a new arcade hack which looks THE NADS ! Anyone around to help test it ??? Please contact me on msn ...
Shes fit and id not kick her outa bed but id like to smack her and her fake tan for 6.. just for the fun of it like...
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Ahoy from the land downunder! How the hell is everyone going? what events have i missed... actually i dont wanna know how much fun your all having, its not fair im jealous! Well it's been some time i know, but, finally, the mix has been made and rapidly burnt onto cd medium, ready to be dispersed into your hot little hands. my question, who wants a copy? something for everyone on there, hope you enjoy. if ya want a copy send me an address to mail it to, and have some patience, coz that will require me getting off my arse and getting to the post office. something that doesnt happen every day! hope your all well and good and still firing the fuck up. im cur…
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