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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by Miss Minx,

    Post the funniest pic of another board member you have Post the funniest picture of yourself that you have

  2. Started by Miss Minx,

    of something that reminds you of another board memeber (oh and tell us which member)

  3. And you thought all the noise and nonsense of bonfire night was over…This week Clubbed Up Radio bring you another ‘Banger’ of a show to prove you don’t need massive rockets to make a racket! Once again Nice Guy Danny + Steve Arnold bring you another jam-packed show filled with all the latest in hard dance and club listings. Guests for this week are from the newly set up online record label/online record shop UFC (United Filth Coalition). Stuart M and Matt Pickup have been making sound waves across the scene for some time now. Between them they have featured at clubs such as Frantic, Pure Filth, Insomniacz, Goodgreef, Parlez Vu, Wired, and will be playing straight a…

  4. Started by fifedjdomo,

    I passed my driving test this morning! yey! go me!! only 3 faults YYYAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSS!

  5. Started by Miss Minx,

    If your nipping in at least leave us alittle msg try n get this place lively a bit

    • 13 replies
  6. Started by Miss Minx,

    come on then guys how was your weekend rocked t * Fair on friday and making Ian throw up lol * Roasted chesnuts * Finding the coolest jumper on sunday shopping its awesome * seeing my bitches on Thursday Lost it * Interview on saturday - stressful * Not going out cos waaay to tired (mines been pretty crap lol who can do better)

    • 17 replies
  7. This Friday Clubbed Up continues its assault on club land with a jam packed show…and what a ‘Storm’er is going to be! This week’s guest is the one man wrecking machine and the daddy at one of the countries most popular night, Storm. Daley needs no introduction, having featured at clubs all over the country including nights like Tidy Weekender, Wildchild and Frantic and that’s to add to the many records that have been released on labels such as Deprivation, Flashpoint, Nukleuz and Short Circuit…his biog speaks for itself. We’ll be chatting to him about what he’s got lined up along with an un-cut live guest DJ mix – so don’t miss out! There will also be guestlist pl…

    • 4 replies
  8. Started by Miss Minx,

    Banning xmas decorations in bham city centre was the last straw really, this petition might not do much but at least not just whinging so if you agree add your signature http://new.petitiononline.com/PCBULL/petition.html

  9. Started by Sophie,

    Hi everyone havent been on here for aaagggeeess!!!!! so thought i would come on and say a big hello ! im on a loose end tonight with not much to do, boyf has buggered of out with his mates so i ordered a dominoes tex mex pizza scoffed the lot and now im bored! For those of you who havent a clue, i am a CTW oldie.. . and a big hello to you all! Any way whats everyone up to?

    • 5 replies
  10. Started by Gilly,

    I dropped it on the floor and it exploded...... me not a happy Gill anymore!!

    • 14 replies
  11. Started by Shaney R,

    Well with the Seduction launch day well and truly behind us it's time to step it up a gear on sunday 20th November!!! The next event will be special in it's own right with Ben Kaye (Tidy) in for a 2 hour exclusive set to get you all motivated!!! The club will have more deco added, back drops and visuals once again. Seduction residents Shaney_R and Newtzy will be putting all they can into this event to give you party people something special!!! Caddy (Garlands/Slide) will also be joining us in the second helping of this wonderful event plus Will C will be making his Seduction debut along with Messy P, bringing you the finest music on the hard dance scene to date! …

    • 27 replies
  12. Started by Mr Moo,

    In Lincoln. ROCKING. TRANANTULA!!!

    • 9 replies
  13. Started by Bukey,

    Emergence first started as an idea in my head over six years ago. Seventeen months ago, it became reality. With the help of friends, a team was built to throw some amazing Emergence, Turn DJ competition and Emergence of Hardcore parties. I've been thinking long and hard about my involvement over the last few months, and have decided to leave the Emergence team. It's been a fantastic seventeen months, but very hard going at times - the reward of seeing clubbers enjoying themselves has always been worth it however. In life, there always comes a time when it is right to move on. For me, the time to move on from promoting Emergence is now. There is no one specific r…

  14. Started by James,

    Why ever pay for another call ... Main Website: http://www.skypehandsets.com/ Skype Introduction: http://www.skypehandsets.com/hello.swf Dualphone with extra handset- RRP £114.90 (Price includes VAT)

    • 19 replies
  15. Started by Phil rr,

    were you in the audience for room 101?

  16. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    1 whole page and no posts by minx??? wtf is going on not that i noticed till now

    • 8 replies
  17. Started by paula,

    i rang too book tickets for polysexual tmoz nite. and they arrived today and are for 3rd december. the stupied guy on the phone was talking about it looked a good place too spend bonfire evening ffs

    • 2 replies
  18. Started by Maria,

    You're post birthday celebrations are going to be speshul ones ! Not long now ! EDIT [spelling ]

    • 15 replies
  19. Started by fifedjdomo,

    ****could a moderator please move this to the appropriate section cos i couldnt find it. this is a spam**** White Stones Magazine hackney uk take a look and see if you're interested Bill, WhitestonesMagazine.com

  20. Started by Ginge,

    I finally gone and got my self a new TV....... 42in (106.6cm) TV with 106cm visible screen size. Virtual Dolby surround sound. 2 x 30w RMS power output. Teletext with fastext. UHF tuner. Auto setup. Auto search tuner. Auto search sorting. Auto search labelling. Sleep timer. Child lock. NTSC compatible. Headphone socket. Side AV socket. 3 SCART sockets. Remote control (2 x AAA batteries required - not supplied). Complete with stand. Size of TV (H)96.7, (W)100.5, (D)50cm. Size with stand (H)138.7, (W)100.4, (D)54.1cm. Weight of TV 40.4kg. Weight of stand 29.6kg. .....all for the bargain price of £599.99 Been looking at…

    • 15 replies
  21. Started by Shaney R,

    2 make u piss yaself on this boring monday!!!!!!!! RAPAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • 5 replies
  22. Started by fifedjdomo,

    it was appropriate to ginges thread but it didnt get the publicity i wanted!! you jobbies!! lol

  23. Started by Ginge,

    Apparently 20% of people killed on the road are killed by drunk drivers. Tha means that 80% are killed by sober drivers So then......heres the thought. Are you really 4 times more likely to get killed by someone who is sober and if so, why are they trying to stop drink driving? Sorry...thats just the way my mind works.

    • 10 replies
  24. October/November Issue of FREE dance music magazine BASS INSTINCT MAGAZINE Calling all dance music lovers!! After a very successful first issue of BASIC INSTINCT a FREE dance music magazine back in July which included features /interviews from PAUL GLAZBY, M-ZONE, PLUMP DJ's and festival previews of GLOBAL GATHERING and CREAMFIELDS plus loads more. October/November Issue is out now! to subsribe for your FREE copy please email killakrupromo@yahoo.co.uk Content Includes exclsuive Interviews: MARCO V: Talks to us about his IN CHARGE label his brand new album and global tour The king of hard dance BK tells us about his RIOT imprint and glob…

  25. Started by Mark,

    my names mark and im a cunt

    • 68 replies
  26. Started by Ginge,

    Tonight Matthew, we wanna be the Backstreet boys

    • 11 replies
  27. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    happy birthday hunny

    • 2 replies
  28. Started by paula,

    my boss lost two sons in a car crash yesterday afternoon, im sat here thinking how the hell will they get thro this sad time . we all lose ppl we love i know, but 2 sons in one go is terrible innit

    • 7 replies
  29. Started by Shaney R,

    SEDUCTION 23/10/05 @ Canal Club Click seduction folder on the left

    • 0 replies
  30. Started by smut_1_00,

    After Monkey's first party (which was a mahoosive success) we are looking for DJ's of all musical styles to come onboard for our next event. THE MORE MIXED UP THE BETTER!!!!!ANYTHING GOES!!!!! We're also looking for VJ's to put on a visual display of every proportion to both provide an assualt and optical massage for the punters. Send your CD's & DVD's to: MONKEY Promotions 29 Cubbits Wharf Storers Quay Isle Of Dogs London E14 3BF Any queries PM me or e-mail monkey@teknogreek.com

    • 5 replies
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