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To still feel the effects of a night out a week after the event...even though you have been feeling fine all week?
- 17 replies
Nothing, you've already told the bitch twice already.
- 9 replies
Although I like being classed as a MAJOR 'shroom head, I'm relatively new to it all. First time I did them was once at Amsterdam 18 months ago, then again at Global last year. The time after that was at the last Wildchild. I know I'm always going on about them, and James said he's known me to be on them more than not but I'm not really that bad. I just like them But now theres a shop near me that sells them I'm probably gonna become a REAL mushroom head. Should be getting some Indian 'shrooms today, never had them before. Dont know why I posted that, just thought I'd be honest.
- 30 replies
You have a 35 question multiple choice test, each question has four answers. The pass mark is 30 out of 35. What's the probability of passing if you answer all the questions at random? Had a go at this using logic and was sure I was right but then got all confused and I can't remember how we did it at school. Hmph.
what we doing? im doing bugger all , not even working
Pirate radio! ahahahahahahah ahahaha HAah HAahA HhA hAhA haahhahahaHA AhahaHaH a Hah hah ah A Hah H ah ugh!
- 4 replies
QUOTE Once upon a time in a land far far away... There was a community called CTW. People there had fun and adventure without fear of persecution because of the opinions and beliefs they held dear to them. I find myself here and now, asking: "What the fuck happened to it then?" More than one person joined?
- 5 replies
I just remembered, one of your friends was incredibly rude to me last Sunday. Someone said she was called cheeky chick or something. She came up to me, plain as day and said "You're really rude aren't you?" I protested saying that I always used my p's and q's. She wouldn't have any of it, little bitch. I dunno what you've been telling people about me but I won't have my good reputation dragged through the mud. Thanks.
- 11 replies
mine has to be Six feet under, CSI: Crime scene investigation and Friends (till it finishes )
- 17 replies
3 years running?! If so, congratulations to that bird. She's finger licking good.
Come on over to mine either Tuesday or Wednesday (if your available) and dazzle me with your driving skills.
- 20 replies
Please give generously, as he needs the money to clean bean spillage!
- 3 replies
............I'm sure it'll be better than my weekend! Guess where I'm going, -bloody sailing around the Isle Of Weight!!! Got roped in to it on Christmas day when I was drunk. It should be a cheap healthy weekend, -I haven't had one of those for ages!! Hope everyone has a good weekend what ever they are doing!!! Speak to you all Monday. Rich PS - Is anyone going to Scream in Bristol on the 24the April?
- 1 reply
how many uses do you get out of a gillete-type (or equivelent) razor b4 you need to change it? im lucky that i have a job where i dont need to look tidy all the time (and i dont get that much stubble quickly anyway) so i can get away with a shave once a week...hehe
- 14 replies
I wish I was canadian and involved in the seal skinning industry.
Could you define all these for me? I'm a little confused. Techno Techno-rave Techno House Hardcore Techno Old School Techno Proto Techno Psychedelic Techno Bubblegum Techno Industrial Techno Detroit Techno Techno Trance Tech Trance Trance Hard Trance Progressive Trance Deep Trance Epic Trance Psy-Trance Goa Trance Acid Trance Acid Hard Acid Acid Core Hard Acid Core Acid Techno Acid House House Progressive House Hard House Future Hard House Happy House Hip House Chicago House NY House Ghetto House Booty House Latin House Oriental House Amyl House Deep H…
- 11 replies
......quiet in here at the moment? how's everyone's easter been? discuss! or or ????
- 8 replies
Cows cant be see in adverts for margarine? you do now
- 25 replies
My 4th day today......i get a little craving but not all day, only when i stop doing anything....i am doing this cold turkey....can anyone give me a little advice if you have been through it and succeeded
- 16 replies
Bungle after your very witty comments I think I have to say sorry to you. So Bungle, "I'm sorry!!" I'm not in the best of moods at the moment to I can't really make any witty replies, but I wish to point out that I am 100% straight. I have never, and never will, have any sexual relations with a member of the male species! I hope this clarifies the situation for you, and for everyone that you have led in to thinking that I am gay!! I hate to say it, but Bungle 1 Rich 0
- 13 replies
would you sell your story to Max Clifford for top dollar?
- 14 replies
just bought two lindt chocolate bunny's @ half price - put them in the back seat of the car and could hear their bells jingling while driving home, not sure what they were doing.
- 2 replies
Some girls, when they start putting on weight it goes straight onto their tits and when they get slim again it comes straight off. Others get fat, their tits get big and then when they go slim again their tits retain their size. I think this merits a field test, I'm going to fatten up my women in future and when their tits are a suitable size, force them to slim. If their tits stay large I know I've got a keeper.
- 50 replies