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yea i know its a pile of shit, but im bored and wanted to test out a new program. heres what i did now. n ill post a pic of what ive done before, so you know im not that bad.
- 12 replies
done your cd. need your addy btw - the name of the cd is in the topic title
- 11 replies
Have you got any pics from the weekend matey, if so can u send them 2 me please. Cheers mate. C u soon.
- 5 replies
".... I work for a Princess Productions, one of the 10 biggest independent TV companies in the UK. I'm currently looking for eligible young men to take part in a new TV show that we're making, and at the moment I'm focusing my search on guys in the music industry. We're taking 8 guys out to St Tropez for 3 weeks in June, where they'll live in a multi-million pound luxury villa staffed by beautiful girls. There'll be speed boat and jet-ski racing, helicopters and super-cars, casinos and clubbing, and they'll be competing against each other in a series of races and games to leave one winner who'll be crowned 'the ultimate playboy'. Think James …
- 8 replies
James, is there any chance when you put a link to another web page, the link is in a different colour, than the rest of the post, so it is highlighted more, standing out so to speak??? cos this is boring IMO, need to be in blue or something.. Link!!!!
- 3 replies
bank see if my money has magicly appeard in it ill let u no what iv bought btw im keeping it random
- 25 replies
Its taken many years for him to reach bear status, he has been through some challenging times but I notice in his new avatar that he finally has grown the ears he has desparately been yearning.
long time no chat as have internetless since tw5 as only got back from it last night What has happened? who's been where? how's every1 been?
My ADSL account has now been switched on but in their infinite wisdom my ADSL provider haven't yet sent me out my modem and filters. TWATS!
What can we do to be nasty? I dont think theres anyone about...
Tonight for dinner I had 2 bananas in a smoothy with loads of toffee ice cream and no mummy and daddy to tell me off. I'm gonna go to bed really late tonight too.
- 27 replies
Bit of a weird subject but this came up at work and I no-one's reached an agreement... If A dead Body is dropped by a funeral Parlour and bruising occurs - would this be classed as Boilily Damage or propery damage.... I mean technically it is Body... but if theres no life in the body... surely it would be classes as Propery???? Sorry for the weirdness.... just wondered everyones opinion......
- 10 replies
i did a hardhouse / acid techno mix a few months back - if your interested in hearing it 01 Christiaan Kouijzer & Alex Calver - Temper [Glitch] 02 Android & Patrick D.S.P. - Get Ah !!! [Cluster] 03 Jon Nuccle & Mike Humphries - D.O.M. Lightspeed (Headrush Tactic's Faster Than Mix) [stay Up Forever] 04 Andy Farley & Ant - Rhythm [Nukleuz] 05 Super:Vision - Hip Maghiviery [No Entery] 06 Jan Liefhebber - Dark Perception [synopsis] 07 Guy Mcaffer & Chris Liberator - 19a [RAW] 08 Ant & James Kinetic Present Bad Mutha Fucker! - 13aa [Powertools] 09 Geezer - Subvert (Testube Ba…
just got an e-mail from my local record shop telling me his shutting store i loved that shop! got to know the bloke running it quite well and we had the same tastes in music. i could always count on him to find me exactly what i was after! now that that place is shut i dont know where to go it feels like theres been a death in the family
- 12 replies
Just thought I'd pop on here and say hi to those that came to Bosh! Bit worrying that Bungle managed to miss practically the whole of my set, but i'll forgive him Sunnies pre and post activities also deserve a mention - nice to meet a few new peeps, shane katie baby hudson etc Cheers sue for letting us hang out at yours all w/e, greatly appreciated!! dunno if any of u lot will see this, but it's the thought that counts
- 23 replies
I couldnt find you in the morning yesterday, i assumed you had gone back to Fulham to experience some traditional Ipswich edibles... PM me your bank details and i will do the do. Oh and Stu, if you read this, I am still awaiting yours. I hate owing everyone money but i always end up doing it.
- 2 replies
was looking forward to getting a load at half price
- 6 replies
i put a piece of ham on the kitchen floor and she kept licking it and licking it, but couldnt prise it away gutted
- 12 replies