General Discussion
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wtf happened to you? saw you in the que for chemistry then never saw you again
i tried to log in last night and again this morning and all i get is...... 'Sorry, you don't have the permission to access this area. If the page does not automatically reload, please click here'
It was buzzing round my room, a lighter and can of deodorant soon sorted it.
- 37 replies
Happy Birthday sweet heart, hope you have a fab day & James spoils you!!
Is that your email address, Tresh?
- 11 replies
JOIN UP YOU FUCKERS!!!! there seems to be quite a few of you on at the mo!! fresh meat always required!
- 10 replies
the curse of sundays no matter wot u do its neva much fun
- 18 replies
here how lucky am I? 14 nights 4* all inclusive
- 31 replies
where do you draw the line between pisstakes and insults? theres some on the board who i can be down right rude to, but i know them personally and both of us are aware it means nothing other than a wind up. But i do try not to take the piss out of people who dont know me that well as i dont see the point in pissing someone off just because it seems funny. (thats not to say i never take a joke too far mind) but i have noticed some people on her can be down right rude to other members all in the name of 'good humour'. maybe i've missed the point and they are good mates too, but it certainly doesn't appear that why from other banter. (ie lack of FAOs between the tw…
- 15 replies
How was rush?? Did ya get chance to play 'ydk' at all What ya reckonto the 2nd cd that accompanied 'organized chaos'?? I played the Prime Mover bootleg @ Bosh on friday and it worked a treat
- 2 replies
where wud u be what wud u be doing? who wud u be with??
- 26 replies
After watching the news this morning about how France see's us as close allies and friends, but feel deeply concerned about your relationship with America, it got me thinking: When i was younger I used to believe we should move further apart from Europe (diplomatically speak of course) and closer to America, seeming as we have more in common with them. But now i'm thinking the opposite. i think we have more to gain by being part of Europe. They have better culture. Seem to have a better outlook on life and i personally think there is allot we can learn by following their lead. But if you had to choose between the two, which side of the ocean would you rather all…
- 20 replies
some new msn m8s. pretty please can u add me thank you
when you're in a better mood? When I'm pissed off, everyone is just plain butters.
- 47 replies
tanks for the cds hun there wicked! especially like the one with the trance versian of fallen by sarah mcglclan! (uhh i cant spell) long weekend!!! tara, hope your ok hun! we will have to meet up soon for a chat let me know when your in london next and we can go out for some drinks!
- 1 reply
Picture this, girl meets boy, boy girl go out, they have a fantastic time!! They arrange another time to go out, boy, girl have, again, a great time. You think result then come the i dont really have time for a relationship talk! Girl understands because of his type Job! Im not goin to say what it is though, but it does involve commitment. This always happens, i mean all the time. Ok, so i do go for certain type of man. You know, messy, spiky hair. Jeans and suit Jacket (gay look ) I don't put out, so where am i goin wrong?
- 37 replies
I'm gonna need a good buggering afterwards, so PM me now if you think you're the one for the job
- 9 replies
# those were the days my friend # # i thought they'd never end # # blah blah blah blah blah # # blah blah blah blah blah # what the fuk is that tune? me ane me mates were singing that (well the 1st 2 lines of the chorus ne how) mos tof last night and it was driving us nuts. we have no idea who did it or how the rest of it goes was singing it down the phone to bunnykins but she was non the wiser. and sazham (the phone service that you ring then play a record and it tells you the name of it) couldnt make out what we were singing either ne one?
- 24 replies
all i had was one cup of coffee!!!! fuk im caffine sencitive (and love it)
- 7 replies