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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by Phil rr,

    if u get online b4 SS.....can u pm me? ur in reading, going to ss? just got a suggestion which is worth giving a try.

    • 4 replies
  2. Started by tidy_bitch,

    Ive been off the drugs now for 3 weeks!! However, im finding myself goin out drinking on Mondays, Thursdays, fridays and sat even sunday too!! Soon it will be Hello my name is Amber and im an alcholic!! Not good

    • 9 replies
  3. Started by Ian Cashman,

    Same place by the DJ box/bar. We used it as our kinda meeting place as soon as we got in there.... No particular time.

    • 10 replies
  4. Started by Tidy Tart,

    1 who has slated try hards for months and months is now turnin very slowly but he will be a full blown try hard within the next few weeks!! already sayin bout funkin a pair of jeans up!!

    • 16 replies
  5. Started by Ian Cashman,

    well? nobodys bloody posting! what ya all up to?

    • 31 replies
  6. Started by Phil rr,

    eyyuck!! like some sort of orrible cough medicine can we av 'real' purple?

    • 10 replies
  7. Started by SexyNic,

    Good Morning! Have left you a PM too about today, pls can you give me a bell to sort out meeting up before? Should be arriving between two and half three Absolutely can't wait

    • 0 replies
  8. Started by Afterlife HQ,

    After quite literally storming 3rd Base with the Skwosh Launch party we're back for more! *Skwosh!* Every Friday @ 3rd Base. St Matthews Church Brixton. SW2. 10pm-6am+ Bouncy/Uplifting Hard House Entry £5 B4 Midnight £8 after. For full directions and map visit www.mass-club.com If you were there last Friday then you'll know that this really is the only way to spend your Friday night! If you weren't there's plenty more where that came from!:D This week, we've got another floor shaking line up of carefully selected DJs, to keep you glued to the dancefloor! ROOSTA (Honey Pot) 2001 classics! Email your requests to info@skwosh.tk! PAUL DIVI…

  9. Started by EmmaBlu,

    i have explained this one before, take it u lot must have slept since then eh? right......................... take the E from emma take the B from brown and then take the O from brown (brown is my surname if u hadnt already guessed) and there ya have it EBO me and my mates were all pilling and were thinkin up names for each other...as u do, and they came up wit EBO we called my mate fern - GULLY (as in the film fern gully) my mate craig - GNOME (cuz he looked like a gnome holding a fishing rod) and my mate gareth was called SEX GOD (we couldnt think of anything as u can tell) well i hope u r all relived now THANKYOU …

    • 6 replies
  10. Started by Trouble,

    now im all ascared and dont wanna go to bed some one hold me

    • 22 replies
  11. Started by Tony P,

    Is now up in the reviews/interview forum, please have a look i personally think his answers are a great read

    • 0 replies
  12. Started by Lisa,

    Got my Bonkers cd blasting & im getting so in to it, that im bopping in my chair, my chair has wheels & it just fecking took off, it crashed into the speaker, which nearly fell over, oops dont tell Tony & I nearly fell out of it!! BRING ON THE HARDCORE AVVVVVVVVVVVITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

    • 30 replies
  13. Started by Dawn,

    There thinking of leaving Leicester @ 12 Can you do it for then

    • 0 replies
  14. Started by Maria,

    Is the fecking nads. I am so proud of it. Wouldn't swap it for the world. It is THUMPING. VA VA VOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. I love it 'ard. ooo-aaar

    • 21 replies
  15. Started by Ian Cashman,

    he's curled up on my lap and whinges if i chuck him off.. cheeky lil twat

  16. Started by Lizard,

    Ok...just waiting for a mix i'm listening to to finish then i'm off to play Quake 3 for a while and i'm wondering whether anyone (should anyone else actually play these kindsa games of course) occasionally gets suckered away from the near perfection of Quake 3 to Unreal (whatever version it is these days) only to realise that it is, in fact, shite...then going back to the fun of Quake for a proper game...you may be able to guess that my answer to this completely pointless little poll is Quake 3

    • 24 replies
  17. Started by Mr Happy,

    i've notice you and chris spell 'blue' the same way, and you both live in peterborough.... whens the kids due?

  18. Started by EmmaBlu,

    i have decived u all and went to another forum, found out it was compleate bollox and left. i didnt compleately fuk off from here i was still checkin to c if ya were all still alive

    • 19 replies
  19. Started by Dawn,

    That I for one WILL be a new smilie junkie for quite sometime

    • 5 replies
  20. Started by Lisa,

    are you copying me, by any chance???

    • 16 replies
  21. Started by tidy_bitch,

    click her, you know you want to

    • 12 replies
  22. Started by Phil rr,

    where the fcuk were u last night then

    • 8 replies
  23. Started by Mr Happy,

    if you dont know already then you need your eyes examined

    • 5 replies
  24. Guest Kether
    Started by Guest Kether,

    Tried to record it onto my pc and the cable's fucked. DJ Kether Vol 2 is gonna be delayed I'm afraid.

    • 23 replies
  25. Started by Tidy Tart,

    to start with it was all then by the end of the night it was zzzzzzzzzz then got abused by a male clubber!

    • 0 replies
  26. Started by Mr Moo,

    As seen in other post, by the DJ box, next to the bar bit.

    • 0 replies
  27. Started by Dawn,

    Nice to see your up and about early not been kicked out of bed have ya

    • 6 replies
  28. Started by Ginge,

    These are brilliant, cheers Jimbo.

    • 6 replies
  29. Started by Tresh,

    Got ur 2nd cd the other day, fookin awesome. These last few days I've had both of them on loop!!!

    • 7 replies
  30. Started by Louise,

    (the pale pink not the bight one) theres no Active topics button.......is there?

    • 12 replies
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