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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by Dondo,

    Hi all Dunno if any of u guys can help but i have a 100 min mix that i want to copy onto 2 80 min Cds- anyone know how to put a break in it so it will fit? Cheers all

    • 7 replies
  2. Started by Ginge,

    • 16 replies
  3. Started by 2funkedup,

    whose going? come on you horrible lot!!!!!

    • 5 replies
  4. Started by Maria,

    Anyone seen this yet ? We got it on DVD lastnight - wicked copy too. I didn;t watch it, only my mum did and the verdict was that she thought it was horrific. She said it aint a film you would watch a second time and if she went to the pictures to watch it she would have had to walk out ! She felt sick. It leaves you with a lasting memorie of the brutality of man and that is anyone doesnt get moved by that film, then they should apply for a job as a terrorist. Your views ?

    • 34 replies
  5. Started by cyberkidmadness,

    how u all doing today then, had a good day or not

    • 11 replies
  6. Has anyone else seen these? What did you think? Non viewers need not reply. Personally I think they are excellent films. Got all 3 delivered by my kind Mr. Postie today and I think I'm gonna watch the 3rd one again. Johnny Depp rocks.

    • 5 replies
  7. Guest Jay
    Started by Guest Jay,

    Cant actually be struck anywhere can they.

    • 17 replies
  8. Started by Lisa,

    Are you gracing us with your company tonight for the footie???

    • 0 replies
  9. Started by Alex,

    Ok I haven't got anything to say, just looking for an excuse to use this version of your name.

    • 20 replies
  10. Started by teabag,

    given those mad women with babies who beg on the london underground wearing sarongs any money? they get reet on ma tits

    • 12 replies
  11. Started by James,

    [dohtml] Frantic Chemistry if the e-flyer does not launch, please click here http://www.clubpromos.co.uk/chemistry/eflyer.html codebase=http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=5,0,0,0 height=380 width=620 classid=clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000> src="http://www.clubpromos.co.uk/chemistry/eflyer2.swf" quality=high pluginspage="http://www.macr…

    • 0 replies
  12. Started by nuthead53,

    Yeah i know im talking shit. But when you listene to your chunes, do you sometimes visualise yourself dancing to it, and how you would actually do it? I do, but upon trying my visualisation with my body, it just doesent work out I guess i can only dream

    • 12 replies
  13. Started by tidy_bitch,

    Oh look a tumbleweed

    • 10 replies
  14. Started by James,

    Okies, the IP address resolves to host81-136-12-26.in-addr.btopenworld.com. This means we know where it ends up. This could be a dynamic or static IP. In either case, we know the time it happened, and I may be talking with BT Openworld about exactly who this IP address was assigned to at the time. The person that lived here really hasn't been too clever... I won't take any action before speaking to James properly, but the idiot has done several things: - Illegally used unauthorised access to break into software, therefore wronging James/CTW. - Illegally gained unauthorised access to a computer system, wronging me. - Illegally gained u…

    • 0 replies
  15. Started by Bushy,

    Mine used to be 'Y Cymro' translated means 'The Welshman' but that has closed down for good, some ###### has bought it and is turning it into a house or something. So now i suppose its either 'The Kings Head' in the village or 'The Masons' or 'The Plough' in Denbigh. Also how well do you know your Landlord/lady? I used to get pie-eyed with Colin at the Cymro. Only know the owners of the others pubs.

    • 36 replies
  16. Started by nuthead53,

    Which do you prefer? or

    • 10 replies
  17. Started by Dawn,

    Are you green or is it my eyes playing up

    • 8 replies
  18. Started by snowqueen,

    I have never been abroad in my life, but i am wanting to go to south africa and visit family, does anyone know best airline to use to go to africa, as i will be taking my daughter and my nan.......

    • 6 replies
  19. Started by Dawn,

    Is this the one and only Chris Hawkes Good Luck fella We covered each cd with a blank label, listened to them all then picked out the 10 which we thought were the best judged on mixing ability tune selection and general layout of the cd. We then peeled off the labels to reveal these 10 qualifiers. in no order. JON STANLEY AYRESY AND CLEWS HOUSE FUKKER ANDY T JAMES DIGVA DAMAGE 'N' NARKOTIQUE CHRIS HAWKES TEGGERZ ROCKIN RUSS LAURA MAY You ever been to the Edge

    • 17 replies
  20. Started by Maria,

    Would be nice to have one off you lot to cherrish.

    • 46 replies
  21. Started by squeakage,

    has it always been here just not seen it?? hes pretty cool

    • 6 replies
  22. Guest Kether
    Started by Guest Kether,

    But just how fat is she? My best mate's mum is about a size 16.

    • 4 replies
  23. Guest Kether
    Started by Guest Kether,

    What would you choose?

    • 35 replies
  24. Started by Mr Moo,

    That is all.

    • 5 replies
  25. Started by Maria,

    Right, im putting this up, because I don;t know who to turn to really, without them thinking the total WORSE (about me). Bit of a serious topic, this. A mate of mine has just moved in a few doors up the road from my parents. I was best mates with her all through Secondary School, and have only recently (last few months) been in contact (over the phone), before she moved in just a few doors up. About 3 weeks ago, I went up to see her and how she was settling in and that im glad she is living close by my parents because we havn't seen each other in ages. She has a baby about 2 years old and is also pregnant with another. I met her boyfriend that night who came…

    • 46 replies
  26. Guest Kether
    Started by Guest Kether,

    How are you getting there? Anyone mind if I tag along?

    • 0 replies
  27. Started by Ginge,

    Dont know why but I get this mad urge for a chocolate and cheese sandwich. Think I might be pregnant. Anyone else ever had any wierd cravings or food urges?

    • 7 replies
  28. Started by Maria,

    I know they are cute looking and I no doubt they have arses to the like to spend hours dribbling over... But coul dyou really go out with someone with all this muscle ? Does it turn you off ? Would you prefer this... A man who is full of himself (olets forget about the good looks and the nice arse for a sec).. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Or would you prefer the type of man that is a little less Masculine ?

    • 32 replies
  29. Guest Kether
    Started by Guest Kether,

    I was having a crafty dangerwank.

    • 59 replies
  30. Started by Lizard,

    Someone's probably posted this already as it's been around for aaaaaages...it may even have been me ...but I just watched it again and I laughed so hard I nearly did myself a mischief...but then i've always been an excitable chap http://www.rathergood.com/hedgehogs/

    • 1 reply
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