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I got woken up by a mate at 2.30 this morning and got talked into going to my mates 'afterparty' (although I didn't go out clubbing - it's shite) at her house. Needless to say I was not impressed by being woken up not long after I back flipped into bed. It paid off though. Just feel a bit sketchy. But have drank endless ammounts of squash. Pissing like there is no tomorrow. And having 3 kids in my house doesn't help. Although Ian Cashmans CDs do.
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ok i couldnt get the whole title in so here it is. What aspect of your personality do you want to apply to life, or to use in your carear or any other way you can think of. by this i mean things like; - deep inner thinking (this i feal i do) - the ability to understand how people could have different views - outgoing - motivated and lots more
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you sould try blackout audio. not saying i dislike the baord because i dont. but i've only been on there a day and already got told off twice just because i asked people why they didnt like such and such label and the other time was because i said i found guy macaffers raw series to be too repetative. apparently guy mcaffer could be offended if he was to read it so fukin what - if he rights shit tunes his got to expect people to critasize him. and to think i was polite about the way i thrased it as well besides - they dont even know if he is signed up on there. its madness i they'd have a field day if kev went on there
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its strange how u can like someone so fast, for instance with me i like someone to much (if thats even possible,i feel it is) i wouldnt say in love with but there still strong emotions and feelings. ive told him but its the reaction i get back i dont understand its hard to tell someone how u feel i no but a little hint wouldnt hurt stops u thinking the worst about wether or not they like you and want to be with you like you wanna be with them. the hard bit is u dont no anything they could just stop seeing u 1 day,or not call anymore. that then leaves u have strong feelings for someone that doesnt want you how r u even ment to prepare yourself 4 that?…
yup im all about slapping things today and yes i know its a oldy and probably been posted neway my best so far is 633
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fairly fun post your top score
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It's by the same guy that did that one where you put the objects onto a globe and made them grow...this one's involving devilish looking plants...'tis quite addictive
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i just assued as she wasnt around the house when i woke up, she was at work. i meen i went to bed a good 6 hours after her and i still get up before her
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change your bloody avatar back, will you!! I keep thinking your jay
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"Harry 'Choo-Choo' Romero - Beats Vol 2" QUOTE i just cant belive all the things people say why must i deal with this shit; every fukin day?
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It was my friends birthday & I got drunk.... £180 though, that's ridiculous My friends boss came on to me, he's bald & fat & ugly with terrible dress-sense, the most hideous shoes i've ever seen... Started on my sober pregnant sister, got a lift home in the back of some dudes van, don't even know who he is Just remember sitting on lots of tools. Woke up this morn feeling not too good, fully dressed & in my flatmates bedroom, she's on the sofa & there's another man I don't know in my bed wearing my t-shirt. Had about 15 paracetamol, still feel drunk & my friends wanna go for a pub lunch. Drinking rules.
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If you asked for an 'Existence' cd off me and not got it yet, could you please let me know, cos ive posted them all out but it appears a few have not turned up! A few peeps will have cd copies of 'Saccharine' by now.. If i sent you 'Existence', i will send you 'Saccharine' as well.. no need to ask. I have now burned bagged, stamped and addressed the rest of them now and will pop them in the post today. I have 3 copies of 'Saccharine' going spare they are ready to post i just needs 3 names and addys so if you fancy a copy, first 3 people who ask for one in this thread get them... (pm me you addy obviously!) If youve already asked for one, im post…
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I'm off now but if you want get my no off steph/jilly/anyone else and gimme a text. Can't answer phone tho cos there's no signal at my mums! V useful. Might get a proper conversation with you at some point!
you don't seem to be able to put lots of !'s in a row, in a topic?
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I guess this situation has been discussed a lot before by you lot. Someone considering suicide in the correct sense: Ending their life because living isn't worth the pain and they see no way out of it no matter how much positive thinking they try. So... A man loses his girlfriend, someone who he thought was "The One" (Not from the Matrix )... Despite her admission that she doesn't want to be lovers anymore they both still love eachother terribly much, and agree to still remain the bestest of friends and travel the world together sometime in the future, as was their original plan. Obviously this hurts the man anyway, considering how he wanted to devote his…
congrats on a quality set last night @ oblivion
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A woman walks into her accountant's office and tells him that she needs to > file her taxes. > > The accountant says, "Before we begin, I'll need to ask a few questions." > > He gets her name, address, social security number, etc. and then asks, "What > is your occupation?" > > The woman replies, "I'm a whore." > > The accountant balks and says, "No, no, no. That will never work. That is > much too crass. Let's try to rephrase that." > > The woman, "OK, I'm a prostitute." > > "No, that is still too crude. Try again." > > They both think for a minute, t…
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my house mate poured me some of her beloved wine an hour ago and i forgot to drink it!?
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ok, i know im just asking questions every thread now but neway... so how much do you exercise a day? and if you do, what kinda things are you doing? if any
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