General Discussion
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Liam. He's already sent me 2 TW update's as if I'm there! What a star!
- 17 replies
and it came back up out of my nose.
- 46 replies
Once again I start work at 9pm tonight and I wont be finished til 5pm tomorrow. Its an easy enough shift but the only thing that bugs me is that NONE of those 20 hours is overtime. I better go jump in the shower and get ready. bye
- 8 replies
for a couple of good films to get on DVD tonight, please? Has any one seen these films, if so would you recommend them? The Italian Job (New version) Texas Chainsaw Massacre (new version) Cabin Fever KillBill Any other's you could recommend too please!!! PS Boring post I know, but really not in the mood to get a dvd out go home & find it's utter tripe!!
- 14 replies
All, Please would you try and follow the new procedure for adding an event suggestion ... 1) Go to the Calendar link at the top right hand corner of the screen 2) Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click 'Add New Event' 3) Enter the Event Title/name, venue and location - if there is enough space (dont enter the date in this field) 4) Set the Date for Event (note you can set up a 'ranged event' and 'recurring event' 5) Leave the Type of Event as Public 6) Enter the full event details, including links to flyers/web sites as necessary 7) Click 'Add Calendar Event' and then copy the URL/link of the event 8) Go the the Event Suggestions forum (o…
- 9 replies
DJ's to include: No One! And Honest it aint a event! I swear i'm not kidding! (Sorry Guys, just having a laugh!)
- 0 replies
See you all monday!!!! Shaney says hi, and that he is gonna have it large for all of you! TaTa!!!
- 8 replies
All, If you want to reference the posts on the 'old' board, or you want to see your old PMs use this link - please note that the old entrance page doesnt appear to work
Good job you can't see the furry skirt.
- 22 replies
Sorry dude, my phone was ringing and when i finished with my phone, james took over I shaln't sign into MSN again as it will prolly happen again Meet you at the crisp packet ok !
Just thought i'd put a quick post up & say if anyone isn't too far from Heathrow then why don't you come along for a night of dinner & boxing tonight. My mate is competing for a title tonight at The Thistle hotel in heathrow. £55, but that does include a meal beforehand and 3 title fights. Dinner starts at 20.00 & the boxing is afterwards. I know its short notice, but if there's any boxing fans or anybody who's just up for a different night out then lety me know!
- 5 replies
will sue be able to read this forum?
- 15 replies
NOT BLOODY LONG NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shaney is on his way home, he is getting a shower then we are off to pressmehatin!!!!!!!!
- 10 replies
Guaranteed to get a butters picture every time. They were jokes.
i cant wait im so excited about moving in, and i dont even get it til september.
- 14 replies
EBO, in your old profile pic you had some gimp standing next to you, who was that fart arsing about with some glowsticks, who is it?
Put a avatar on you giant gimp. That also goes for other peeps who dont have one. Also it would be nice to get mods gimp smilie back
I'd say the dole queue or for toilets at a festival.