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Following the aftermath of last week’s tidy weekender, Clubbed Up returns – and this week were keeping it girlie! This weeks show fronted by Nice Guy Danny and Steve Arnold will bring you the low down on what was good, what was bad and what was downright ugly at last weeks messy gathering in the land that’s home to sheep, Charlotte Church and the legendary Tidy Weekender (That’s if Danny can remember anything of it!) On this weeks show we’ll have the pleasure of welcoming Little Miss Natalie and her Immunda Record label to the show. Natalie, who is a regular feature at many of the northern clubs, has recently set up her own label in which featured the legendar…
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Coming back from my Btec course in Blackpool yesterday, the weather was TERRIBLE. Pissing it down most of the way, the M6 was about 1 inch deep in water. There was spray coming off other cars and heavy rain which made it nearly zero visibility. Anyway, me and my mate (who was driving) were going down the fast lane when the car in front started swaying a bit then, suddenly, it started spinning in the road, smashed into the middle barrier and stopped right in front of us. LUCKILY my mates brakes were good and we managed to stop about a foot and a half from the other car. I've NEVER been a nervous passenger, so when I got out to see if the other people were alright…
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Spot the difference Can you spot the four difference in both pictures ? DOMO ?
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are ur friends gonna give u them pics or have they changed their minds? or, whats happening?
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Yep yep- happy birthday handsome ! Friday is a good day for celebrations Have a good one
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as above 1. benrostwood (sorry if already done)
Following the aftermath of last week’s tidy weekender, Clubbed Up returns – and this week were keeping it girlie! This weeks show fronted by Nice Guy Danny and Steve Arnold will bring you the low down on what was good, what was bad and what was downright ugly at last weeks messy gathering in the land that’s home to sheep, Charlotte Church and the legendary Tidy Weekender (That’s if Danny can remember anything of it!) On this weeks show we’ll have the pleasure of welcoming Little Miss Natalie and her Immunda Record label to the show. Natalie, who is a regular feature at many of the northern clubs, has recently set up her own label in which featured the …
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This is really mad ! Try it !
Help needed - very unsure ! OK, I've just booked to go to London for the Weekend in Febuary, and would like to go and see a Musical. Was thiking about The Lion King as it is supposed to be brilliant, but I've recently been told that Billy Elliot has become a Musical as well ! I enjoyed the film loads ! Not sure though as I havn't really heard any views about it - but it's gona cost us £50 each so I want to make sure it's worth the buy before I think of booking the tickets. Know of anyone that's been ?
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There is a picture at the end of this thread, so don't scroll all the way to the bottom if you don't want to see it. I am absolultly gob smacked, there are some really sick f*ckers on this planet... Frown Mad Nail yobs who did this By IAN HEPBURN Crime Writer HORRIFIED RSPCA chiefs were last night trying to track down the thugs who hanged this dalmatian pup from a tree. The six-month-old dog was found dangling from a blue nylon rope tied 15ft up a tree. It is a horrific picture that will cause distress to many readers. But The Sun is printing it at the RSPCA’s request to help track down the sadists responsible. We are also offering…
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Tired of constantly being broke, and stuck in an unhappy marriage, a young husband decided to solve both problems by taking out a large insurance policy on his wife (with himself as the beneficiary), and arranging to have her killed. A "friend of a friend" put him in touch with a nefarious, Underworld figure, who went by the name of "Artie." Artie explained to the husband that his going price for snuffing out a spouse was 5,000 quid. The husband said he was willing to pay that amount, but that he wouldn't have any cash on hand until he could collect his wife's insurance money. Artie insisted on being paid…
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Have just redecorated our Kitchen and we are also having a shower fitted into the Bathroom pretty soon. So while in the decorating mood, my mum and I decided that I could have my room redecorated as well if I would like. Cool stuff - I could do with making some room and kitting my room out into a more comfier and cozy style ! I've had a Bed Settee for the last few months and I hate it. It's one of those that fold out on the floor, without legs, just cushioning, and it's shit ! Pretty looking, but not comfortable so it seems. Ordered my beds on Tuesday after finding ones I like. Double on the bottom and a single bunk on top - they is soooo nice ! So we were to…
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Larry gets home late one night and his wife, Linda, says "Where in the hell have you been?" He replies, "I was out getting a tattoo." "A tattoo?" she frowned. "What kind of tattoo did you get?" "I got a £50 note on my privates," he said proudly. "What the hell were you thinking?" she said, shaking her head in disdain. "Why on earth would a businessman get a £50 note tattooed on his privates?" "Well, firstly, I like to watch my money grow, secondly once in a while I like to play with my money, thirdly I like how money feels in my hand and finally, instead of you going out shopping, you can stay right here at home and blow fifty qui…
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It was FREEZING this morning. I've just been out - and it is BOILING out there.
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a pic of the sundissentials logo if anyone has this asap got an outfit being made and i cant get jus a pic of it even the flyer has loads of small ones but not 1 large one need it asap please
hey buddy, i got the tunes today and found out why that one record was free... you bummm lol you kept that quiet. does it still play ok? anyway thanks for them
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Hello all, A few of my mates are always going on about thier mates from clucb the world and saying how cool you all are so i thought i would come and say HI!!! I know a few peeps that come on here like Tidytart, Dawn, Jilly, Shaney and Bushy ( probs more but dunno who ) So anyway here i am xxx
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we are running a coach to wildchild from leeds, will be £35 for coach and admission!! have loads of CDs t-shirts and will be que jumpers etc.. if your interested either email me on or call // email me on 07974 434446
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Well wat can i say apart from it was FUCKING AWESOME!!! THE busiest ive ever seen it, infact it was ram packed, could of got about 50 more in max, it was that busy! Everyone played wicked, i have 2 give it 2 them and the atmosphere was second 2 none, not 1 bit of attitude at all and there was 3 coaches turned up aswell, superb, 1 of the best crowds i have played 2 yet, so if anyone went then a BIG thanx 2 u guys Also MIXMAG was there aswell taking lots and lots of photos and video footage aswell as interviewing people look out for the review in decembers mixmag, they absolutley loved it there, i caught up with 1 of the mixmag boys after my set and have been aske…
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Tonight on Guilt Radio I have a guest mix from this Friday's Guilt headliner Jordan X. Jordan X has been DJ’ing since the age of 11. Having performed his first gig, standing on beercrates, to a capacity crowd of 2000 clubbers alongside Radio One Superstar FERGIE In Newcastle, whilst being filmed for the BBC for a Documentary named ‘SUPER DJs.’ Jordan has went on, to encompass gigs ranging from 3000 capacity Superclubs in England with Radio One, to small dark underground clubs in his home country of Northern Ireland. With an official Radio One Ranking in the top 2 in their National DJ Search, Jordan is being recognised as one of the freshest young …
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Hey guys. I've been on the site for ages but I've never posted anything. So I guess I'm new in the sense of actually getting involved! I heard tell of the site from people I've met in clubs a few years back. I was living and working abroad for a couple of years - in the Cayman Islands (my picture), but I'm back in the UK now. Working in London and hoping to move there soon. Living in Leighton Buzzard at the moment. Anyway, I'd like to hear of any CTW events coming up and I'll certainly see if I can make it there. I have to say that most of the people on here seem pretty straight-up. Can't be bad! Cheers.
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