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yes im boed shitless ppl i come hear for entertainment and dam it i think you hav all fallen asleep so how are ya all anyway
- 14 replies
Taken from gurn, I know some ppl from here went to 414 at the weekend so thought I'd post it. QUOTE A friend has gone missing and has not been seen since Sunday afternoon. Her name is Jacqui Crome. She is in her late twenties, slim build and has shoulder length light brown/blonde hair. She was last seen at Club 414 at Prime Time Sunday morning/daytime party. * She was with her sister and a friend. Jacqui left the club on her own around 12.30pm. This is the last time she has been seen. She has no phone or money/credit cards with her. If anyone was at the 414 that morning and can remember seeing her please call ANDY on 07960 146 439 or STEVE on 07795 167 272. B…
babes are you workin on tuesday next week???? im at jacks house its his 21st but he gotta go to uni for a bit you wanna meet up???? he lives near nocys hope you fine and randy HI LEEEEEEEEEEE mwah xxxxxxxxxx
- 7 replies
It's less than a month away :S April the 12th to be exact. Is there anything good happening on that weekend ? How shall I celebrate being old ?
msn is playin up for me, jus wanted to ask, did u see that picture i sent to your phone?
- 2 replies
is he gay or has a secret passion for hard house??????
i think i met you at storm (september time) i was with chris, mel and some others, we were all crashed in the corridor under the stairs (next the blokes loos) i was in cyber (had blonde hair aswell)
- 23 replies
gotta get myself a shirt n tie and stuff im pretty nervous
they set us units to carry on with my ebusiness and we're told with have until the summer to have them compleated and have the work assessed as we proceed through it, i recived and email yesterday telling me that a unit which none of us had started needs to be in by thursday so it can be marked and set off by give me 1 days noticed to do a 8 task unit - and each task will adverage around 5 to 10 pages... twats
- 1 reply
..thought me and Miss Diddy were sisters when you seen us at WC ? Fucking loads of peeps I say !
- 29 replies
Where are you at this mo?? I'm at home ... don't start work till 10
- 13 replies
> OFFICE DARE OLYMPICS > > ONE POINT OFFICE DARES > > 1) Run one lap around the office at top speed. > > 2) Groan out loud in the toilet cubicle (at least one other 'non-player' > must be in the toilet at the time). > > 3) Ignore the first five people who say 'good morning' to you. > > 4) Phone someone in the office you barely know, leave your name and say, > "Just called to say I can't talk right now. Bye." > > 5) To signal the end of a conversation, clamp your hands over your ears and > grimace. > > 6) When someone hands you a piece of paper, finger it, and whispe…
- 3 replies
DICTIONARY FOR WOMEN'S PERSONAL ADS: 40-ish.............................................49 Adventurous.................Slept with all your mates Athletic......................................No t*ts Average looking...............Has a face like an a*se Beautiful...........................Pathological liar Contagious Smile..................Does a lot of pills Educated...................Was f*cked to bits at Uni' Emotionally Secure......................On medication Feminist..........................................Fat Free spirit....................................Junkie Friendship first.....................…
- 2 replies
HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHO TO MARRY? > > > > You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like > sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep > the chips and dip coming. -- Alan, age 10 > > > > No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to > marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later > who you're stuck with. -- Kirsten, age 10 > > > > WHAT IS THE RIGHT AGE TO GET MARRIED? > > > > Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by > then. > > …
- 2 replies
i know i was chatting to a shane at wildchild as i have his number on my phone. just cant put a face to his name. do remember the whole night tho, just crap with names
- 23 replies
fuck fuck fuckety fuck arse bollox fluffy handcuffs
- 14 replies
as an idea to help the newbes out (and also reduce the clickyness a little bit more), i think that when ever ne one posts pictures on an event (like some of us did with wildchild pics this last week), they say the messagebaord name of the people in the pic (and possibly, in brackets, their real name or ne aliases that people oftern call them)
- 18 replies
If anyone else puts an FAO for me, then swears in it so I can't read it, I'm going to explode! You could be saying anythin about me (and probably are)... But be warned...once I finally get the sack from here and get a job with proper net access...I'll be readin them all!
- 9 replies
that people can reccomend at the moment?
- 11 replies
everything iv done today has gone horribly wrong surely my bad luck is about to run out and its someone elses turn
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just wondering since they signed my birthday card and i have no idea who that is
- 9 replies