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Trancendance are looking for people to help promote Trancendance over a wider area. We need people for the London, Slough, Reading, Basingstoke and Oxford Area's. We will provide materials on a monthly basis, all you have to do is get out there and get people to the club. For this you'll get free entrance to all the nights we put on (including the 1st Birthday in July). Anyone interested please email: or
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Hi all... Please check out this link, dont think i sore any of you at 414 sun morn but i gotta do my bit to spread the word as this seems very serious... Let this be a lesson to us all... Rave safe & look out 4 each other...
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get your skinny butt off the PC cus i want to call you i want to hear your voice
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QUOTE It strikes me as I may be stalking you somewhat, but hey, what the fuck. Once upon a time I was a little lad. When mummy and daddy went off to their swingers parties, Uncle Bob babysat. I remember a game we used to play called "bouncy bouncy on Uncle Bob's lap". It was all seemed pretty innocent at the time. Anyway, it wasn't until later on in life at one of my oddball conventions I go to that I met this chap called Fred. Fred offered to buy me a drink which was nice. I drank it all up pretty quickly. Next thing I remembered was coming too with Fred hanging out the back of me, panting like a rapist on the go. In fact he was a rapist on the go. It wasn't until then t…
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i hate these ads so much that i need to get my anger out.... the coca cola one with girl singing who gives out bottle.... the esure insurance one with the crash grrrrr!!!1 and the co-op one with the freetrade coff ee and the window cleaner
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HI LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! all i can say ius a huge fat tart thankyou to every1 for the weekend! wildchild is always the best night out for me! with all my friends at hand for hugs and chats!!! was good to meet the new faces and see them old faces i aint seen for ages!!! a big huge tart spankyou to saffy for my HI LEEEEEEEEE card! came in very good use in twsit and hardwear! tony P- wicked set matey so glad we made it in time lisa- wheres ya bra now maria- always good seeing you saffy- love you sooooo much jimmy- fat az ya muthazzzzzzzz crill- a a a a a a look theres lee from blue ginge- great seein you gain lo…
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and all the others that i have probably forgotten. Was great meeting you all, you are all really sound, just as everyone else is on CTW, this is what makes this board so fucking amazing. Weasel just couldnt get over how friendly everyone was, as he felt like part of the family from the off.
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Was telling emma that i caught up with you on saturday and she asked if you still have her bra? lmao
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Hi mate, Did you play Scissir Sisters - Filthy/Gorgeous at wildchild on sat? as i had it in my head that i heard it when weasel put it on in the car on sunday!
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Hi there, thought I mite aswell introduce myself . My girlfriend (chickadee) is a member on here so thought I might aswell register and check it out. I live in Manchester and like techno..... A LOT! Don't know what I'd do without it. I don't mind a bit of house either (the deeper, more tribally stuff), not too keen on funky house. I really DON'T like trance or hard house or other similar music , please don't be too harsh on me about this opinion, as I know that this board is really orientated around that sort of music. Anway, was just saying hello to everyone!
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Full Name: Jimmy ( Gender: Male Birthdate: 25 December 2005 First Crush: my dad Biggest Crush: elton john Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes Boyfriend/girlfriend's Name: frank Current status of your relationship: I am confused Ever had sex in your life? Yes Porn Sites/Movies: Yes How many times do you masturbate in a week? More than 7 times. Are you attracted to an individual of the same sex? Yes Preferred Skin Complexion: Dark What turns you on the most? big willies
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QUOTE was gonna c if u wanted 2 come coz i havent seen u 4 ages & i mix u! looks like i'll be at slinkys this friday
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hey, am going to Berlin on Thursday to stay with my sister there until Monday. Does anyone have any advice on good clubs or bars? Good nights out? cheers
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What's the difference between a girlfriend and wife? 45 lbs. What's the difference between a boyfriend and a husband? 45 mins. What is it when a man talks dirty to a woman? Sexual Harassment. What is it when a woman talks dirty to a man? £3.99 a minute. How can you tell if your wife is dead? The sex is the same, but the dishes pile up. How can you tell if your husband is dead? The sex is the same, but you get the remote control. What's the fastest way to a man's heart? Through his chest with a sharp knife. What have women and floor tiles got in common? If you lay them properly the first time, you can walk all over them for …
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And where were you at the time ?
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QUOTE Alright mate, just wanted you to know that you didn't really give me my first erection in case you were starting to freak out or something. I went through that right of passage a while ago. Let me explain... I've always been told by people that know me that I'm mature beyond my years. Coming from the country there weren't that many people around my age so I used to hang out with my older brothers but they bullied me so instead I used to find solace watching my grandpa play his one stringed banjo (he couldn't afford to get it restrung, times are hard). One night after a particularly vigorous and passionate set my grandpa fell asleep on his rocking chair but I wa…
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