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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by Louise,

    im having a spring clean in my kitchen and im finding food thats 5 years out of date i should clean up/out more often

    • 12 replies
  2. Started by Maria,

    Mail i just recieved.. From : andrea wright Sent : 17 March 2004 16:45:14 To : marialewis96@hotmail.com Subject : Re: read it immediately | | | Inbox who are you and how did you get my mail ad????? marialewis96@hotmail.com wrote: you are bad > ATTACHMENT part 2 application/x-zip-compressed name=party.zip Im getting this shit all the time ! :@ I hope no fucker has been logging into my hotmail.

    • 9 replies
  3. Started by spike,

    that mc donalds chips taste different in different towns and cities in the uk, i'd expect it abroad but here? sorry that just popped into my head. Liverpool maccy d's definately tastes different.

    • 16 replies
  4. Started by InspiredMonster,

    Stoopidly a few weeks back we left the purchasing of our (me and some some mates) Wildchild tickets to the most unreliable meamber of the group as he had has more time on hands and offered to sort em out. We hadnt heard from him for about a bit and was getting worried, but he has come up trumps!!! He had me worried for a while.

    • 12 replies
  5. Guest Kether
    Started by Guest Kether,

    Maria's momma so poor she live in a flip flop.

    • 0 replies
  6. Started by Maria,

    Where is this speach for me to proof read then ?

    • 5 replies
  7. Started by Carl Nicholson,

    ROMANCE MATHEMATICS Smart man + smart woman = romance Smart man + dumb woman = affair Dumb man + smart woman = marriage Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy OFFICE ARITHMETIC Smart boss + smart employee = profit Smart boss + dumb employee = production Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime SHOPPING MATH A man will pay £2 for a £1 item he needs. A woman will pay £1 for a £2 item that she doesn't need. GENERAL EQUATIONS & STATISTICS A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband. A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife. A successful man is one…

    • 3 replies
  8. Started by Lisa,

    Hi guys, right, have been talking to a friend & they know of 3 laptops for sale, all Hewlitt Packard, the first one is a compaq nx9010 at £500, then a nx9005 at £450 & an Evo n1020 at £400. could any of you tell me if they are value for money & would I be able to run music progs like cuebase etc on any of them?? thanx:D

    • 5 replies
  9. Started by Ginge,

    Charlize Theron Apple Bong.

    • 3 replies
  10. Started by Phil rr,

    with the forum layout? it's changing by the minute. bring back FAO. it's easy to search for the forum using the 3 capital letters. if you use the entire words that forum just blends into the rest of the list.

    • 27 replies
  11. Detailed Board Stats (as of March 2004) 321 Total Members have made 29,831 total posts 10 are Super Prolific (12,675) at over 20 posts a day 42.48% of posts 3.12% of members 12 are Prolific (7,250) at 10 - 19 posts a day 24.30% of posts 3.74% of members 61 are Regular (9,009) at 1 - 9 post a day 30.19% of posts 19.00% of members so 83 could be considered active the rest 238 are Inactive (897) at less than 1 post a day 3.01% of posts 74.14% of members The top three posters account for about a quarter of all posts.

  12. V Messy Afterparty on Sunday - Thank you Tunic and Squirrel for the hospitality. Tunic, when are you next having a "quiet night in"? Is Squirrel joining up? Will Kitty be banned from reading a newspaper at the next afterparty? Kristian should've dragged Eliot to the afterparty, but I guess we had our very own Billy Gonzales substitute... Here's to Dirrrtiness!

    • 8 replies
  13. Started by Bungle,

    Are you Irish?

    • 5 replies
  14. Started by Louise,

    let me guess, if i reply to this i loose money (somehow) Dear Ms Townsend, I am Mr.Michael Eneje,an Attorney at law, and the Personal lawyer to Mr.R.C. Townsend,a foreigner who used to work with Shell International Republic of Togo,Hereinafter shall be referred to as my client. As it may interest you to know, Your contact was giving to me by divine aspiration at the office of the Chamber of commerce and Tourism in Lome-Togo as I was going through some directories. I decided to contact you in order to champion such a business magnitude without any problem. On the 21st of April 2000,my client,his wife and their two children were involved in a car accident along Kara-…

    • 8 replies
  15. Started by Phil rr,

    to give my mate a lift back from work.....

    • 16 replies
  16. Started by Ginge,

    I must admit, I've been watching this for the last few nights and I'm not at all impressed with the dealers they've got on there. They'd never get a job at my place or any other casino I've worked in. They've even got the Blackjack rules wrong. Its a disgrace to the casino world and as soon as I can find their website I'll be expressing my disgust diredtly to them.

    • 6 replies
  17. Started by BenRW,

    just read about this and it sounds like its gonna be a very good movie

    • 2 replies
  18. Started by Bunnykins,

    One of my mates has dropped out in our chalet so theres ticket up for grabs - he will sell for £96 (price paid) but hes happy to pay the £30 name change - pm me anyone interested!

    • 9 replies
  19. Started by Ian Cashman,

    My mailing list has got stupidly big but i shall try and get them to you as soon as i can afford to... to anyone whose address i do not have at the mo, your best bet is to pm somebody who you know has got one and see if they will be kind enough to copy it for you. i seriously cannot afford to add anybody else to my list as of now... ive vowed that everyone will get a copy of existence b4 i do a new one tho, so sit tight and please be patient Many thanks for you continued interest!

  20. Started by Jimmy,

    mr moo i love u will u let me poke ur poo over the loo or in the zoo while i shout "och aye the noooooooo"

    • 45 replies
  21. Started by ketpig,

    king pig is bak.u might remember me as rob(spanner) elo to james, maria, finbar, mr happy, hardhousehelen,dj elemental, colin66, tara, bigee,clubbin si,dani baby boo,evilhedfuk,paula,789 and offcourse bunnykins c u at wildchild

    • 14 replies
  22. Started by Maria,

    Did you just phone my house bird ? Why ent you on MSN you slapper ?

    • 4 replies
  23. Started by Mr Happy,

    so james - what have you been up to lately?

    • 0 replies
  24. Started by Mr Happy,

    Sound Proof 29 Broomfield road Chelmsford, Essex CM1 1SY Tel/Fax: 44 (0)1245 356771 E.mail: nick@soundproofrecords.co.uk Website: www.soundproofrecords.co.uk ^ they have it in stock. nick is the guy i was chatting to about you and this record.

    • 0 replies
  25. Started by Phil rr,

    i had to sit at the computer to type this. i'm not impressed

    • 0 replies
  26. Started by Mr Happy,

    i want to do live mixes over hte net - what programs would i need to use to do this? the cheeper the better (ie free).

    • 3 replies
  27. Started by Mr Happy,

    http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/live.pls dunno how long i will be playing for mind

    • 0 replies
  28. Started by Tony P,

    Baz has got all 15 episodes on dvd and we are having a Dogtanian and the 3 muskerhounds night tonight,.......... would you say we are sad???

    • 16 replies
  29. Started by Tresh,

    They confiscated no more than a spliff's worth of weed off my mate and according to the Notice of Seizure they found 30.95grams. So this must be how they bump up their figures each year. Let me keep my shrooms tho cos they're fresh and therefore legal.

    • 36 replies
  30. Started by Phil B,

    ive just spent the evening with my nephews and they forced me onto the dance mat for a boogey.....hours of fun then we watched my all time favourite kids program....Chorlton & The Wheelies

    • 31 replies
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