General Discussion
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His favourite club apart from Passion is the Met in Armagh (N.Ireland) See we have wikid clubs here, you should all come. just a shame the Met has just closed. No more bookings for you Mr JFK
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Sam Hudson, he made Hustler, does stuff for Deprivation records and has tunes coming out soon (can't say what or which labels, which is killing me cos I'm so excited!!) I'm dead proud of him. OMG!! Babe did you know that Ben is label manager for Deprivation...!! Cant wait to see you this weekend hun!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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ED!! We still up for our dance off at wildchild?? We need to practise our run and jump dirty dancing move before the club opens... hmm... what dj to do the dance off too?? cant wait! its gonna be soooo ace!! xxxxxxx
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just bought one of those FLASH power mops (does the hard work so you dont have to) a tad exspensive but the dog keeps eating the cotton mops its bigger and heavyer than my hoover, but very aerodynamic , i have no idea what the batteries are for though (must read the instrutions )
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It's great. It means today is nearly over and it's nearly tomorrow I didn't get up till 12:15 today :$
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Bastards at work have given me a weeks notice as they are "Re structuring my position so it will need someone with more project management experience!" PITY IT TOOK THE PRICKS 3 MONTHS TO TELL ME!
- 29 replies
Could you please log off I only needed 12 more posts to overtake you today I believe it's all about the count these days
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i got up early to come to college early after only avin 3 hours sleep - no one from my lectures are here - my tutor has just fuked off cause she dont wanna teach jsut wonder person, sorta like "just get on with it" - now the student network has crashed so i cant get at my work im suppost to be doin anyways - and this fukin computer jsut formatted one of my zip disks with loads of important stuff on argh - one of them days today...
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hello!! sorry i havent been on in ages, the comp is broken at the house and im totally snowed-under at work so i cant pop in here as much Cant wait to see you all out for wildchild, hope your all still coming out for me birthday celebrations and the amazingness of wildchild!! how is everyone?? email me at work as i will reply right away there. missing all of you loads!! Roll on Saturday!! Lots of luv, hugs and jilly stomps xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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like.. go bowling/ice skating/cinema/ anything which doesn't involve a club it's one of my best mates birthday this coming friday, we're gonna be doing pub things and lairy things and throwing up things and things which need u to dress up in beer boy clothes same night van dyk's at gods....
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For the past 3 days my lower back on the left hand side has been hurting, Twingis every time i stand or sit, and also walkin mates it hurt abit. I think i jus need a back rub but the guys wouldnt take one for the team seriously tho, it is gettin fairly painfull, ive been trying to lay down straight when i go to sleep, but i still wake up in pain. n again another one of my posts that dont really leave much for you to reply to
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...before? Well, I'm supposed to answer the phone "Good morning, subscriptions" but I just said "Good morning, Sundissential". Anyone looking for an administrator?
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😄 Well hello CTW, its been awhile! Hope your all well, nice to see a sparkly new site looking swish as ever!
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Just eatin some i cooked earlier. Sounds fukin gross but its really nice i tell you!! Wots the wierdest/gross food you eat?!
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