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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Guest saffysue
    Started by Guest saffysue,

    >Q.) What doesn't belong in this list: Meat, Eggs, >Wife, Blowjob? >A.) Blowjob: You can beat your meat, eggs or wife,but >you can't beat a blowjob. > >Q.) Why does a penis have a hole in the end? >A.) So men can be open minded. > >Q.) What's the speed limit of sex? >A.) 68 because at 69 you have to turn around. > >Q.) What do a Rubix cube and a penis have in common? >A.) The longer you play with them, the harder >they get. > >Q.) What's the difference between your paycheck and your dick? >A.) You don't have to beg your wife to blow >your paycheck! > >Q.) Three words to ruin …

    • 2 replies
  2. Started by Bushy,

    BLOW JOBS!!!! WHAT A GIRL HAS TO SAY ON THE SUBJECT 1. First and foremost, we are not obligated to do it. 2. Extension to rule #1 - So if you get one, be grateful. 3. I don't care WHAT they did in the porn video you saw, it is not standard practice to cum on someone's face. 4. Extension to rule #3 - No, I DON'T have to swallow. 5. My ears are NOT handles. 6. Extension to rule #5 - do not push on the top of my head. Last I heard, deep throat had been done. And additionally, do you really WANT puke on your dick? 7. I don't care HOW relaxed you get, it is NEVER OK to fart. 8. Having my period does not mean that it's "h…

    • 8 replies
  3. Started by Maria,

    Jimmy says: im good at pretendin Jimmy says: sometimes i pretend im gay Jimmy says: and shag blokes Jimmy says: but im only pretendin Jimmy says: so its ok Jimmy says: M-A-R-I-A _____ says: lol M-A-R-I-A _____ says: freak Jimmy says: no im not Jimmy says: im bi sexual M-A-R-I-A _____ says: really ? or are you retending ? M-A-R-I-A _____ says: *pretending Jimmy says: im not pretending im bisexual M-A-R-I-A _____ says: so you ARE bi-sexual ? M-A-R-I-A _____ says: do you fancy James ? Jimmy says: but i might b pretending im not pretending that in pretending im bisexual Jimmy says: not hes ug. M-A-R-…

    • 7 replies
  4. Started by EmmaBlu,

    is it me or has the site forums been re-arranged

    • 4 replies
  5. Started by Jimmy,

    Ive got the windows open suns shining in and ive got tdv - i dont care pumpin on +8 cant wait to stomp my ass off

    • 20 replies
  6. Guest Jay
    Started by Guest Jay,

    call me ASAP. So I did, and there was no answer. What a plum

    • 9 replies
  7. my jacket still aint dried

    • 7 replies
  8. Started by Bushy,

    What time you arriving in London matey?

    • 9 replies
  9. Started by Tidy Tart,

    hun you gotta make sure you get a ctw group photo this weekend!! its gonna be bigger and better than frantic if we can get all of us in it! love to you and maria cant wait to see you both mwah xx

  10. Started by Fatty McFat,

    Ye may or may not know but its paddys day tomorow and the crack is going to be mighty.

    • 22 replies
  11. Started by Stu,

    cheers guys...

    • 5 replies
  12. Guest RickD
    Started by Guest RickD,

    DJ Lisa Lashes bought a car from former soccer star Stan Collymore, but didn't know he'd used it for his dogging expeditions. She bought the black Range Rover just before Collymore was exposed for enjoying sex with strangers in a car park in Cannock, Staffordshire. The Daily Mirror says she hasn't used the car since she bought it. She said: "That's the car I've just bought off him. Yuk!" The newspaper quoted a friend of the top DJ saying she couldn't believe it when she found out about the car. "She was not very impressed when she discovered what he had been using it for," said the friend. It made me £50...

    • 10 replies
  13. Started by InspiredMonster,

    .....wear contact lenses? I am picking my tiral pair up for tommorow, and am out clubbing friday. Contact and being munted? I have never really thought about before, I assume other peeps do it....

    • 18 replies
  14. Started by baby jo,

    hello just thought id write a little something as i joined a while ago and didnt introduce myself so hello from me to all u guys love jo xxxxxxxx

    • 26 replies
  15. Started by Maria,

    When do you and the lovely lady fly over ?

    • 5 replies
  16. Started by ninja,

    not sure if anyone was into going to this...... i was as didnt make the last one now gutted Due to circumstances beyond our control, we must announce that the May 1st Tribal Gathering Warehouse Party is now not going to take place. While preparations for the event have been going well, certain factors now make this party completely impossible. When we found the venue for May 1st, we thought that it would be able to be granted a licence for the same number of people as last years warehouse party (10,000 people). This was not the case, and the provisional licence came back from the relevent authorities as only being licenced for 7,000 people. The authoritie…

    • 0 replies
  17. Started by Tresh,

    Didn't manage to leave the house today, but will deffo pay it in tomorro as I'm in uni from 9.

    • 0 replies
  18. Im going to flash my tits at Paul Glazby

    • 65 replies
  19. Started by Bushy,

    QUOTE before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes, after that, who cares? ... he's a mile away and you've got his shoes What if his shoes dont fit you?

    • 14 replies
  20. Guest saffysue
    Started by Guest saffysue,

    Yoji Biomehanika ya ya! I lurve the cock! Did you know Andy Farley and Paul Glazby had a boxing match a while ago hon?

    • 13 replies
  21. Started by Bungle,

    Just wondered if you're in any way related to hooty mcboob? Thats all

    • 0 replies
  22. Started by ChrisT,

    i poked it a bit and it felt l ike something was poking my colon???? very weird

    • 12 replies
  23. Started by Maria,

    Just straightened my hair and noticed the ends of my hair are slightly dry :$ Then I remembered I had some serum that I have never used, so I gave it a whorl ! This stuff is the nads. Sorts your hair right out, gives it a bit of volume, and even thins the hair, which is ideal for me, as my hair is thick. Say helloo to ma nooo best frend

    • 18 replies
  24. Guest saffysue
    Started by Guest saffysue,

    Hiya hon, my PM isn't workin at the mo, was gonna send you my number. Get it off Steph & give me a text hon (MSN still isn't working!! ) see you soon sue xx

  25. Started by Maria,

    I watched this this morning and was mortified and really angry, and il be honest, it even brought a tear to my eye. For those who did not watch it, it was about an 18 yeard old boy who recognised the fact he was gay, when he was 13 years old. He wrote his mum a letter when he was 13 to explain to her that he thinks he is gay. He never was attracted to girls. He had and only ever had one serious relationship with the opposite sex, for 3 months. When he kissed her, his words were "it didn't feel right". Obviously, he thought / knew, he was gay and didn;t find any attraction in the opposite sex. Fair enough, He knows how he feels and how is head works. A…

    • 16 replies
  26. Guest saffysue
    Started by Guest saffysue,

    Think I'm a bum girl myself!

    • 51 replies
  27. Started by Maria,

    Hey you ! Comina Wildchild or what ?

    • 0 replies
  28. Started by EmmaBlu,


  29. Started by Ginge,

    Why do I love you? Who wouldnt? You are gorgeous, lovely, kind, soft, sweet, bubbley and covered in chocolate. sort of like a milky way.

    • 35 replies
  30. Started by Jimmy,

    fookin love it

    • 3 replies
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