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make sure you keep your eyes out and see if you can catch us doin it!
- 26 replies
I've got a tidy weekender ticket for sale. Its V.I.P so you get a free t-shirt....Woooo Hoooo Anyway if anybodys interested will you PM me or e-mail me at I would like to get full price for it as I need the cash but i'll accept lower just to get rid of it. Cheers SP
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Phil, on your sig it says you're playin 9 - 10 on Sat, but Tony said you were on at 10 so they're stayin in the pub til half 9. Confusion!! Thought I was the blonde one?
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was good to see every1 at weekend and cant wait to see you all on saturday! been havin a bit of stress at work but think its all gonna get sorted and i will WANT to go 2 work rather than stay in bed and cry! missed ya all mwah xxx
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hey up not a newbie but just revisiting, uni computers wouldnt register me not sure if anyone remembers me only met a few peeps and briefly...... yes i am lame !! will try make more effort this time round (when i have moolah) p.s. is it just me or are there less northerners around?
do u know to fix your pms u need to delete all your pms or at least some of them...... woman
- 8 replies
.....that this weekend I could actually go clubbing from 10pm friday night till 3pm monday morning with out ther ebeing a gap in between clubs opening or closing! Has any one been to the Milk session at studio 33, straight after Peach? Whats it like? I also understnad that there is an album launch or sommat there from 1pm to 9pm. Could be an unteresting weekend
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Every time I try to go on a page with your sig on it my computer blocks it, what have you got on there?! x
or are registered (through driving licence/work etc) Today more than 5,500 people in the UK are waiting for an organ transplant that could save or dramatically improve their life. Most are waiting for a kidney, others for a heart, lung or liver transplant. But less than 3,000 transplants are carried out each year. Kidneys, heart, liver, lungs, pancreas, small bowel, corneas, heart valves and bone can all be transplanted. Skin can be used to treat patients with severe burns. Techniques are improving all the time and it may soon be practical to transplant other parts of the body. more info & register to be a donor
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went to a funeral last Thursday for a relative of a relative (if that makes sense). It was my first one i'd been to and was reasonably upsetting even tho i didn't really know the person. I just learnt today that another distant relative has died since then and it turns out that i may be going along to that as well. Also my grandparents are forever talking about what they'd do if one of them died etc. All of this, and the terrorist bombs in Madrid that happened on the same day as the funeral i went to got me really thinking about death and was wondering if u r ever too young to have a will, and to make funeral arrangements. I personally have lots of personal items tha…
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...listening to 'Adagio for Strings' by ferry Corsten. Always does it to me every time U agree?!!
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I looked in the mirror this evening and it said I was to die for :$
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I can hear it walking in the actual roof ! (we have a nice bedroom in the attic but this is coming from behind the walls - over my ceiling !) I can hear it's feet going "podom podom podom podom". Wakes me up at night sometimes too s as if it's trying to get some kind of message to me. Maybe it's an alien, or something :s
- 12 replies
Tresh - 509 - 114 - 11.38% Bushy - 478 - 73 - 7.29% Maria - 1,844 - 72 - 7.19% Ginge - 528 - 65 - 6.49% miss_diddy - 1,900 - 55 - 5.49% Louise - 2,231 - 40 - 3.99% Kether - 642 - 39 - 3.89% Ian Cashman - 387 - 38 - 3.79% ChrisT - 793 - 36 - 3.59% kitty - 448 - 35 - 3.49% First number is total posts, 2nd is posts today, 3rd is % of todays posts. BLIMEY...I must be bored...I'm turning into Phil rr making crap posts.
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Just been playing five a side with the lads from work, andi have to say the bastards made sure they kicked the living shit out of me, as i made a snidey comment about not wearing any shinpads (i said they were for poofs), they also kicked the ball at me, i know have sore legs from the football, and bruised feet, and i also got a kick right on the tip of my toenail, and it bent back and is all bruised! I love football!
- 3 replies
will need to be london by 8pm as meeting up with bunnykins (shes helped me out with entery) are we planning to head down together?
- 16 replies