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im going for one ina minute just waiting for my instructor. i get a buzz out of driving i love it am i on my own here or do other people get a buzz too?
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Please help me figure out what the hell i am going to do? I think i am having a midlife head crisis
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do it people luvley jubbly
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Thought you might be online now- Guna be shooting off soonish - will be home about 3ish - grrr fucking arse & buggery :@ O well - Give it a few months il be back to stay doing it properly I will speak to u sometime this afternoon my love. Love you lots and lots like jelly tots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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watching celebrity lazy fat fuckers and Alison from big brother weighs 20 stone and is please at losing two pounds in a week... please My cut off point for a woman is ten stone. What's yours? And girls do you have maximum weight criteria for men too?
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its pissing me off i kinda want to cut it shorter, but its taken ages to grow so i dunno, just some friendly input plz
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right who was in the bad seat at school?? i had a permanent seat down the front and was bannned for a year from doing science experiments i had to sit and i got the best mark out the class!! also my history and my french teacher told my mum that my class (and i was one of the main cheeky ones) were going to drive them to early retirement... got some row that night...! oh and music - i had a 4ft 9 music teacher (u couldnt see her over the piano) decided when i walked into her class that she didnt like me cause my sister annoyed her (10yrs ago ) and always sent me out the class for the tinest thing... ( remember playing phantom of t…
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An amusing but dangerous game. Placing a firm but internally succulent poo on a stick, run headlong at someone direction, with the shitty end of the stick as far away from you as possible, shouting "eeuugghh poo on a stick!!!!!" Alternatively, just firing it at some unsuspecting passer-by with absolutely no warning. Then shout "poo on a stick", to let them know what happened.
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did anyone else adopt this new move last night?? lol...5mins in sunnys and i was pointing at things like err pointy thing (argh want my brain back ) then suddenly starting doing john travola night fever moves... hmmmm twat but come on - me and tara ruled on that podiem!! ooooh yes!!
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I have now got access to MSN messenger, (bout bloody time) Anyway its For anyone who wants to add me!!
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Did anyone see this last night, unfortunately I missed it, so wondered, was it any good???
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Mine seemed to involve watching lots of cricket and wanking (not at the same time)
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see my pictures and (hilarious) comments below. cheers to everyone - had a quality night. colin
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Never. God I am so bored...someone please save me from the UK car market!!! I've got this research to do at work that involves me going over the car market and models back to the early 80's. It's doing my head in!!! Sorry, rant over.
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or light brown. iv been black for a while now but its boring me now.......need a change someone make the desision for me please, cus i cant
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i know news on this has gone around once b4 in the last year, but this is a serious problem. i also know lou posted a topic on one aspect of this but i think people are nieve to how serious this problem is. in a popular magazine the reporter went under cover and in one area there was a gang of 5 men who often went out on these 'hunting' nights where they'd get groups of woman or ones alone and as they fairly attractive these woman would go back to there hotel for more drinks where they would drug them and rape them. for some reason some sicko's out there think this is funny. sadly most of the woman raped dont report it as traces of some drugs arent found in the sy…
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i feel really guilty ive missed two days and i got the lecture noted but i cant shake this feeling of guilt off any ideas
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Oh mate how goooooooooood was sunday @ Insomniacz. I had American football training in the morning and then i had a proper stomp at corparation on sunday. glasby ruled, i danced so hard and fast i thought my chest was on fire. i was as moist as they come. Me and nuthead double teamed the dance floor and ripped it up with our superstar dancin style's (What are you like). Hope you all hod a super dooper wooper weekend. Ant