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does it mean your best friends?? unless your posh
not normally this stupid!! it da weekend catchin up on me!!! honest!!! just tired n feelin like crap!!!!
- 11 replies
but he cant even write love from dad on my birthday card!!! its got that bad now between my step mum and me that she made my dad write terry in my birthday card and he had 2 write a sly little message in the back of it!!! i love my dad but he has choose his "NEW FAMILY" now! i dont wanna feel like this on my birthday but its really hurt me! not even had a phone call off him yet got a txt off my step bro who lives in the same bloody house as him!!! i need a hug.
- 31 replies
u about buddy!!! yes mate bangin when meet u couple of weeks ago!!! wot u upto dis weekend buddy!!!!
- 15 replies
you dont see many of those around do you. im sure i would be really nice to them if i met them though
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ok fair doose my profesionalism and communication lecturer is bein a nob. Ok we had to change our talk because some other group picked it, so we changed it the day we had to to a pre presentation presentation but managed to get full marks. neway one of th epeople in my group hasnt been in for 2 weeks, and i havent seen the other one since last week, so its jus me and this other peep preparing for a 4 person 15minute presentation for thursday, and what sucks even more is the lecturer said he would give us two weeks but then decided we would do it this week, and ive spoken to him about it and he wont budge. Neway im posting this as im bored and frustrated, and w…
- 3 replies
This is pretty neat ...
1. How long does it take you to get from st reat ham to central Lond ON 2. Beers tomorrow ??
look what i discoverd about my jucesters lolly lollies 4 kids made by very big kids lol
- 4 replies
Hi to you all... thank you to the lot of ya for makin my first meet up a great time! Hope you all got home safely and had a great time! P.S.... who da feck is bungle?!?! ne1 found out yet??
- 24 replies
Is it me or does a cup of hot tea wen u get in from a night clubbing always seem very tempting? ... Dont mean to sound like my nan like.
- 34 replies
today i get to discuss my business delopment plans with the princes trust, hopfully, if not today, but in up coming weeks i will recieve business grants in order to get my business in full swing. my business is going to be a national agency for Dancers, Vocals, DJ's and Producers as well as a subsided promotional company doing my own events featuring talents listed on my agency etc etc hmmm.. should be fun, wish me luck guys
- 4 replies
Download here. Its got everything... Internet TV (music channels, short films, amine, documentary's, etc, etc) Internet radio (Jazz, 60's, 70's, 80's, Hard house, Trance, Funky, Pop, Rock, Indie, etc, etc) ...and it also plays your music and films on your computer, DVD's & CD's. Infinitely better than Windows Media Player. Comes Highly reccomended by your friendly neighbourhood ginger freak.
- 0 replies
My mate came down, so we messed around friday n saturday, but on sunday i went to insomniacz OMG. had a amazing time, i seriously have never stomped soooooooo damn hard. n when glazby came on i nearly creamed myself as the chunes jus got harder. I remember telling ant that glazby was delicously hard was impressed by all the DJ's tho, some friging top stuff comeing out, i did the event totaly straight tho, barely even had a drink, so i was knackerd neway look foward to seeing you lot again so i can show you my new power stomp moves so how was your weekends? oh n ps, steph i got some pics, some of them im in a porn star possition legs acimbo, ill send …
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Wicked to see you all on Saturday! Tasha loving you with the lipseal (sp)!
- 17 replies
Right then, just found this and it made me laugh...lots Oh, er...yer mam! *chortle*
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