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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by ChrisT,

    So bird just bit her EX's ear off, nice

  2. Started by Mistress Hoover,


  3. Started by Louise,

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/3286721.stm what the fuck??????? thats got to be worth a look

    • 19 replies
  4. Started by Maria,

    Did you go to Passion ?

    • 4 replies
  5. Started by russelldust,

    have friends coming down who love really messy ones- they prefer funky to tech house whereas I like that and the harder/trancey stuff. Any ideas about where we could go? Cheers Russ

  6. Started by Racer,

    http://www.tidycam.com/tw3/images/mini-CIMG0102.JPG he wanted me to delete the pic off the website!!!! pfft yeah right!!

    • 8 replies
  7. Started by Louise,

    whats happened, your very very short and fat or is it my PC?

    • 7 replies
  8. Started by LiamStyles,

    A pretty shite airport. No decent seats to lie down and go to sleep. Ive had to lie on the floor and try and get some shut eye, then got security guard thinking i was homeless and just looking foe somewhere to doos. I am in my 8th hour here so kinda see where he was coming from. All i can say is thank god for internet in the departure lounge. Not long til my flight home now. Was great seeing all those at the works, fuckin great night.

  9. Started by Louise,

    is there anyway of tracing back where an 'unknown' address email has come from? having a problem with an Anon sender thanks

    • 13 replies
  10. Started by Shaney R,

    Teacher draws a penis on the board. "Anyone know what this is?" Johnny says "My dad has 2 of them - a little 1 for weeing & a BIG one for cleaning the babysitters teeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • 3 replies
  11. Started by neet,

    Happy St. Davids Day innit butt.

    • 31 replies
  12. Started by Bushy,

    on friday night/saturday morning, as he left Shaney_R's house at about 6am. He was walking home in a drunken stupor, and was trying to hitch a lift, and a Transit van hit him on the arm, and broke it. He's been in hospital since, and has had to have metal plates in his arm as the bone came through his skin. What has your weekend held for you?

    • 21 replies
  13. Guest munchkin_eater
    Started by Guest munchkin_eater,

    deleted i see! how silly i shall be back my little reprobates .... i however have tens of thousands of pounds to earn, while u all waste ur lives with narcotics. ciao.

    • 0 replies
  14. Started by Maria,

    Does anyone remember it being this cold ? I don't ! Talk about fooked up months

    • 15 replies
  15. Started by Lizard,

    This should bring a smile to the face of even the most cynical post-weekend narky arses http://www.bloggerheads.com/happy/ My favourites are the badger one, the elephant in a wheelbarrow and, of course, the infamous 'no hands' kitten one

    • 19 replies
  16. Started by Dave M,

    hello hun did lisa burn u a copy of the cd off? hope u like it. i'm feelin very 4 myself.

    • 17 replies
  17. Started by Lisa,

    QUOTE Thursday, February 26, 2004 Posted: 0406 GMT (12:06 PM HKT) WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A South Carolina psychiatrist said Wednesday he will immediately start recruiting patients after winning approval to conduct the first study testing MDMA -- better known as ecstasy -- as a therapeutic tool. Dr. Michael Mithoefer plans to conduct psychotherapy sessions with 20 women who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder due to sexual assaults or other violence, and who haven't been helped by other treatment. Twelve of the women will receive MDMA prior to the sessions while eight will be given a placebo. The Food and Drug Administration approved Mithoefer's protocol in 2…

    • 5 replies
  18. Guest nursenancy
    Started by Guest nursenancy,

    it must b. its in feb and on a tuesday and todays the last tuesday in feb.

    • 30 replies
  19. Started by EmmaBlu,

    comedowns are horrible!!!!!!!! wicked weekend though

    • 7 replies
  20. Started by Tony P,

    I just clicked on it 20 times.... you know what i mean

    • 2 replies
  21. Started by Lisa,

    On another site I visit, they are having a disscussion about certain clubs being open to straight & gay peeps etc & it got me thinking, how small minded peeps still are in this day & age, so I wanna ask, what is it about the gay peeps that put you off, if it puts you off???

    • 62 replies
  22. Started by Tidy_Bhoy,

    Alrighty folks - Bored out ma heed lol just thought i would pass time with doing this got a new cd the day and its 'Italian Hardstyle Vol 4 mixed by TECHNOBOY - double disc well chuft so ma head is bobbin about just now like the churchill dog take it easy ppl!

    • 9 replies
  23. Started by Mr Happy,

    personally i think its wrong that its near to impossible to buy full fat products out there. you go into a supermarket and 2/3rds of the shelves are '99%' fat free or 'weight watchers' etc. people like me NEED the fat. we WANT to be fat, but are just getting skinnyer

    • 28 replies
  24. Started by BenRW,

    haven't been to bed yet and am not tired yet. Will try going thru til its dark so that i get back to some sort of normal sleep pattern

    • 20 replies
  25. Started by Mistress Hoover,

    just want to ask a question to all the men in here...coz id count all of yous as mates... why do most men gain your trust, friendship and then just treat u like shit and throw it in your face?? i dont understand what gives some guys the right to do this (im sure some girls are like this too..this is me just going on a rant)... im sick of being nice and then just feeling like a total twat coz yet again guys walk over me (lol..is it my height?? ). where have all the nice single men gone?? yaaaay my first rant on the new board!!heehee (btw..this wasnt directed at anyone it was just me on a rant..).

    • 51 replies
  26. Started by Maria,

    Thank you for such a brilliant weekend and taking my taste in music even further ! Had a brill night at yours guys ! You cooked a lovely meal, it was stunning ! Your house is gorgeous ! Was good to talk cod shit and other serious stuff though Had a wikid time though - must deffo do it again sometime ! Will be going back home this week for a bit (will be back on weekends though !) - but I will be sending you somthing in the post next week for being such an AMAZING mate to me. mmmwwwwaaaa

    • 11 replies
  27. Started by Lisa,


    • 15 replies
  28. Started by Mr Happy,

    its safe to say what every you like about him - i'll make sure i'll delete this thread before he comes to

    • 18 replies
  29. Started by Louise,

    save me please, im bored senseless, so pissed off you wouldnt beleive. someone please cheer me up

    • 12 replies
  30. Started by Mr Happy,

    can fnally have a half decent convo

    • 27 replies
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