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As im getting it on monday, i found this design!! What do you think??
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>Visa and MasterCard Scam > >It works like this: >Person calling says, "This is (any name) and I'm calling from the >Security and Fraud department at VISA. My Badge number is 12460. >Your card has been flagged for an unusual purchase pattern, and I'm >calling to verify. This would be on your VISA card Did you purchase an >(Any Item )for £497.99 from a marketing company based in ( Anywhere?) > >When you say "No". The caller continues with, "Then we will be >issuing a credit to your account. >This is a company we have been watching and the charges range from >£297 to £497, just under the £500 …
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Hiya, my name's Sue (obviously) and I already know a few of you (Pepsi, Bungle, Crill and everyone who was out on Sat ). Finally got round to registering on here. Just wanted to say thanx for a top night on Sat, it was great to meet you all so stay in touch and I'll see you soon! Can't wait for the Works on the 29th! Lots of lurve xxx
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that damn loop is stuck in my head after watching the simpsons today :wallhit:
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dont think i can copy with any more days like that
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Hi gorgeous girlies.... can't wait to see you on Sun!! I've put you both on the £10 g.list for wildchild in case you needed it. I've got free tickets yay!! Anyway, let me know if you don't want the places and I can give them to someone else. Just found out I've got a family 50th wedding anniversary in Notts the day after, no idea how i'm gonna get up there, get showered and changed and be in a fit state of mind to talk to relatives but where there's a will there's a way!! xxxxxx
- 23 replies
This was taken form a message placed by a modon the SS site: As some of you may know Springwood Leisure has gone into recievership (the company that own Zanzibar of which PULSE II also comes under) Due to problems that are arising with this situation for the time being we can only have use of one of the rooms of PULSE II (the pink room) For this week we will be incorporating Funkissential with Bouncissential starting funky going onto Bounce. As this is scaled down we are reducing the entrance price this week to £6 Members / £8 Non Members. We are currently trying to sort things out so please bare with us for the time being, we will keep you updated on…
- 1 reply
He was telling me that he had to get rid of one of the male gorrilas because it was impotent. I said "what's that" LMAO he said "SHOOTING BLANKS" I was speechless.
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My head is full of laughter waiting to get out - im just dieing to laugh but I cant ! God dam boss is in the office and im sure he will think I'm bloody rude if I start pissing myself with so much laughter. How many times does it say laugh / laughter in this post ?
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wet yourself yet? or have you managed to hold it? so lookin forward to seein u on sun, it's been bloody ages!! d'ya remember last time we went to sunnys n afters, jumpin over the canal!?!?! how the hell did u talk me into that one?!
> > > A plane is on its way to Melbourne when a blonde > > > in Economy Class gets > > > up and moves to the First Class section and sits > > > down. > > > The flight attendant watches her do this and asks > > > to see her ticket. > > > She then tells the blonde passenger that she paid > > > for Economy and that > > > she will have to go and sit in the back. > > > The blonde replies "I'm blonde, I'm beautiful, I'm > > > going to Melbourne > > > and I'm staying right here!" > > > The flight attendant goes into the cockpit and > &…
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Some chocolate Or a nice full on boom Eglish Breakfast.
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Just to let you know some of the new material i have had signed: 1) Carl Nicholson & Matt Williams - Streamline; This has been signed by none other than ilogik's Elasticman label due out Spring/Summer 04. 2) Carl Nicholson - The Music Makers ; Signed by Oblivion due out spring/summer 04, Expect a bad ass remixer on the flip! 3) Carl Nicholson - Eruption ; Signed by Oblivion due out spring/summer 04, Expect a bad ass remixer on the flip! 4) Carl Nicholson & James Lawson - Lose Control (London Town) ; had alot of interest in this and isnt even finished, will keep ya updated! Also have collaborations coming up with Ingo, Rowland and Wr…
- 48 replies
in. I aint had lunch today as I went for an interview this afternoon and had nothign more than a mars bar :'( I want one of those muffins I had yesterday but I cant coz im making up for absent time. (aww bless me). pitty me.
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