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Just poped to the shop, to get some cigs, loo roll & to put some Elec on the key, anyways im at the till, the girl says to me, *£8.52 please!!*. I open my purse, fumble about, thinking to myself, *hows that when, I put £20 on the elec key, on its own without my smokes etc???*................................. She hadnt added the elec, so me, the good girl I am, points this out & she was like *oh god, yeh!!!*... Right so am I a good honest person, or a stoopid fool, who deserves a bitch slap???
- 42 replies
I got some sheets of aluminium panelling for sale, you best be quick before they go its up for grabs so delve deep into ya pockets people, lets start the bidding
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at the door, is it just me do you feel guilty for no reason at all not long had a copper at the door and i felt like id commited armed robbery , he told me to "relax, unless you have something to tell me", then started laughing turned out he was recruiting for the local neighbourhood watch and crimestoppers. managed to get a UV property marker pen outa him
- 11 replies
record shopping perhaps... if anyone is off workand fancys meeting up for drinks with me and my mate andy..gimme a ring/text
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Hi all, just thought i'd say hi to the lot of ya. First time on the site afta my mate bungle reconmended it to me..... any1 off to sundis this weekend then? Im keen on meetin new peeps!
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saw it on a film called old skool me and some hall mates are going to give it ago soon. what about a ctw rumble
- 1 reply
made too many yesterday so had the rest just now have decided the best bit is when u've finished them and have a plate of lemon juice and sugar that escaped and u lick it all off the plate
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Porto 1 Man Utd 2 Stuttgart 1 Chelsea 1 what everyone else think?
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SAD WANKER. QUOTE Pop Idol hunk Gareth Gates is looking for love. Yes it's true. The Pop Idol heart-throb has told The Sun newspaper that he's looking for the love of his life - and she won't be famous, but a normal, everyday girl. But Gareth, 17, from Bradford, admitted that he gets loads of offers from fans, and is sometimes tempted by them. He told The Sun: "You see a lot of pretty faces in the queues outside hotels and TV studios and there are temptations. "But I'm very busy with my career and I want to find that special someone. She won't be famous either. She just has to be right f…
- 14 replies
me being the doofus that i am, i just deleted all my pms, so can u resend me ur pm if i didnt reply
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the rag and bone man haven't seen one in yrs
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Goign home now - dieing for a wee. Lisa - I will be on tonight when Cherry finishes in the PC - it might be late - if you aint on il speak to u toorrow ! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Im going to hardhouse accadamy
Going tonight with my housemates, what's it like?
- 18 replies
is the most expensive pet food more expensive than the cheapest baby food? if so are they saying that your pet is more important than ur kids
- 6 replies
baths seem to take quicker to run when ur in the room, but if u go off and do sumthing else it seems to take ages. and boiling water on the hob for pasta or sumthing seems to take ages when ur in the room but boils quicker when u go off and do sumthing
- 5 replies