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They were due in London at the weekend but avn't heard from them since last week. Just wanna know that they're ok.
Click me for a LOL or two. I wish I had a willy sometimes !
Has anyone been to one of these ? I'd imagine Goshow has ? I went to one this afternoon and I have to say they are AWESOME shows ! The highlight deffinatley was the Monster Truck - the size on these engines and the noise that comes from them is just absolutely crazy ! They are SUPERB, I'd love to own one of these ! HUGE 11inch height - 11 inch width tyres and the truck itself weighing in at a few tonnes ! I'm amazed at how much guts these sort of people have to, set them self on fire, drive through walls of fire, drive cars at incredible speeds up a ramp on two wheel flipping themselves over in the air and crash landing in such terrifying positions on the groun…
Just kidding ALTHOUGH, I left for work this morning at 5:45, nice and picth black outside, usualy it would be pretty bright, but as Winter is coming the mornings are darker (no shit) ! I was strange leaving my house this morning with a full Moon in the sky which was proper clear, then getting t work and the sky getting slighty brighter and the sky starting to go pinky orange. Plane trails in the sky that looked as though there were meteors ripping through the atmosphere due to the glowing reflection of the sun that hadn't even hit visual effect ! It was lovely it was. Maybe I should start studying 'The Sky At Night' with whats his name.
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is setting in, and apparently (according to the daily mail) scotland is in for its worst winter in over a decade. oh goody, scarfs out! candles ready! not had a power cut in ages, so exciting isnt it really lol
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My neck is KILLING me. So are my calves on the back of my legs and so are my tummy muscles. Aside from that I am STARVING hungry and very very TIRED. Now, WINGE WITH ME Roll on tonight !
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I can't read the big writting - i'm in work ya daft sponge !
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Ok, I'm getting me my first car in the next few weeks but I need some ideas of some Insurance Companies for first time drivers, obviously the cheaper the better for first timers, but I'm not sure what Companies are the best to go for. A mate told me Tesco's is pretty good but I know there are some others but as I've never been 'dabbling' in this field before I don't know who, what and where. If you could help with suggetions that would be great !
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DRIVING TEST! WAHOOOO! the official start to my test is at 9:37, and my driving instructor will be here at half 8 for a mini lesson before the actual test, so he's gonna show me under his hood and point out where the various things are for me incase the examiner asks me any of them kinds of questions. Go MeEeEe!
Well here it is - the statr to another NEW week ! So who is glad to be back in work today ? I know I am ! Had roughly about 3 hours sleep last night. Went to bed about 10ish, fell asleep about 11, woke up to some RaNdOm text from some RaNdOm TwOnK , then couldn't get back to sleep as I felt I had been asleep for hours ! Fell asleep at about 3 and woke for 5 and got up for work and out of the house for 5:45 ! Do you feel more alert with little sleep ? It's strange as I can focus much more on little sleep and can think MUCH more clearly I thik I slept a bit too much during Saturday day and Sunday morning / afternoon as I'd been out mostly all weekend and ha…
What's everyone doing ? Sleeping for most of it I think, for me.
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Check this image out - quality as a desktop wallpaper ... Anyone got any more links similar ?
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I've come to the conclusion over the past few weeks that the best time to look at the sky and find 'things' is between 5:45 and 7:15 in the morning, when the sky is just waking up. So far, within the last 2 weeks, I've seen three 'things' in the sky that sure aren't Aeroplanes. Last week and this morning, I seen something that looked like a star (it's reflecting, sparkling Aura rather puzzled me), moving along the sky, and funnily enough it's been the same location where I seen it the first time (me traveling through a certain part of Swansea viz train - same spot etc) and this morning about 6:30, on my way to the train station, I spotted a red/brown-ish object, as …
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When you off on your Jolly Holidays How are you? You n Kelz have a good time at Polys
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Do the moving pictures people have posted still move when the post isnt open?
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Read all about it ! Jesus, what the f*ck is the world coming to ?! Fools !
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it looks like dom has taken over the role. and ginge is back in full swing with the weird shit he finds lol
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Anyone used this yet ? I know it's interface is very much like OSX (which puts me off), but is it really any better than XP ?
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I think you played that very well lad ! Good sport, good sport ! Dwarf shagger.
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OMG you mad mad mad mad people Only that could happen to you to Steph's back home safe & sound I'm just about back to 'normality' Brilliant seeing the pair of you Sunday ... Had us in stitches ... WICKED set Mr R Where's Eddie
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