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Does anyone have one of these ? If so, what are they like ? Navigation ? Spec ? Features and Functions ? Applications ? Marks out of 10 ? I like the look of it. It looks pretty neat.
Did you buy your Saxo brand new ? How much are VTRs brand new / second hand (if you know, like) ? I know sweet FA about cars but as you own my favourite car . I'm hoping to either get one on finance or possibly look for a nice used one untill I have funds to get a new one from the showroom. How much insurance do you rekkon I'd be looking at paying for a girl of my beautiful age ? Honest replies only please.
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It’s now day three in the tidy house as we all recover from a hectic weekend and a frenetic few weeks leading up to our tenth birthday party. We say ‘ours’, as this was everyone’s party. You, our brilliant tidy crowd, made the night for us, the tidy staff. From singing happy birthday to us at eight thirty before the doors had even opened until 6.00am when you just would not go home – we salute you!!! There are some points that we also think need clearing up for you so that you get the real answers, not just conjecture on the board. There has been some speculation that we were responsible for turning off the water in the toilets. Do you honestly think…
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£5 toilet roll total value: £1000 would you buy a toilet roll for a grand???
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It's still warm ! :s I dont' EVER remember a September being this warm. I left my house at 6:30 this morning and it's pissing down with rain yet it's still bloody warm. Strange - but I love it. Hurry up Winter and the early dark evenings / mornings !
It's pretty damn fun ! I've got my Charlie to say 'helloooooooo !' in the most babiest of voices, and it sounds pretty nifty !
I had a root filling last week which cost me about £60-70. Today, I was muching away, as yu do, on a packet of Crisps. Unknown to me my tooth must have crumbled and slid down the gullet along with my crisps. Now, I had this tooth done last bloody week, I have to go up tomorrow morning first thing to see the Dentist, should I be paying for the work that now needs to be fecking done on this tooth that was done last week, that has now half crumbled ? My dentist is a good dentist, the first dentist I had when I was a kid ruined my teeth i.e fillings that needed done, which he didn't do, which caught up with me as I got older (srsly, don't come near me with a magnet).
i have been seeing this bloke for a few days now. i thought i liked him but turns out im wrong. i dont know what to do now cuz he keeps sayin he likes me ALOT! its all movin to fast for me etc he is really clingy and always has to cuddle me or kiss me im not sure what to do or how to let him down. i aint been in a proper relationship for just over a year but i still dont think im ready im enjoyin the care free life too much what shud i do
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I've got this one as my desktop wallpaper... Heres that first one again coz the link dont work no more.
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online mix live from 5pm by matt hinton in windows Media Player Go To File, Open URL, And Copy And Paste This Link
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I was just looking at who's online now and we have 4 members and 20 guests just browsing.... Why not just join the site? It's only take 5 minutes and u can join in all the fun and banter that goes on- it really is a lot more fun adding your comments and oppinions than just reading our rants and raves
sorry chick might not be able to come and say hi as im workin i wont even be able to go insisions
this place is dead what up...? everybody working? what u lot work as? im in college so its kinda a skive which is why i have time to post at the minute...
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